Naabik’iyati Committee supports federal, state funding for Rocky Mountain Fever and Meth, Suicide, Domestic Violence prevention

The Navajo Council’s Naabik’iyati Committee, without debate, approves Legislation No. 0380-14: Relating to Health, Education and Human Services Committee and Naabik’iyati’ Committee; Urging the Arizona Federal Congressional Delegation and Arizona Senators and Representatives to Recognize and Acknowledge the Serious Threat that Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF) Poses to Public Health on the Navajo Nation and to Provide Urgently needed Funding to Implement a Comprehensive Navajo RMSF Prevention and Control
Program, and Legislation No. 0381-140381-14: Relating to Health, Education and Human Services
Committee and Naabik’iyati’ Committee; Approving the Navajo Nation Position that the Future IHS Funding Distribution to the Methamphetamine and Suicide Prevention Initiative (MSPI) and the Domestic Violence Prevention Initiative (DVPI) should continue to fund the Same Tribes, continue to distribute funds for a Five (5) Year Cycle, and Continue to Use the same Funding Formulat (Sponsor: Honorable Jonathan L. Hale)

The VOTE on 0380-14, 9 in favor, 0 opposed
The VOTE on 0381-14, 10 in favor, 0 opposed

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