Greetings Relatives/Frens/Humans, the Navajo Nation govt has been reviewing and approving the numerous proposed 2022 budgets of the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches. Council committees had their 2022 budget oversight committee hearings for the past several weeks. The Result is proposed Legislation 0182-21, which is titled, “An Action Relating to Budget and Finance and Naabik’íyáti’ Committees, and to the Navajo Nation Council; Approving the Navajo Nation Fiscal Year 2022 Comprehensive Budget; Waiving 12 N.N.C. § 820(I), § 860, § 840(B), 12 N.N.C. §§ 2001 et seq., and Resolution CF-07-11.” After Naabi takes action on Legislation 0182-21, it goes before the Navajo Council for final action. The Council has scheduled a three-day 2022 Budget Session on Sept. 8-10.
LAW & ORDER COMMITTEE CHAIRWOMAN Eugenia CHARLES-NEWTON: Haven’t started spending or talked about ARPA. And know lot of projects and programs will need ARPA funds. We have never talked about the many hats that Criminal Investigations wears, such as wearing a Medical Examiner Hat. I’m requesting that Carry-Over Funds from the Criminal Investigator 2021 Budget be allowed and that additional funds of $81,000 be appropriated to the Criminal Investigator 2022 Budget.
OMB BEYAL $3.5 Billon. august 31, 2021, memo to B&F, three branch chiefs about what funds available for 2022 Budget. I sent on Aug. 31 because B&F & all oversight committee recommendations were done o info provided on Aug. 31, Tuesday. On Sept. 3, Friday, is when B&F met again to finish final deliberations, decisions on their recommendations to the Naabik’iyati and Council for the proposed 2022 budget. In May, a memo was issued regarding additional funds. The B&F during their budget hearings heard from three branch chiefs, three branch programs, and oversight committee. Oversight committee recommended Unmet Needs Funding. Became primary source document for the $3.5 Million. Looking at Unmet Needs Report from Council & it lists Five Business Units as recommended for funding, including Kayenta, Shiprock police, internal affairs, training academy. Criminal Investigations not included.
B&F MEMBER AMBER KANAZBAH CROTTY: I support Charles-Newton amendment for $881,000 for CIs in their role as Medical Examiners. for past 7 yrs, council support criminal investigators budget, which have had little political support and that resulted in CIs carrying load of cases. And then president issued executive order for CIs to also be Medical Examiners. Difficult recruit to police officers and then transition into CI. Thank Henderson for sending budget forms in mid-August. This is a Need for govt. Don’t see increase in funding for CIs so I support CarryOvers. i also want to continue to work with CIs, who are our link to FBI and Attorney General Office. They need our help to build up Data Team. we are working with Indian Heath service to interpret data. We need that clear picture. Thank Charles-Newton and L&O member Eugene Tso for Seconding Charles Newton motion. Staff cud Email Five Year Plan to Delegates. Capital Outlay Match received $2M which is an annual allocation for projects with unmet needs. Division of Community Development requested to provide Total Unmet Needs. Each of the oversight committees also have that option to obtain Total Unmet Needs from their oversight divisions/programs.
LAW & ORDER VICE CHAIRMAN OTTO TSO says he’s concerned about nez&lizer line-item vetoing Additional Funding for Direct Services to the Dine’, such as additional funding for Criminal Investigators & Medical Examiner. And he said its nez&lizer responsibility to make sure that Programs, such as CIs, have adequate funding. That’s the job of nez&lizer. But its Council Delegates that often do their job. And it’s also Council Delegates who Push & Move division directors to provide Direct Services. And so I will be voting Red/No on any Amendments to the Proposed 2022 Budget for Additional Funds for Divisions & Programs.
RESOURCES & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEEE MEMBER KEE ALLEN BEGAY says he supports Delegate Otto Tso and adds that CI has 50 vehicles and 47 employees in 8 police districts. Where is the CI report regarding the number of Cases forwarded to federal prosecutors.
