Naabik’iyati Committee votes 12-0 on Legislation 0439-17 without debste because Speaker Bates announced that they are about to lose a quorum. 0439-17 is for $100,000 for Dine’ Education Standards, Curriculum, and Assessment Development.
Committee votes 13-0 on Legislation 0445-17, $1.6 million for Navajo Scholarship Office without debate. Moves to Council.
Committee unanimously support $425,950 for Navajo Judicial Branch, which is Legislation 0473-17. No debate. Moves to Council.
Committee unanimously approves 0005-18, accepting donation of property for Navajo police department. Naabi is final authority.
Committee previously Tabled Legislation 0432-17which seeks $2.8M for Navajo Area on Aging with vote of 11-3.
DELEGATE LEONARD TSOSIE says he’s concerned about several priorities listed in 0010-18 such as exposure deaths, which should be handled by Gallup NCI. He says priorities also include medical marijuana and sucides. if sending message to state we need to better format it. appears brought by lobbyists; there is attachment. school bus route is also not included.
DELEGATE SETH DAMON says he understands Delegate Tsosie’s concerns but this sets template. Fantasy Gaming included cuz negatively impacting Navajo gaming. Detox center part of exposure deaths. We could amend bill but in 2017 this bill sponsored by Delegate Kee Allen Begay and myself. We are trying to move today. New Mexico legislature started meeting yesterday and need to pass to submit recommendations and tools to NM legislature because Naabi doesn’t meet again for a few weeks. And regarding capital punishment, it says Navajo not taking sides but just monitor. Maybe time for Naabiliyati State Task Force to sit down with education groups. We are only in 30 day NM session. Several meetings have been scheduled with NM legislators and 0010-18 can provide a template.
DELEGATE LEONARD TSOSIE says that because NM legislature in session then Naabi should pass and plug in concerns at meetings with NM legislators. Recommend strike attachment from lobbyists otherwise looks like Council being lead around by lobbyists and strike any wording referring to lobbyists. Amendment One.
DELEGATE SETH DAMON says i can clearly understand suggestion from Delegate Tsosie but make sure all priorities in attachment are put into legislation. Otherwise, vote down Tsosie’s amendment.
COMMITTEE votes 0010-18, 13-0 with one amendment.