Here at Navajo Board of Election Supervisors, where board is debating a motion by election board members Tom White and Ruth Watson to maintain Nov. 4 General Election, including the presidency.
Election board member Lenora Fulton reiterates that in her 1999 election complaint against a presidential candidate, her complaint was dismissed because she was a private citizen. And so when the primary election ended at 7 pm, all the presidential candidates, including hank whitethorne and dale tsosie, becams private citizens and so “my” case should apply.
Election board member Larry Biltah agrees with Fulton.
legislative attorney ron haven
whether you agree or not, the president must speak navajo and fluently and that will be decided by office of hearings and appeals. 1990 law mandates that presidential candidates shall speak navajo fluently.
you can hold election on nov. 4 but no one knows who will be on the ballot for presidency. how can we hold election when we don’t know who the presidential candidates are. and that will be decided on friday and then there cud be an appeal.
Election board president Wallace Charley
52,047 voters must be respected and that includes the election board.
Election office director edison wauneka
i will comply with board’s decision but i want to caution you that the board’s decision to maintain nov. 4 general election will prompt Council to get involved.
Election board president Wallace Charley
And the council will have to deal with 52,047.
Election board member Lenora Fulton
we need to deal with rights of voters and candidates and so i make substitute motion to maintain nov. 4 general election for council and other positions but not presidency.
Fulton’s motion is seconded by Election board member Fannie George.
Election board member Tom White
Why will we exclude the presidency election? Let’s keep everyone on the ballot for Nov. 4 general election.
if we do this, election as is, we might send message to council to coordinate with election board any amendments to election law.
election board member fannie george
i’m concerned about financial campaign statements by all candidates and so i want to ask election office director edison wauneka if they were all submitted.
election office director wauneka
the two presidential candidates submitted their financial campaign statements but not all the council candidates.