Author Archives: Marley Shebala

About Marley Shebala

I am Dine' (Navajo) and Ashwi (Pueblo of Zuni) and I have been a journalists for more than 30 years on the Navajo Nation. I also taught myself how to use a camera, video camera, and social media. I am still learning. May Peace Prevail on Mother Earth!

Proposed 2024 Budgets for Navajo Veterans, Public Safety, Offices of the President & Vice President

Greetings Relatives/Frens/Humans, the Navajo Nation government is in the midst of budget hearings for its PROPOSED Fiscal 2024 operating budget for the Navajo government. According to a March 30, 2023, report on projected revenues for the Navajo Nation 2024 operating budget, there is $161.2 Million in Navajo general revenues available for the Navajo Nation government […]

NEW LEGISLATION, Confirmation of Former Navajo Council Speaker Lorenzo Bates to Navajo Nation Water Rights Commission, 7.27.23

Greetings Relatives/Frens/Humans, I hope everyone is safe & healthy. I just wanted to let everyone know that two pieces of legislation for the Navajo Nation Council Resources & Development Committee were dropped into the Navajo Council Legislative Process today, 7.27.23, and they have started the five-day comment period, and then the legislation are ready for […]

Goulding’s Lodge purchase has returned as EMERGENCY Navajo Council Legislation, 7.20.23

Greetings Relatives/Frens/Humans, the 25th Navajo Nation Council recessed day 4 of their annual five-day Summer Session at about 6 p.m., July 20, 2023. And about 5:35 p.m., July 20, 2023, I received an email a couple of EMERGENCY Legislation. One of the EMERGENCY Legislation is EMERGENCY Legislation 056-23, the Revived purchase of the Goulding’s Monument […]

Yaa’teeh Abini Relatives/Frens/Humans, the temperatures across Mother Earth are soaring. It was 100 degrees in Window Rock, Ariz., 7.4.23. Mother Earth, Father Sky & all of Life are in need of Prayers for Wisdom, Understand, Patience & Intelligence in making decisions for All of Life and that their decision making/debate includes Climate Damage. It is […]

Dilkon, Az Chapter Meeting, 6pm, 6.15.23

Ya’at’eeh Relatives/Frens/Humans, I hope everyone is a Most Peaceful & Productive Day. I’ll be Live Streaming the Dilkon Chapter meeting, which is scheduled to start at 6 pm (DST), 6.15.23, on my Marley Shebala Facebook page. I’ve attached the agenda, minutes, and resolutions.

Navajo Council Health, Education, Human Services Comm special mtg, Human Resources Div., 6.5.23, Twin Arrows Resort & Casino

Greetings Relatives/Frens/Humans, I hope everyone is having a Most Wonderful Day. Just FYI, the Navajo Council Health, Education & Human Services Committee is have a Special Meeting at the Navajo government’s Twin Arrows Resort & Casino, which is about 15 miles east of Flagstaff, Ariz., and just off the interstate, on the north side. And […]

$2.7M UUFB request by Navajo Executive & Legislative Branches for “expenses”, Naabik’iyati mtg, 11 am, 5.25.23

Ya’at’eeh Relatives/Frens/Humans, there’s some very interesting legislation going before the Navajo Nation Council Naabik’iyati Committee special meeting, May 24, 2023, Thursday, which includes Legislation 0098-23 – the request for about $2.7 million from the Navajo Nation Undesignated, Unreserved Fund Balance for “expenses” for the Executive and Legislative Branches. According to 0098-23, the $2.7M is expected […]

$60M Monument Valley hotel Purchase proposal returns & YouTube, Naabik’iyati mtg, 10 am, 3.9.22

Greetings Relatives/Frens/Humans, May the Sacred Holy Beings Bless us all, and that includes All of Life on Mother Earth and Between Mother Earth & Father Sky, with Nizhoni health & safety. The 25th Navajo Council Naabik’iyati Committee is scheduled to convene at 10 am, today, 3.9.23, in the Dine’ Female Hogan that our Navajo govt […]

Navajo Council Health, Education, Human Services Committee: Veterans’ Housing, 3.8.23, 10 am

PROPOSED AGENDA HEALTH, EDUCATION AND HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE 25th NAVAJO NATION COUNCIL REGULAR MEETINGMarch 8, 2023, 10:00 AMPRESIDING : Honorable Vince R. James, Chairperson, Honorable Germaine Simonson, Vice Chairperson PLACE : Budget and Finance Conference Room / OLS (In-Person)Via Telecommunications:Call-In Number: 1-669-900-6833 MTG ID: 979-985-0956Passcode: 86515Window Rock, NN (AZ) [ ] Helena Nez Begay [ […]

Navajo Council Resources & Development Committee: Public banned from Navajo govt mtg, 10 am, 3.8.23

Greetings Relatives/Frens/Humans, the Sacred, Holy Beings blessed us all with another Nizhoni Day to be Most Productive. I’ve been busy attending meetings of the Navajo Council Budget & Finance Committee and Law & Order Committee and a few chapters, which is why I didn’t see the following Announcement by the Resources & Development Committee: “Due […]