Naabik’iyati Committee debating Roll Vote versus Secret Ballot for Speaker selection

The Naabik’iyati Committee is having a heated debate on proposed amendment to Legislation 0005-15 An Action Relating To NAABIK’ IYATI’ And The Navajo Nation Council; Confirming ______________As Speaker Of The 23rd Navajo Nation Council.

The amendment, which is sponsored by Delegate Leonard Tsosie, is for an Open Roll Call Vote and for Ties to involve Seniority if the two candidates cannot agree on who should be the Speaker.

There are two main things. We should keep secret ballot and if there is a tie, the tie should not be broken by using seniority because it’s unfair to the new incoming delegates. I cannot support Roll Call Vote and Seniority used to break Tie Vote.

I also don’t support Seniority to break a Tie Vote.

Ask Delegate Tsosie about pleas from colleagues regarding their requests and then I’ll make my comments.

concern on #6, Roll Call Vote – how start? My concern is that Roll Call Vote influences potential voting when get to particular number. Roll Call Vote doesn’t support Navajo way, as Delegate Leonard Tsosie said in support of his amendment for a Roll Call Vote. I support Secret Ballot. And if want to make vote known then show how Delegates voted in Secret Ballot.

We ran on transparency. This is one of sacred votes you will take. You are selecting one of highest offices and people should know how you vote. I’m open to suggestion on how to do that. It’s not that I don’t like the new Council Delegates. What I learned from Coin Flip was that it was the wrong thing to do because I have received so many negative comments from people. And most governments, respect seniority, years of service. I’m not against any of you. I’m beginning to like all of you. I’m okay with starting Roll Call Vote from Z instead of A. We tried blacking out Voting Machine but there were problems. But we could try to blacken out Voting Tally Machine (that sits on wall on top of front wall of council chambers.) But remember we are electing leaders and our constituents want to know how we are voting. If you don’t want that then I think that you are hiding something.

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