LOC VICE CHAIRWOMAN CHARLES NEWTON I agree that three branch chiefs decided what percentage of funds available for proposed Navajo Nation 2022 budget. I hear from many tribal employees about bullying and we have to tell our Dine’ employees we can’t get involved. Communcations don’t flow during annual Budget process & our division directors not asked what services needed and what services need funding. we all know as delegates that there are CarryOvers and that will continue until prez/vice prez really meet with division directors. if you talk with employees, they will say that there is not funds for services. And employees are afraid to talk to delegates. We have all seen those memos from nez&lizer to tribal employees to not talk to the Council Delegates. This Amendment came up at Law & Order Committee but no info on Unmet Needs, General Wage Adjustment. Vice Chairman Otto Tso asked about those. RDC member Kee Allen Begay is concerned about Funding a Catering Budget, $3,200 for your agency. Officers with this funding get water, small snacks to carry in their unit when someone goes missing. I also questioned and saw as for parties but explained that even though Funds Classified as for Catering, the funds are for water and small snacks for officers to carry with them in their units. Delegates received Laptops, cell phones and other equipment and our police officers & CIs have outdated equipment, which is why I’m requesting additional funds for officers & CIs. Northern Agency needs 7 CIs but only 3. And the salary of a Medical Examiner would be double or triple the salary of former controller pearline kirk. i say that cuz some delegates were concerned about the salary of pearline kirk as Navajo controller. Reminder to Delegate Otto Tso that even though he said he would vote against carryovers, he voted Green/Yes at Law & Order Committee level for CarryOvers for public safety. Another Reminder is how Council/prez/vice prez tell tribal govt employees that this is the Budget Level that they have to provide Direct Services, instead of asking if the Funding Level is Adequate. It is now 12:10 pm, 9.7.21.
Charles Newton adds that is costs $4,620 for an autopsy, and that fee is taken from CI budget under their Medical Examiner Budget. And she said that when she proposed the Funding for the CI Medical Examiner, she wasn’t thinking about Funding for Chapters, which is what Resources & Development member Mark Freeland is concerned about. This additional funding for CIs/Medical Examiner removes any additional costs to families to bury their loved ones who lost their lives to COVID-19. I would not want to tell a family that they could face an additional cost of $2,000 to $4,000 for an autopsy if a Navajo Nation CI is unavailable.
RDC MARK FREELAND asks if there is sufficient funding from federal govt. (Navajo public safety funds come from federal govt) We need to hold federal Trustees accountable. The Divisions of Public Safety, Social Services, Health receive federal funding & we shud have a Work Session on how the federal govt funds direct services.
LAW & ORDER MEMBER EUGENE TSO says the Council needs to have only One standing committee so there won’t be a Debate that just goes round and round. I’ve been trying to go to other committee meetings and sometimes I’m told that I can’t attend because of lack of authority. My older sister went missing. Found her teeth but no answers. Younger sister ran off by vehicle, raped & left to die in cold weather. We need to back up our CIs and hiring of Medical Examiner to help our families get answers. We’re counting our pennies, quarters, nickels and asking where the money was spent. We are the govt and we shud all know what is happening, instead of getting piecemeal info from each committee. I know there are some delegates that oppose my One Committee Proposal but it’s probably cuz they feel they have more power as chairman or committee.
It is now 12:45 pm, 9.3.21
NAABIK’IYA Tl’ COMMITTEE OF THE 24th NAVAJO NATION COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING (VIA TELECOMMUNICATION) Call-in Number: (669) 900-6833; Meeting ID 928-871-7160; Password: 86515
Livestream will be available online at:
NNC Facebook:
Window Rock, Navajo Nation (AZ), Tuesday, September 7, 2021 -10 AM
PRESIDING CHAIR: Honorable Seth Damon, Speaker, 24th Navajo Nation Council
Elmer P. Begay; Nathaniel Brown; Amber Kanazbah Crotty; Chairman Jamie Henio, Vice Chairman Raymond Smith Jr., Jimmy Yellowhair.
Kee Allen Begay, Herman M. Daniels Jr., Mark A. Freeland; Chairman Rickie Nez, Wilson Stewart Jr., Vice Chairman Thomas Walker Jr.
Paul Begay, Pernell Halona, Vice Chairman Carl Roessel Slater, Charlaine Tso, Chairman Daniel E. Tso; Edison Wauneka
Chairwoman Eugenia Charles-Newton, Vince R. James, Eugene Tso, Vice Chairman Otto Tso, Edmund YazzieCALL MEETING TO ORDER; ROLL CALL; INVOCATION
(m) (s)
A. LEGISLATION 0182-21: An Action Relating to Budget and Finance and Naabik’iyati” Committees, and to the Navajo Nation Council; Approving the Navajo Nation Fiscal Year 2022 Comprehensive Budget; Waiving 12 N.N.C. § 820(1), § 860, § 840(B), 12 N.N.C. §§ 2001 et seq., and Resolution CF-07-11. SPONSOR: Honorable Jamie Henio, CO-SPONSOR: Honorable Amber Kanazbah Crotty, CO-SPONSOR: Honorable Pernell Halona
(m) (s) (v)
Livestream will be available online at:
NNC Facebook: