It is now 11:51, 11.22.21, and RDC chaiman Rickie Nez kept asking RDC member Mark Freeland is he signed as co-sponsor of 0228-21 and finally Freeland said yes. And so now Rickie Nez wants 0228-21 added to RDC agenda.
The Report by DED Project manager Tony Perry was Short & Unanimously Accepted by RDC. Rickie Nez suggested a Tour of NGS Railroad & a meeting with those chapters impacted by NGS Railroad.
The RDC voted 5 in favor, zero opposed on 0228-21, which sends ti to the Naabik’iyati Committee for Final Action. RDC did not debate on Legislation 0228-21: An Action Relating to Resources and Development Committee and Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Approving the Proposed Consent Decree Regarding the Closed Fort Wingate Depot Activity
The Purpose of this Legislation to Approve the Proposed Consent Decree Regarding the Closed Fort Wingate Depot Activity, Attached as Exhibit A, and Authorize the President of the Navajo Nation to Execute the Same.
RDC adjourns at 11:57 am, 11.22.21. RDC chaiman Rickie Nez says Happy Thanksgiving to all and God bless you.
It is now 11:34 am, 11.22.21, and the Resources & Development Committee has started hearing from Tony Perry, project director for Navajo Nation Division of Economic Development: Report from the Division of Economic Development on the Railroad Track and the Aftermath of the Closure of the Navajo Generating Station. Presenter: Anthony Perry, Department Manager, Project Development, Division of Economic Development
The RDC votes 3 in favor, zero opposed on Accepting “Update Report from the Division of Community Development, Office of the Controller, and Office of Management and Budget on Legislation No. 0206-21 as it Relates to Providing Updated Documents to the Legislation. Presenter: Pearl Yellowman, DCD; Elizabeth Begay and Robert Willie, OOC; and Dominic Beyal, OMB”
Thomas Walker Green, Kee Allen Begay NoVote; Herman Daniels Green; Mark Freeland NoVote; Wilson Stewart Jr. Green
it is now 11:24 am, 11.22.21, and RDC chairman Rickie Nez calls on OMB dierctor Dominic Beyal regarding Update Financial Reports from Navajo Division of Community Development director Yellowman. Beyal says he’ll be waiting for Yellowman’s memo which OMB will support or not, which depends on her Financial Update.
Navajo Council attorney Kahn asking Yellowman to make her MEMO FINANCIALY DETAILED so any CHANGES to Emergency Assistance Budgets of 110 Chapters are Clearly Identified & JUSTIFIED.
It is now 11:20 am, 11.22.21, and RDC chairman Rickie Nez calls on ASC Dept Manager S. Martin to report.
She says unfortunately our MIT system not set up to give alerts. but ASC staff monitoring and chapter officials are trained in assisting in monitoring with chapter staff.
Monthly compliance review by ASC staff.
And that’s ASC Dept Manager S.Martin’s report.
It is now 11:15 am, 11.22.21, and RDC chairman Rickie Nez says that on Oct. 28, I made Tabling Motion on 0206-21, and financial amounts have changed and Yellowman provided some updated numbers. Can we use as Exhibits for Amendments.
He tells Yellowman to issue memo to Council on her financial balances of 110 chapters,
Yellowman saying Navajo mandated law for how funds are distributed to 110 chapters on a 50-50 formula is not being used becaue of “equity.” She says the DCD will distribute the $1.8M based on Need.
Yellowman says she’ll do what Kahn recommended for written memos to Council on Updated Financial Documents.
It is now 11:09 am, 11.22.21, and RDC chairman Rickie Nez called on Navajo Council attorney Kahn for guidance. Kahn says RDC
heard from Division of Community Development & OMB and so have DCD director Yellowman put her verbal report in writing to Council.
OMB director Beyal was not an Update but his concerns about what he has not received & what he recommends. And so have Beyal put his verbal report in writing.
She emphasizes that she Heard No Amendment. She added that she heard from DCD director Yellowman that Funds that she ID for each Chapter are needed by the chapters. Kahn also reminds RDC that the Council directed Yellowman, OMB, Controller to UPDATE FINANCIAL RECORDS.
