Navajo Council Budget Comm hearing How $2B ARPA Spent, financial reports, 10.31.23, 10 am

Ya’at’eeh Abini/Positive Morning Greetings Relatives, I hope everyone, including the Winged Ones, the Ones that Crawl, the Four-Legged Ones, the Ones that Live in the Water, were safe & warm last night and today. We are experiencing Frigid weather.

Navajo Nation Council Budget & Finance Committee is scheduled to hear a Report on How the Navajo Nation has spent its ARPA funds. The Farmington Daily Times reported July 2, 2022, “Last year, the tribe receive two allocations under the ARPA. The first allocation was approximately $1.86 billion and the second was estimated at $217.91 million. State, local and tribal governments that received allocations have until the end of 2024 to decide how to use the money and the end of 2026 to spend it.”

The BFC is also Hearing a list of financial reports, which include housing funds for veterans, ARPA housing funds, and a report from Navajo Justice Dept about the Cost of funding Legislation 0230-23, which is sponsored by Council Delegate Andy Nez. According to 0230-23, “Sawmill Chapter’s needs have changed and it now wishes to change its purpose for the $68,794 allocated for its purchase of the 1-ton truck. “The Sawmill Chapter wishes to change
the purpose to “purchase a heavy-duty gooseneck trailer, AT, and UTV 4×4 with CAP 10 equipment.” The Chapter intends to use approximately the same amount of the $68,794 for its newly proposed purchases. Chapter Resolution No. SAW-08-14-23-06 is attached hereto as EXHIBIT B. CJA-01-21 established a deadline for the use of the approved Sihasin funds for the heavy equipment purchases for the 110 Chapters. This deadline was extended to December 31, 2023 by Resolution No. NABIJN-18-22. EXHIBIT C. “

There are two pieces of legislation on the proposed BFC agenda: 0238-23, which seeks Naabik’iyati Committee approval of a Contract with Indian Health Services for Emergency Services from 2024-29, and 0246-23, which seek $20M from Sihasin for Drought Insurance. I’ve attached both legislation.

The official title of 0238-23 is “An Action Relating to Law and Order, Budget and Finance, and Naabik’íyáti’ Committees; Approving and Authorizing a Contract Between the Navajo Nation and the United States Department of Health and Human Services Under 25 U.S.C § 5301 et seq. (P.L 93-638, as Amended) on Behalf of the Navajo Nation for a Six Year Term for the Period Beginning January 1, 2024 Through December 31, 2029 for Emergency Medical Services; Approving and Authorizing the Annual Funding Agreement and Scope of Work for the Contract Term.”

The title of 0246-23 is “An Act Relating to the Budget and Finance, Resources and Development, and Naabikiyati Committees, and to the Navajo Nation Council; Amending CMY-54-18 to Extend through Crop Year 2028 the Sihasin Fund Guarantee for the Navajo Nation’s Annual Premiums for the “Rainfall Index Pasture, Rangeland, and Forage Pilot Insurance Program” Administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.” The sponsors of 0246-23 are Resources & Development Committee Chairwoman Brenda Jesus & Budget & Finance Committee member Seth A. Damon

According to 0246-23, “The Navajo Nation hereby approves and adopts total funding, in the form of a reserve, from the Sihasin Fund in the amount of nineteen million eight hundred thirty-five thousand six hundred twelve dollars ($19,835,612.00) to the Navajo Nation Division of Natural Resources to implement the Sihasin Fund Pasture Range and Forage Expenditure Plan and establish the Agriculture Reserve Fund as follows:

  1. The nineteen million eight hundred thirty-five thousand six hundred twelve dollars ($19,835,612.00) shall be reserved and remain in the Sihasin Fund until such time as the Nation is required to make USDA’s Pasture Rangeland and Forage Insurance Program premiums for the 2017 through~ 2028 Crop Years.

In Resolution No. CO-57-16 the Navajo Nation created the Sihasin Fund Pasture, Range, and Forage Expenditure Plan along with the Agriculture Infrastructure Fund (“AIF”). CO-57-16 is attached hereto as EXHIBIT A. B.

The AIF is a source of funds for infrastructure projects on the Navajo Nation, the Navajo Partitioned Lands, and the former Bennett Freeze Area, which projects relate to range management and support, grazing and livestock, tribal ranches, fencing, farming and irrigation, agricultural water development, reservoirs, dams and catchments, watershed planning for agriculture, drought contingency and mitigation plans, and branding of livestock. EXHIBIT A.

C. To facilitate agricultural infrastructure development across the Navajo Nation and to provide financial stability against drought and other fluctuating environmental conditions, CO-57-16 authorized the Navajo Nation, through its Division of Natural Resources (“DNR”) and Department of Agriculture (“DOA”), to enroll in the “Rainfall Index Pasture, Rangeland, and Forage Pilot Insurance Program” (“PRFI Program”) administered by the United States Department of Agriculture (“USDA”). To participate in the PFRI Program, the Navajo Nation is required to pay an annual insurance premium. USDA covers between 51% and 59% of this cost for the Navajo Nation. EXHIBIT B.

