David Jordan, attorney for Dale Tsosie, one of presidential candidates that filed election complaint against presidential candidate Chris Deschene, tells Richie Nez, hearing officer, that his client is here to ask for the disqualification of deschene because he lied on his oath when he claimed that he spoke navajo language fluently. his client is not asking for a reversal of the election office and election board to certified deschene’s oath.
here at tribal office of hearings and appeals hearing on two election complaints filed against deschene by presidential candidates dale tsosie and hank whitethorne.
jordan continues to argue that Brian Lewis, deschene’s attorney, is wrong in asking that Nez dismiss election complaints because Tsosie and Whitethorne should have and should file their election complaints against election office and election board.
lewis continues to argue that Tsosie and Whitethorne had time to properly file against electin office and board.