It is now 11:05 am, 11.22.21, and the Resources & Development committee vice chairman Thomas Walker Jr., who is sponsoring 0206-21 $1.9M for 110 Chapters, says he also was OK with the Update Financial Reports from Navajo Nation Office of the Management and Budget & the Controller’s Office. SMH!!!! 😂🤣
it is now 11 am, 11.22.21, and Resources & Development committee chairman Rickie Nez says thank you to Office of Management & Budget director Dominic Beyal and Controller worker for their Reports. 😂🤣😂🤣@Rickie Nez, There was ZERO REPORT from Controller’s Office. There was no Acting Controller Elizabeth Begay. There was no Delegated Controller. The usual Controller staff reporting, Robert Willie, was also ABSENT.
It is now 10:58 am, 11.22.21, and the Resources & Development Committee chairman Rickie Nez calls on Acting Controller Elizabeth Begay for Update on Legislation 0206-21, $1.9M for Emergency Assistance for 110 Chapters.
Natasha Damon gets on line and says he is sitting in for Controller, and doesn’t know what is going on,
RDC member Mark Freeland says Correct Info needs to be Disseminated. For us in Eastern, we are still in a major declaration. He says he is going to Call for a Council Special Session on Nov. 27, 2021.
It is now 10:53 am, 11.22.21, and the Resources & Development Committee is hearing a Report from OMB Beyal, who says he sent emails to Controller Elizabeth Begay, Yellowman for Yellowman to use one data base cuz of Confusion over Figures/Balances Changing depending on Month.
And now he says Yellowman is saying she will stand on her numbers.
He recommends that Controller monitor Chapters so don’t get into Significant Deficits, which Naabik’iyati questioned. Who is Monitoring? Who is Controlling? Perhaps Tools to Monitor need to be Strengthened, perhaps with Controller advice.
He says Navajo Dept of Justice needs to be Involved cuz of Legal Questions. Those are the commeents that OMB gave to Yellowman and OMB has not heard back from Yellowman until Today.
It is now 10:41 am, 11.22.21, and Please Tune into Resources & Development Committee meeting to Find Out how Navajo politics gets Ridiculous…
Yellowman saying 110 chapters balances are Current. She doesn’t give Details. She said she is going to address “equity.” and what is message to chapters that overspent. She adds that some Chapters Remain as Points of Distribution, which means chapters stayed open, such as Chinle, and so the Chinle Agency, which needs $50,000 to get out of the Red, has requested $132,993 in emergency assistance. And after $50,000 subtracted, the Chinle Agency will receive $82,993 to be distributed among 14 chapters.
Yellowman says the $1.9M is not a Bail Out. She reminded RDC that DCD has been asking for $25,000 threshold for each chapter, and the $25,000 comes from Navajo Emergency Management. She also says that the $1.9M is the DCD’s Fourth Attempt to get Financial Assistance for Chapters with Audit Findings.
It is now 10:22 am, 11.22.21, and
RDC Vice Chairman Thomas Walker Jr asked Council attorney Kahn what happens if RDC does not Update Legislation 0206-21 by the Time Limit of Nov. 27, 2021, given by the Naabik’iyati Committee when they Tabled 0206-21.
0206-21 is for $1.9 million in Emergency Assistance for 110 Chapters.
Rickie Nez saying when Council Tabled $1.9M that they needed Update in 30 Days with Updated Information. Legislative Staff saying that if 0206-21 is not back before Naabik’iyati Committee then 0206-21 Dies.
RDC vice chairman Thomas Walker Jr says Everything in 0206-21 has been Updated, but he hasn’t seen the Updates.
I’m getting the Feeling that 0206-21 is SO MESSED UP that RDC/Thomas Walker/Pearl Yellowman will use the 30 Day Dealine as an Exucse to DUMP 0206-21. Walker also said that 0206-21 has also been in the news.
RDC chairman Rickie Nez advising Thomas Walker to request special RDC meeting on Nov. 27 and RDC could sign off on 0206-21 to meet deadline.
