Navajo Budget & Finance Committee meeting, 10 am, 7.7.20

The Navajo Nation Council Budget & Finance Committee is meeting via TELECONFERENCE. The CALL NUMBER: is (425) 436-6375, and the PASSCODE: 805049. Please MUTE your phone because if your phone is not muted, everyone listening to BFC meeting can hear you.

The $300 million down payment to buy Remington is not on the BFC proposed agenda but it can be added to the agenda by any BFC member as the committee adopts its agenda..

Presiding: Jamie Henio, Chairperson
Raymond Smith, Jr., Vice Chairperson

Place: Via Teleconference Window Rock, Navajo Nation (Arizona)
Members Present:
_ Elmer P. Begay _ Jamie Henio
Nathaniel Brown _ Raymond Smith, Jr.
Amber K. Crotty _ _ Jimmy Yellowhair

  1. Call the Meeting to Order; the Roll Call; the Invocation;
  2. Recognize Guests and Visiting Officials
  3. Review and Adopt the Agenda
    M: S: Vote: Yeas: Nays
  4. Review and Adopt the Journal: none
    M: S: Vote: Yeas: Nays
  5. Receive Reports:
    a. Three (3) Branch Agreement – presented by Kristen Lowell, Attorney, Office of
    Legislative Counsel
    M: S: Vote: Yeas: Nays
    b. Update on the Nation’s Oil and Gas Revenues – presented by Pearline Kirk,
    Controller, Office of the Controller and others
    • Revenue Projection impacts to Navajo Nation Investment Portfolio
    • CARES Act Funding Received by the Navajo Nation
    • COVID Expenditures
    M: S: Vote: Yeas: Nays:
    c. Update on the FY2021 Comprehensive Budget Schedule – presented by
    Dominic Beyal, Director, Office of Management and Budget
    • 3 Branch Agreement
    M: S: Vote: Yeas: Nays
    d. Analysis of Eligible Costs for the implementation of CARES Act Funding – presented by Dominic Beyal, Director, Office of Management and Budget and Pearline Kirk, Controller, Office of the Controller
    M: S: Vote: Yeas: Nays:
    e. Update on the Covid 19/CARES Act Funding Received by the Navajo Nation
    – presented by Cordell Shorty, Contracting Officer, Office of Management and Budget
    M: S: Vote: Yeas: Nays
    f. CMY-44-20 CARES Act Fund Implementation of Directives – presented by Dominic Beyal, Director, Office of Management and Budget, Pearline Kirk, Controller, Office of the Controller and others
    M: S: Vote: Yeas: Nays
    g. COVID 19 related monetary donations and food, supply donations, etc. presented by Pearline Kirk, Controller, OOC, Doreen McPaul, Attorney General, DOJ, and Jill Jim, Director, Department of Health and others
    M: S: Vote: Yeas: Nays
  6. Old Business: none
    M: S: Vote: Yeas: Nays
  7. New Business:
    a. Legislation No. 051-20: An Actionm Relating to Resources and Development and Budget and Finance Committees; Approving a change in resolution CAP-35-18 Exhibit B No. 10 and Exhibit D No. 97 and No. 98 Ts’ah Bii Kin (Inscription House) Chapter project by amending the funding amounts Sponsored by Herman M. Daniels, Jr. Council Delegate
    M: S: Vote: Yeas: Nays
    b. Legislation No. 0141-20: An Action Relating to Budget and Finance and Naabikiyati Committees, and Navajo Nation Council; Approving Supplemental Funding from the Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance in the Total Amount of Four Hundred Forty-Seven Thousand One Hundred and Sixty-Six Dollars ($447,166) to the Navajo Election Administration Office; Waiving 12 N.N.C. §§ 820(E) and 820(F) of the Appropriations Act. Sponsored by Edison J. Wauneka, Pernell Halona, and Carl Slater, Council Delegates
    M: S: Vote: Yeas: Nays
    c. Legislation No. 0146-20: An Action Relating to Budget and Finance Committee; Approving the Navajo Nation Cares Funds Expedited Procedures and Application Instructions and Related Documents Sponsored by Raymond Smith, Jr., Council Delegate
    M: S: Vote: Yeas: Nays
    d. Scheduling
    M: S: Vote: Yeas: Nays
  8. Close of the Session; Written Announcements; Adjournment
    M: S: Vote: Yeas: Nays
    Next Regular Meeting: July 21, 2020 Navajo Nation Council Summer Session: Week of July 20, 2020

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