Navajo Council approves $366,000 for new Navajo Transit buses

Without debate the Navajo Council approves Legislation No. 0363-14363-14: Relating to Health, Education and Human Services, Budget and Finance and the Naabik’iyati’ Committee; Accepting a Federal Transit Administration Grant to the Navajo Transit System (New Business Unit) for $166,000.00 for the Purpose of Purchasing Two (2) Buses and Approving an Indirect Cost Rate of 10 Percent (%) (Sponsors: Honorable Nelson S. Begaye, Honorable Charles Damon

The vote on 0363-14, 14 in favor, 0 opposed

Council now on Legislation No. 0313-14: Relating to Budget and Finance Committee and Naabik’iyati’ and Navajo Nation Council; Amending Budget Resolution CS-46-14 and Approving the Reallocation of $243,728.00 of Fiscal Year 2015 General Funds to the Office of Legislative Services (Business Unit 101019) from General Fund Revenue Account
Sponsors: Honorable Alton Joe Shepherd, Honorable Jonathan L. Hale)

when started 2015 Budget, we had to cut back on funds for Legislative Services for Legislative District Assistants and so these funds would provide for staff for Navajo Hopi Land Development Commission, hiring of summer students, travel for staff to travel with standing committees, a new recorders, operating supplies, wireless services because When LDAs left, a lot of wireless cells services were not paid, digitize recording tapes of committee/council meetings for future reference, program funds. When we made request, Navajo Office of Management and Budgets made recommendations also.

I’d like to make Amendment to use re-occurring funds, which come from Legislative Branch allocation and are available for use and the use is appropriate for legislative services and staff.

amendment and legislation propose to spend more money. but first, i want to thank people for delicious lunch. remember that when spending money that this is the people’s money. i read letter to editor from Wally Brown and i agree with him. he was talking about how $554 million would just become a slush fund for government operations. we have been here four years and it seems like when we got eight new delegates that they had plans to reform government and they fulfssion. they made it more expensive. it seems like proposals from eight are for more spending and more red tape. this will impact government costs, salaries, fringe benefits, retirement, which add up to $40 million annually for salaries, fringe benefits, retirements. that $40 million could go to power lines, water lines. when are we going to stop ever growing cost of government. Speaker Pro Tem Bates I consider you as CEO and i see legislative staff sitting in your office. send them over to Navajo Hopi Land Development Commission and Office. We need to think about how to make government more efficient. Adding lawyers of personnel and services is not making government more efficient. I ask Council to oppose this legislation 0313-14.

These funds were already budgeted for legislative services and certain items. when operating budget sent to president, these funds were vetoed by president so those money are sitting idle in legislative account and they need to be spent. this legislation allows that. there is need for additional employees to cover standing committees and council. the legislative reporter will assist committees. there is proposal to hire police officer as security/sargent of arms.

in addition to that, we are looking to hire college intern during winter break. and under Mr. Platero, he has first hand knowledge of the legislative services, which involves adequate staff, maintaining records because some committees are not maintaining committee journals. we have talked with Mr. Platero about office aide and other staff. funds are already allocated and funds are there.

Agree with Delegate Curley. This is non-issue. The real issue is election. And when you say you are going to use non-reoccurring funds

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