The Family Dollar store in St. Michaels, Arizona, which is a predominantly Navajo community, has applied for a liquor license to sell liquor in a predominantly Navajo community at a time when Navajo communities are suffering and dying from COVID-19, and so there can be no argument that the Navajo people are not vulnerable.
According to the written notice pasted on the entry door of Family Dollar Store in St. Michaels, Arizona, a liquor license hearing is at 8:30 a.m. (MST) before the Apache County Board of Supervisors in St. Johns, Arizona, July 21.
The Navajo people must Stand Up through Social Media to Unmask Family Dollar for what it is: Vampires/Zombies who are Mindless, Heartless and Live by sucking the Life out of Life.
Several people contacted Navajo Nation Council Delegate Amber Kanazbah Crotty, who has been a constant voice for victims of domestic violence. Reports from law enforcement and court show that domestic violence has dramatically risen due to COVID-19. Victims include children, elders, women, men, teens, Families.
Crotty asked me if Family Dollar notified the the surrounding community about their plans.
Family Dollar did not notify the community. Surprise, surprise…
I know people in the community and they were the ones immediately contacting me about Family Dollar’s written public notice on the door of their store in St. Michaels, Arizona, that Family Dollar applied for a liquor license. I remember how happy the community was when construction began on Family Dollar.
I also remember how the community welcomed Family Dollar on opening day. Sound familiar… It should because it’s history repeating itself. Indigenous people on this part of Mother Earth happily welcoming Christopher Columbus and other like him. History documents how our Nishoni relatives in the Caribbean learned that Columbus was a Serial Killer…the first of many Serial Killers who arrived on our homelands as Explorers to Discover us. I digress…
The individuals, who immediately began contacting me about Family Dollar’s sick plan to sell liquor in a predominantly Navajo community, surrounded by miles of other predominantly Navajo communities. did so because they are truly afraid. I am! They know, I know, you know, everybody on the Navajo rez, in border towns, nationally and even internationally know what happens when liquor is sold near Navajo communities. Family Dollar plans to sell liquor in a Navajo community when domestic is on the rise.
Navajo Council Delegate Crotty has repeatedly shared medical research and police reports that document the deadly relationship between alcohol and domestic violence among our Navajo families, teens, children, elders, the handicapable, veterans, Navajo government workers; law enforcement, Navajo government officials.
The Navajo Nation government must immediately Block the Family Dollar liquor license now, yesterday. Hopefully the Navajo government doesn’t call for another Study, but Calls for a Protection Order on Family Dollar because Family Dollar is mentally abusing Navajo residents, who see, feel this Public Hearing for a Liquor License as a Threat. And please, please, I hope I do not hear the Navajo government start talking about how Family Dollar’s liquor sales would certainly increase Navajo business tax coffers at a time when Navajo revenues have dropped because of the closure of Navajo Generating Station and Peabody coal mine.
Navajo People are feeling threatened and fear from a non-Navajo Nation business. And what is most hideous is that Family Dollar is making this move when our entire Homeland is under attack from a foreign disease, which has made the Navajo people and Navajo government vulnerable.
Alcohol is a foreign disease that the U.S. federal government approved as a legal drug to profit from. Alcoholism continues to plague our Dine’ people, and our Relatives from other Native American Nations. Is Family Dollar making this same inhumane, shameless, greedy, and deadly move for a liquor license at Family Dollar stores in Indian Country?
I remember years ago when, as young Navajo people, we protested the Gallup Inter-Tribal Indian Ceremonial for Exploiting Indigenous artists/dancers/People for Profit. One of our Protest signs had a huge drawing of an Indian nickel and under it, we arote: “The Only Indian that Gallup Cares About!” That was in the 70s. That sign is Timeless. Just delete “Gallup” and insert “Family Dollar”.
And what does “Family Dollar” mean? SMH. One thing for sure, Family Dollar has shown that it is totally committed to sucking every dollar out of our Navajo Families at any cost.
Are our Elected Officials going to be politicians? Or are they going to be our Warrior Leaders of the Past and Kick Family Dollar off of our Homeland?