Greetings Relatives/Frens/Humans, the sole proposed legislation on the B&F Committee is 0311-20, which is requesting the Navajo Nation Council to appropriate $17.4M from the Nation’s Undesignated Unreserved Fund for the Navajo Health Command Operations Center.
According to Legislation 0311-20, which Navajo Council Delegate Carl Slater is sponsoring, the HCOC asked for Funding to contract “personnel” for alternative site care for patients throughout the Navajo Nation who are required to quarantine or isolate as a result of COVID-19 exposure.
The HCOC also stated that it’ll be using the $17.4M to “enable the Health Operations Command Center the ability to provide hire additional personnel to conduct public outreach through oral and video materials to educate the Navajo public on how to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Hopefully, HCOC won’t allow “personnel” hired to educate the Dine’ people to do what Navajo Nation President Jonathan Nez and Vice President Myron Lizer, plus the First Lady Phefelia Nez and Second Lady Dottie Lizer, did when they stated Educating us about COVID-19, which was to conduct Christian church services during the Navajo Nation Office of the President & Vice President Town Halls, Press Conferences, Updates on the Navajo Nation OPVP FAcebook and KTNN radio station.
I remember listening to VP Lizer and Second Lady Lizer Preach for 20 minutes of the 60 minutes paid to KTNN by Nez & Lizer with the Navajo people’s money to educate us about COVID-19. It is now December…and Nez & Lizer started preaching/educating in March. That’s TEN months! And the Nez-Lizer Health Command Operations Centers has NO EDUCATIONAL MATERIALS on a Global Pandemic for the Dine’ People?! SCARY!!!! And that is why I asked Nez & Lizer, from the beginning of the COVID-10 Global Pandemic, who was the Navajo Nation’s Health Expert? Does Navajo Nation Department of Health Director Jill Jim and Health Command Operations Director David Nez have medical degrees, medical experience? Jonathan Nez Nez & Lizer hand-picked Jim & Dave Nez to lead the fight to control COVID-19. And I asked Jonathan Nez & Lizer that same question on Dec. 17, 2020, which by the way I emailed to them, via their spokesman, Jared Touchin, on April 13.
I asked Jonathan Nez & Lizer about who the Navajo Nation’s medical expert was because of this Request from David Nez for $17.4M to EDUCATE us now about how to protect ourselves, our loved ones. TEN MONTHS LATER! Who does this? Dumb (Jonathan Nez) & Dumber (Myron Lizer). That’s who.
Oh yes, Dave Nez also wants to use some of the $17.4M to hire personnel for alternative isolation sites for the Navajo people who were exposed to COVID-19 and who were tested and are awaiting test results. I wrote a story about Dave Nez, Jim, J.Nez & Lizer response to the first Dine’ person who tested positive for COVID-10 on March 17, 2020. By the afternoon of March 17, two more Dine’ people tested positive. Jonathan Nez & Lizer and Indian Health Service reported that the three people were from Chilchinbeto
I called Chilchinbeto about 5 pm March 17. The two Dine’ ladies that answered said no one from the Navajo Nation Office of the President and Vice President, including Jonathan Nez & Lizer, David Nez, and Jill Jim had contacted them or arrived in Chilchinbeto, Arizona – the Navajo Nation’s first COVID-19 hot-spot.
Council Delegate Nathaniel Brown, who represents Chilchinbeto, reported to the Council that Dave Nez/Health Command Operations Center arrived March 19 or 20 and set up at the IHS Kayenta Hospital, which is a 30 minute drive from Chilchinbeto.
I recommend that before the Council approves $17.4M for J.Nez & Lizer/HCOC that there be an ACCOUNTABILITY CLAUSE in the appropriation which states that the $17.4M will be audited and paid for by J.Nez & Lizer. I have been asking J.Nez & Lizer for a WRITTEN, not verbal, REPORT of all the DONATIONS they received on behalf of the Dine’ people. I’m still waiting for the NEZ-LIZER DONATION REPORT. And as soon as I receive it, I will post the NEZ-LIZER DONATION REPORT here on my blog, Marley Shebala’s Notebook.
I do Hope & Pray that Dave Nez/HCOC will hire certified Navajo language interpreters, who are trained in translating Medical Terminology and not Health Terminology. There is a difference and that difference means life or death from COVID-19. But Dave Nez/Jill Jim/HCOC/J.Nez & Lizer should KNOW this by now…Right…?
December 22, 2020, Special Meeting 3 p.m.
Via Teleconference (928) 223-3955
Presiding: Jamie Henio, Chairperson
Raymond Smith, Jr., Vice Chairperson
Place: Budget and Finance Committee Conference Room, Window Rock, Navajo Nation
Members Present:
_ Elmer P. Begay _ Jamie Henio
Nathaniel Brown _ Raymond Smith, Jr.
Amber K. Crotty _ _ Jimmy Yellowhair
- Call the Meeting to Order; the Roll Call; the Invocation;
- Recognize Guests and Visiting Officials
- Review and Adopt the Agenda
M: S: Vote: Yeas: Nays - Review and Adopt the Journal: NONE
- Receive Reports: NONE
- Old Business: NONE
- New Business:
a. Legislation No. 0311-20: An Action Relating to Health, Education and Human Services, Budget and Finance, and Naabik’íyáti’ Committees, and Navajo Nation Council; Approving Supplemental Funding from the Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance in the Total Amount of Seventeen Million Four Hundred Twenty Thousand Four Hundred Eighty-Two Dollars ($17,420,482) to the Health
Command Operations Center Sponsored by Hon. Carl R. Slater; Co-Sponsored by Hon. Seth A. Damon
M: S: Vote: Yeas: Nays - Close of the Session; Written Announcements; Adjournment
M: S: Vote: Yeas: Nays
THIS AGENDA IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. The public is advised that the Navajo Nation Council Agenda and the Agendas of the Standing Committees are not final until adopted by a majority vote of the Navajo Nation Council or the Standing Committee at a Navajo Nation Council or a Standing Committee meeting pursuant to 2 N.N.C. §§163 and 183, Navajo Nation Council Rule of Order