D. When needed for drought seasons, USDA issues indemnity payments to the Navajo Nation. For Crop Years 2017 and 2018, Resolution No. CO-57-16 reserved $19,835,612 from the Sihasin Fund to guarantee that portion of the Navajo Nation’s annual premiums that are not covered by USDA.
E. For Crop Year 2017, USDA’s indemnity payments to the Navajo Nation exceeded the Navajo Nation’s portion of its annual premiums by $17,386,455. Therefore, the Sihasin Funds reserved under CO-57-16 were not needed or used for Crop Year 2017.”

Ahe’hee for Keeping an Eye on Navajo Govt!
May Peace Prevail on Mother Earth

Via Teleconference: 669 900-6833
Zoom meeting ID: 232 628 2566
Passcode: 86515
Presiding: Shaandiin Parrish, Chairperson, Carl R. Slater, Vice Chairperson
Place: Budget & Finance Committee Conference Room, Window Rock, Navajo Nation
Members Present:
_ Lomardo Aseret _ Seth A. Damon Shaandiin Parrish
Norman M. Begay _ Amber K. Crotty _ Carl R. Slater

  1. Call the Meeting to Order; the Roll Call; the Invocation;
  2. Recognize Guests and Visiting Officials
  3. Review and Adopt the Agenda
    M: S: Vote: Yeas: Nays
  4. Review and adopt the Journal: none
    M: S: Vote: Yeas: Nays
  5. Receive Reports:
    a. Creating Fiscal Efficiency by Applying the Budget & Finance Committee’s Priorities,
    Presenter: Dominic Beyal, Director, Office of Management & Budget
  • Identified challenges
  • Changes made thus far
  • Needed policy changes
  • Vision for the next 3 ½ years
    M: S: Vote: Yeas: Nays
    b. Recap of the FY24 Comprehensive Budget
    Presenter: Dominic Beyal, Director, OMB
    M: S: Vote: Yeas: Nays
    c. Universal Object Code for ARPA related SRAs
    Presenters: Sean McCabe, Interim Controller, OOC and Dominic Beyal,
    Director, OMB
    M: S: Vote: Yeas: Nays
    d. Single Audit Update –
    Presenter: Sean McCabe, Interim Controller, OOC
    M: S: Vote: Yeas: Nays
    e. Update Navajo Veterans Administration Re: Housing Funds
    Presenter: Bobbie Baldwin, Veterans Administration
    M: S: Vote: Yeas: Nays
    f. Update re: Housing Funds and ARPA Expenditure Rate
    Presenter: Arbin Mitchell, Director, Division of Community Development
    M: S: Vote: Yeas: Nays
    g. Update on U.S. Treasury’s Communication re: Navajo Expenditure of ARPA funds
    Presenter: Justin Ahasteen, Director, NNWO
    M: S: Vote: Yeas: Nays
    h. ARPA Eligible Costs as determined for Legislation No. 0230-23 by DOJ
    Presenter: Mel Rodis, Assistant Attorney General, Tax Unit, DOJ with Arbin Mitchell, Director, DCD
    o # of pending equipment purchases using ARPA defunded CARES funds since 2020 approved by NNC legislations
    M: S: Vote: Yeas: Nays
  1. Old Business: none
  2. New Business:
    a. Legislation No. 0238-23: An Action Relating to Law and Order, Budget and Finance, and Naabik’íyáti’ Committees; Approving and Authorizing a Contract Between the Navajo Nation and the United States Department of Health and Human Services Under 25 U.S.C § 5301 et seq. (P.L 93-638, as Amended) on Behalf of the Navajo Nation for a Six Year Term for the Period Beginning January 1, 2024 Through December 31, 2029 for Emergency Medical Services; Approving and Authorizing the Annual Funding Agreement and Scope of Work for the Contract Term
    Sponsor: Andy Nez, Council Delegate
    M: S: Vote: Yeas: Nays
    b. Legislation No. 0246-23: An Act Relating to the Budget and Finance, Resources and Development, and Naabikiyati Committees, and to the Navajo Nation Council; Amending CMY-54-18 to Extend through Crop Year 2028 the Sihasin Fund Guarantee for the Navajo Nation’s Annual Premiums for the “Rainfall Index Pasture, Rangeland, and Forage Pilot Insurance Program” Administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture
    Sponsors: Brenda Jesus and Seth A. Damon, Council Delegates
    M: S: Vote: Yeas: Nays
    c. Scheduling:
  3. Meeting with Navajo Nation President Buu Nygren
  4. Nov. 2 Priorities
  5. Rescheduling Nov.7th Election Day
  6. Attendance to TIBC meetings Nov. 6-10, 2023
    M: S: Vote: Yeas: Nays
  7. Close of the Session; Written Announcements; Adjournment
    M: S: Vote: Yeas: Nays
    THIS AGENDA IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. The public is advised that the Navajo Nation Council Agenda and the Agendas of the Standing Committees are not final until adopted by a majority vote of the Navajo Nation Council or the Standing Committee at a Navajo Nation Council or a Standing Committee meeting pursuant to 2 N.N.C. §§163 and 183, Navajo Nation Council Rule of Order

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