Legislative staff saying 0206-21 started in August and when got drafted, it was October. And then Chief Legislative Counsel asked for Balances of Chapters and Why Two Different Submissions. And that got mixed up with overall presentation. Had all Documents from Yellowman, Controller’s Office, Office of Management & Budgets,
It is now 10:18 am, 11.22.21, and the Resources & Development Committee chairman Rickie Nez called on Navajo Nation Division of Community Development Director Pearl Yellowman to Update the RDC on Legislation 0206-21 which includes Reports from Office of the Controller, and Office of Management and Budget on Legislation No. 0206-21 as it Relates to Providing Updated Documents to the Legislation. Presenter: Pearl Yellowman, DCD; Elizabeth Begay and Robert Willie, OOC; and Dominic Beyal, OMB
It is now 10:17 am, 11.22.21, and the Resources & Development Committee, without Debate, voted 5 in favor, zero opposed on
Legislation #0240-21: An Action Relating to Resources and Development and Budget and Finance Committees; Approving a Change in Exhibit D to Resolution No. CAP-35-18 for Coyote Canyon Chapter by Deleting Certain Projects and Purchases and Approving the Use of Funds for the Purchase of New Equipment and for the Chapter Parking Lot/Landscape Project Instead. Sponsor: Honorable Pernell Halona
It is now 10:11 am, 11.22.21, and the Resources & Development Committee called on Delegate Pernell Halona to Begin Debate on Halona’s Legislation #0240-21: An Action Relating to Resources and Development and Budget and Finance Committees; Approving a Change in Exhibit D to Resolution No. CAP-35-18 for Coyote Canyon Chapter by Deleting Certain Projects and Purchases and Approving the Use of Funds for the Purchase of New Equipment and for the Chapter Parking Lot/Landscape Project Instead. Sponsor: Honorable Pernell Halona
It is now 10:09 am, 11.22.21, the Resources & Development Committee voted 4 in favor, zero opposed
Approving to Reschedule the Leadership Meeting with DED, DCD, DNR, DOT and EPA to Develop Plans for the Construction of Office Buildings in all Five Agencies for the Recommended Date of January 7, 2022 at 9:00 a.m.
Unofficial Voting Talley:
Thomas Walker Green, Kee Allen Begay Green; Herman Daniels Green; Mark Freeland Green;
It is now 10:07 am, 11.22.21, and the Resources & Development Committee voted 4 in favor, zero opposed to Approve the Rescheduling of the Leadership Meeting with Navajo Environmental Protection Agency and the Five Agencies on Grazing Areas where there is Illegal Dumping of Trash for the Recommended Date of January 6, 2022 at 9:00 a.m.
Voting Talley:
Thomas Walker Green, Kee Allen Begay Green; Herman Daniels Green; Mark Freeland Green
It is now 10:04 am, 11.22.21, and the Resources & Development Committee APPROVED a Work Session with Navajo Environmental Protection Agency, Navajo Abandoned Mine Land, Navajo Uranium Workers Program, U.S. EPA and the U.S. Department of Energy to Discuss the Navajo Abandoned Uranium Mine Update for the Recommended Date of January 4, 2022 at 9:00 a.m. at Fire Rock Casino.
VOTE, 5 in favor, zero opposed
Thomas Walker Green, Kee Allen Begay Green; Herman Daniels Green; Mark Freeland Green; Wilson Stewart Jr. Green
It is now 10:01 am, 11.22.21, and the Navajo Council Resources & Development Committee debating Meeting at Twin Arrows on Dec. 22:
RDC approved meeting at Twin Arrows Casino & Resort, 5 in favor, zero opposed.
Thomas Walker Green, Kee Allen Begay Green; Herman Daniels Green; Mark Freeland Green; Wilson Stewart Jr. Green
It is now 10 am, 11.22.21, and the Navajo Council Resources & Development Committee Approved:
A. Legislation #0207-21: An Action Relating to Resources and Development; Approving Amendment No. One (1) Between the Navajo Nation and Mid-America Pipeline Company, LLC for the #701 Pipeline. Sponsor: Honorable Wilson C. Stewart, Jr. Co-Sponsor: Honorable Seth Damon
Freeland – Daniels MOTION
RDC votes 5 in favor, zero opposed on 0207-21
Thomas Walker Green, Kee Allen Begay Green; Herman Daniels Green; Mark Freeland Green; Wilson Stewart Jr. Green
It is now 9:58 am, 11.22.21, and
The Following – B. Report from the Division of Economic Development on the Railroad Track and the Aftermath of the Closure of the Navajo Generating Station. Presenter: Anthony Perry, Department Manager, Project Development, Division of Economic Development – is a Report on the Resources & Development Committee Agenda, 11.22.21.
