Former Navajo Prez Hale says Bodaway-Gap has highest social problems

Naabik’iyati Committee listening to report from Confluence Partners.

i am asked how to protect special place and I say that the way is for people to understand why it is a special place, which is why I created Polynesian Cultural Center.

(20 minutes was given to Confluence Partners and then Hale given additional time ot close.)

We have with us, people from Boadaway Gap. They have given us support resolution and so we have support from Bodaway Gap, where community is like any community in Indian Country – highest unemployment, highest drop out, highest suicide, highest death due to alcohol, highest teen pregnancies. No surprise to you that Native youth in detention are three times above national average. So up to us is to look for solutions for youth and to address these social problems. this is one project that will move us in that direction and i urge you to look at this and ask questions and approach with open mind. we have further handouts and Keith wud talk about sacred sites. but with time limitations we are ready meet with you individually and give detial info and how Navajo Nation wud own everything and Confluence Partners would manage.

NO QUORUM AT 12:35 PM. Few minutes later, Committee gets quorum

we were lobbying in Congress and there was this fellow outside

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