Dilkon, Ariz., Chapter Meeting, 9 am, 12.12.23

Ya’at’eeh Relatives/Frens/Humans, this is just a reminder that the Dilkon, Ariz., Chapter is having its monthly chapter meeting at in the Dilkon Administion Building starting at 9 am (DST) on Dec. 12, 2023.

There are three chapter resolutions that will go before the Dilkon Chapter members and they are:

1. Supporting & Approving seven Dilkon Chapter In-House Policy and Procedures.
a. Dilkon Chapter Student Financial Assistance and Enrichment Program Policy & Procedures.
b. Dilkon Chapter Public Employment Program (PEP) Policy & Procedures.
c. Dilkon Chapter Laptop/Technology Loan Policy.
d. Dilkon Chapter Employee and Chapter Official Laptop Agreement Policy.
e. Dilkon Chapter Guidelines for Proper Care of the Laptop Assigned Policy.
f. Dilkon Chapter Laptop Acceptance Form.
g. Dilkon Chapter Employment Application Form.

2. The Dilkon Chapter approves & supports amending the Dilkon Chapter FY2024 Budget, Budget Code 8075 Co-Stipends Chapter Budget in the amount of $1,500 to use for November 2023 Chapter Official’s Stipend Pay for November Chapter Meeting held on December 5, 2023; and the Dilkon Chapter approves and supports the Dilkon Chapter November 2023 Chapter Official Chapter Meeting Stipend Pay in December 2023 to comply with Title 26 of the Navajo Nation Code Navajo Nation Local Governance Act Chapter 2, Chapter Government Subchapter 5, Section 1002, Meeting, Meeting Notice Requirement, Compensation of Chapter Officials, (2)(b) Each Chapter president, vice president, secretary/treasurer shall be paid five hundred dollars ($500.00) each for one (1) regular Chapter meeting and one (1) Chapter Planning meeting per month in accordance with the approved fiscal year budget.

3. The Dilkon Chapter acknowledges that many of its community students utilizes the services of the T’iisyaakin Residential Hall, which includes but not limited to room and board, tutoring, counseling, recreation and other special services, and therefore are able to attend Holbrook High School; and T’iisyaakin Residential Hall has been sanctioned, approved and authorized by the Navajo Nation Board of Education and/or the Health, Education, and Human Services Committee to over-see the T’iiyaakin Residential Hall Incorporated, as a Grant Program under Public Law 100-297, and is funded by the Bureau of Indian Education and has the capacity to serve 128 student; and the Dilkon Chapter believes that it is in the best interest of the T’iisyaakin Residential Hall, its student’s families and the communities within its jurisdiction that the grant application is reauthorized for the T’iisyaakin Residential Hall.

There’s also a request for Dilkon Chapter registered voters to approve funds for a Dilkon Community Christmas Dinner. Community holiday events always brings the community together.

As I was reading the seven Dilkon Chapter In-House Policies, I couldn’t help but wonder Why Dilkon community members are being asked to approved In-House Policies. I mean, there are Navajo laws that mandate that all of the 110 chapters, which are the Navajo Nation’s local governments, to have In-House Policies regarding chapter funds, equipment, buildings, employees, scholarships, and other chapter assistance programs. And Dilkon chapter was certified as a Navajo Nation Local Governance Act Five Financial Management System chapter on Dec. 21, 2010, which means Dilkon Chapter passed the Navajo Nation Five Financial Management System. And the Navajo Nation Five Management System or FMS mandates In-House Policies. But it appears that Dilkon Chapter is Finally approving their In-House policies, 13 years later. And so how was Dilkon Chapter managing it employees, equipment, buildings, and funds since Dec. 21, 2010?

Maybe that’s why Dilkon Chapter Manage Margie Barton was placed on administrative leave without pay for a couple of weeks, which allowed for the Navajo Nation Ethics & Rules Office to start an investigation. Barton’s administrative leave ended with her removal and she announced that she was under investigation for stealing Dilkon Chapter funds during the Dilkon Chapter meeting in September. She emphasized that the investigtion had not shown that she had stolen any Dilkon Chapter funds.

But Barton is no stranger to investigations, which resulted in her conviction of violating the Navajo Nation Ethics in Government Act.

Barton appealed that decision to the Navajo Nation Supreme Court, which upheld Barton’s ethics violations, Barton’s immediate removal from her employment with the Navajo Nation Regional Behavioral Health Authority and her elected positions as Dilkon Chapter Secretary/Treasurer, and Dilkon School Board member.

Barton was also prohibited from bring employed by the Navajo Nation or seeking any Navajo Nation public office for five years. I attached the Navajo Nation Supreme Court’s Sept. 15, 2003, decision.

And 20 years later, Margie Barton is facing another Navajo government investigation, and this time, it is as the Dilkon chapter manager. Barton is no longer the Dilkon Chapter manager, but I’m wondering is what Barton, as Dilkin Chapter manager, was using to spend Dilkon Chapter Funds, hire chapter employees, repair the chapter & log cabin, and account for chapter funds, employees, buildings, laptops, desk tops, chapter office equipment, chapter heavy equipment, etc?

According to the Navajo Nation Division of Community Development, which oversees the 110 chapters, the DCD has a program to help the 110 chapters comply with Navajo Nation laws. That program is called the ASC or Administrative Service Centers.

According to DCD, the Purpose of the ASC is to Provide technical assistance and training for Chapters to become self-governing units of local government; Monitor and ensure Chapters comply with all Navajo Nation fiscal policies, procedures, and laws when tracking, receiving, allocating, and expending all funds; Assist Chapters in establishing sustainable Chapter operations; and Assist Chapters in preserving public trust in the government.

One of the ASC goals is to Train and provide technical assistance to Chapters by incorporating the Local Governance Act (LGA), Title 26 into the Chapter’s policies and procedures.

The Navajo Division of Community Development has two ASC employees assigned to Dilkon Chapter:

Dilkon ASC Office
Eunice Begay, Senior Programs & Projects Specialist (SPPS) Email: ejbegay@nndcd.org
Toni Mina, Administrative Services Officer (ASO) Email: tmina@nndcd.org

The following Invitaton to the Dilkon Chapter meeting at 9 a.m., Dec. 12, 2023, is from Dilkon Chapter Secretary/Treasurer Elizabeth Yazzie:

Good afternoon Everyone and Happy Holidays!

I’m forwarding the December Dilkon Chapter Meeting agenda and the financial reports for our upcoming meeting schedule for Tuesday, 9 am, MST, Dec. 12, 2023.

The meeting will be held at the Dilkon Chapter Administration Conference Room.

Have a great week-end.

Elizabeth Yazzie
Dilkon Chapter Secretary/Treasurer
Email: lizyazzie1220@gmail.com

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