The RDC voted to go to Legislation and then Return to Reports. There are Two Reports. The other Report is an Update on the $1.9M Emergency Assistance for 110 Chapters. But the Other Legislation on the RDC agenda Concerning the Scheduling of RDC MEETING, including one at Twin Arrows Casino: Approving a Two-Day RDC Strategy Session at Twin Arrows Casino Resorts for the Recommended Date of Monday, December 27th and Tuesday, December 28, 2021 at 9:00 a.m.
It is now 9:30 am, 11.22.21, and Resources & Development Committee chairman Rickie Nez asked his committee to make a motion for the Committee to begin work on Old Business Legislation and the first Legislation is A. Legislation #0207-21: An Action Relating to Resources and Development; Approving Amendment No. One (1) Between the Navajo Nation and Mid-America Pipeline Company, LLC for the #701 Pipeline. Sponsor: Honorable Wilson C. Stewart, Jr. Co-Sponsor: Honorable Seth Damon
Greetings Relatives/Frens/Humans, The Navajo Nation Council Resources & Development Committee is having ANOTHER SPECIAL Meeting today, 11.22.21, Monday. And on the RDC Proposed Agenda is an UPDATE REPORT from Navajo Division of Community Development Pearl Yellowman, Ph.D., on Why & How a Majority of the Navajo government’s local governments, the 110 Chapters, are Thousands of Dollars in the Red & so this Proposed Emergency Assistance will be Getting Most of the Chapters our of a Deficit. But the chapters that are not in the Red, will not get Additional Emergency Assistance if their Balance is more than $25,000. WTH!!!! SMH!!!! Good Grief!!!! And who are the Navajo Council Delegates Sponsoring this BAIL OUT during a PANDEMIC? They are Resources & Development Committee Vice Chairman Thomas Walker Jr., who by the way was involved in the Council Slush Fund Thief, who is the Main Sponsor. The Co-Sponsors are Resources & Development Committee member Mark Freeland, Speaker Seth Damon, former Budget & Finance Committee chairman; and Chinle Council Delegate Eugene Tso,
May Peace Prevail on Mother Earth
Monday, November 22, 2021, 9 a.m.
PRESIDING: Honorable Rickie Nez, Chairperson
Honorable Thomas Walker, Jr., Vice-Chairperson
LOCATION: via Telecommunications
Call-In Number: 1-669-900-6833
Zoom Meeting ID: 732-628-2566
Passcode: 86515
- Call Meeting to Order; Roll Call; Invocation; and Announcements;
( ) Rickie Nez Location: ________
( ) Thomas Walker, Jr. Location: ________
( ) Kee Allen Begay, Jr. Location: ________
( ) Herman M. Daniels Location: ________
( ) Mark A. Freeland Location: ________
( ) Wilson Stewart, Jr. Location: ________ - Recognizing Guests and Visiting Officials:
- Reviewing and Approving the Agenda:
M: S: V:
Roll Call Vote: TWalkerJr ( ) KABegayJr ( ) HMDaniels ( ) MAFreeland ( ) WStewartJr ( ) RickieNez ( ) - Reviewing and Approving Journal(s): None.
M: S: V:
Roll Call Vote: TWalkerJr ( ) KABegayJr ( ) HMDaniels ( ) MAFreeland ( ) WStewartJr ( ) RickieNez ( ) - Receiving Reports:
A. Update Report from the Division of Community Development, Office of the Controller, and Office of Management and Budget on Legislation No. 0206-21 as it Relates to Providing Updated Documents to the Legislation. Presenter: Pearl Yellowman, DCD; Elizabeth Begay and Robert Willie, OOC; and Dominic Beyal, OMB
M: S: V:
Roll Call Vote: TWalkerJr ( ) KABegayJr ( ) HMDaniels ( ) MAFreeland ( ) WStewartJr ( ) RickieNez ( )
B. Report from the Division of Economic Development on the Railroad Track and the Aftermath of the Closure of the Navajo Generating Station. Presenter: Anthony Perry, Department Manager, Project Development, Division of Economic Development
M: S: V:
Roll Call Vote: TWalkerJr ( ) KABegayJr ( ) HMDaniels ( ) MAFreeland ( ) WStewartJr ( ) RickieNez ( ) - Old Business:
A. Legislation #0207-21: An Action Relating to Resources and Development; Approving Amendment No. One (1) Between the Navajo Nation and Mid-America Pipeline Company, LLC for the #701 Pipeline. Sponsor: Honorable Wilson C. Stewart, Jr. Co-Sponsor: Honorable Seth Damon - New Business:
A. Legislation #0228-21: An Action Relating to Resources and Development Committee and Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Approving the Proposed Consent Decree Regarding the Closed Fort Wingate Depot Activity. Sponsor: Honorable Edmund Yazzie
M: S: V:
Roll Call Vote: TWalkerJr ( ) KABegayJr ( ) HMDaniels ( ) MAFreeland ( ) WStewartJr ( ) RickieNez ( )
B. Legislation #0240-21: An Action Relating to Resources and Development and Budget and Finance Committees; Approving a Change in Exhibit D to Resolution No. CAP-35-18 for Coyote Canyon Chapter by Deleting Certain Projects and Purchases and Approving the Use of Funds for the Purchase of New Equipment and for the Chapter Parking Lot/Landscape Project Instead. Sponsor: Honorable Pernell Halona
M: S: V:
Roll Call Vote: TWalkerJr ( ) KABegayJr ( ) HMDaniels ( ) MAFreeland ( ) WStewartJr ( ) RickieNez ( )
C. Approving a Two-Day RDC Strategy Session at Twin Arrows Casino Resorts for the Recommended Date of Monday, December 27th and Tuesday, December 28, 2021 at 9:00 a.m.
M: S: V:
Roll Call Vote: TWalkerJr ( ) KABegayJr ( ) HMDaniels ( ) MAFreeland ( ) WStewartJr ( ) RickieNez ( )
D. Approving a Work Session with Navajo Environmental Protection Agency to Discuss the Propose Water Reuse, Propose Changes in the Navajo EPA Plan of Operation, and Other Navajo EPA updates for the Recommended Date of January 3, 2022 at 1:00 p.m. at Fire Rock Casino.
M: S: V:
Roll Call Vote: TWalkerJr ( ) KABegayJr ( ) HMDaniels ( ) MAFreeland ( ) WStewartJr ( ) RickieNez ( )
E. Approving a Work Session with Navajo Environmental Protection Agency, Navajo Abandoned Mine Land, Navajo Uranium Workers Program, U.S. EPA and the U.S. Department of Energy to Discuss the Navajo Abandoned Uranium Mine Update for the Recommended Date of January 4, 2022 at 9:00 a.m. at Fire Rock Casino.
M: S: V:
Roll Call Vote: TWalkerJr ( ) KABegayJr ( ) HMDaniels ( ) MAFreeland ( ) WStewartJr ( ) RickieNez ( )
F. Approving to Reschedule the Leadership Meeting with Navajo Environmental Protection Agency and the Five Agencies on Grazing Areas where there is Illegal Dumping of Trash for the Recommended Date of January 6, 2022 at 9:00 a.m.
M: S: V:
Roll Call Vote: TWalkerJr ( ) KABegayJr ( ) HMDaniels ( ) MAFreeland ( ) WStewartJr ( ) RickieNez ( )
G. Approving to Reschedule the Leadership Meeting with DED, DCD, DNR, DOT and EPA to Develop Plans for the Construction of Office Buildings in all Five Agencies for the Recommended Date of January 7, 2022 at 9:00 a.m.
M: S: V:
Roll Call Vote: TWalkerJr ( ) KABegayJr ( ) HMDaniels ( ) MAFreeland ( ) WStewartJr ( ) RickieNez ( ) - Close of Meeting; Announcements; Adjournment. _
M: S: V:
Roll Call Vote: TWalkerJr ( ) KABegayJr ( ) HMDaniels ( ) MAFreeland ( ) WStewartJr ( ) RickieNez ( )
THE AGENDA IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE: The public is advised that the Navajo Nation Council Agenda and the Agendas of the Standing Committees are not final until adopted by a majority vote of the Navajo Nation Council or the Standing Committee at a Navajo Nation Council or a Standing Committee meeting pursuant to 2.N.N.C. §§163 and 183. Navajo Nation Council Rule of Order No. 7 and Standing Committee Rule of Order No. 8.