Greetings Relatives/Frens/Humans, I posted all my Reporting & Comments about Day 3, 4.20.22, of the Navajo Nation Council Spring Session right here. Enjoy! And Ahe’hee/Appreciation for Keeping an Eye on the Navajo Government!

And if you would like to read what people are saying about my FB posts/Real Times News Reporting of Navajo Council five-day spring session, please visit my FB page:

It is now 10:48 am, 4.20.22, and the Navajo Council begins Day 3 Navajo Council Spring Session with Agenda Item (B) LEGISLATION 0209-21: which seeks Council Allocating of $68,025,000 in Síhasin Funds for the Navajo Nation Department of Water Resources to Complete Twelve (12) Water Connection Projects Across the Navajo Nation; and Approving the “2021 Water Connection Projects Expenditure Plan” Pursuant to 12 N.N.C §§ 2501-2508 (2/3)
SPONSOR: Council Delegate Amber Kanazbah Crotty
CO-SPONSOR: Council Delegate Seth Damon
Motion by Delegate Pernell Halona, Second by Delegate Raymond Smith

It is now 10:48 am, 4.20.22, and the Navajo Council begins Day 3 Navajo Council Spring Session with Agenda Item (B) LEGISLATION 0209-21: which seeks Council Allocating of $68,025,000 in Síhasin Funds for the Navajo Nation Department of Water Resources to Complete Twelve (12) Water Connection Projects Across the Navajo Nation; and Approving the “2021 Water Connection Projects Expenditure Plan” Pursuant to 12 N.N.C §§ 2501-2508 (2/3)
SPONSOR: Council Delegate Amber Kanazbah Crotty
CO-SPONSOR: Council Delegate Seth Damon
Motion by Delegate Pernell Halona, Second by Delegate Raymond Smith
RAYMOND SMITH wants to make an amendment involving NTUA, but Chief Legislative Counsel Dana Bobroff said that his Amendment that an attorney in her office drafted as an Amendment to 0209-21 is not legally sufficient.
DELEGATE KEE ALLEN BEGAY says this legislation is along the Gallup Water Line but when the Resources & Development Committee toured the Navajo- Gallup.Water Line, I saw that it only benefited Gallup. We need to revisit Navajo-New Mexico Water Settlement. Delegate Crotty is trying to fund water projects that New Mexico should be funding. But the water projects in Crotty’s Legislation 0209-21 are needed and need funding.
DELEGATE CROTTY says she agrees with Delegate Begay regarding a review by the Council of the Navajo – New Mexico San Juan Water Settlement. These water projects in 0209-21 are not part of the federally funded water projects under the Navajo-New Mexico Water Settlement.

It is now 11:20 am, 4.20.22, and COUNCIL DELEGATE EUGENIA CHARLES-NEWTON asks why Prez Nez vetoed this Request, when its Legislation for Funding for Community Water Projects. (Crotty sponsored similar Legislation before Council which Council Approved but Nez vetoed.)
COUNCIL DELEGATE ELMER BEGAY, who was among the former Council Delegates charged with pocketing some of the more than $30 Million from the Navajo Council’s discretionary emergency assistance, questions whether the community projects are Shovel Ready, and whether Funding for Crotty’s Legislation can come from ARPA instead of , $68,025,000 in Síhasin Funds. But Nez wants ARPA for his $1.1 Billion spending plan, and Nez vetoed this Funding Request before. Delegate Elmer Begay is grabbing at anything he can to derail community water projects. Wonder Why?
CROTTY says that the Legislation that Nez vetoed for community water projects also included funding for a building for the Navajo Nation Water Dept, which is fighting for Navajo Water Rights and to do work on water projects. Nez vetoed Funding for a Home for our Water Dept.

It is now 11:50 am, 4.20.22, and as COUNCIL DELEGATE ELMER BEGAY continued questioning community water projects seeking $68,025,000 in Shihasin Funds but then Everything Went Silent….

It is now 12:10 pm, 4.20.22, and the Navajo Nation Council is Off Social Media!

It is now 12:15 pm, 4.20.22 & Navajo Council on YouTube only & via Zoom Call-in Number: 1 (669) 900-6833. Mtg. ID: 928-871-7160. Passcode: 86515

It is now 12:20 pm, and Navajo Water Dept reports that the Navajo Nation needs a Plan on how to use its Water Rights for Economic Development because the Nation cannot just use community water projects to justify its water rights.
COUNCIL DELEGATE AMBER CROTTY says the Navajo Council needs to Develop a Plan for Bulk Water Projects from the Navajo Nation-New Mexico San Juan Water Settlement for Economic Development so the Council can Completely Support it.
RESOURCES & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEMBER WILSON STEWART JR asks if there are personnel to construct the Community Water Projects especially since the Navajo Water Dept doesn’t have a building for its workers. Where are we putting our people with funding? How is this working with IHS? (NOTE – Stewart has Legislation 0003-22 coming before Council and he’s asking for $900,000 from the Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance for the Navajo Division of Economic Development/Tourism Department for Personnel and Operating Expenses for the Remainder of FY2022; Waiving 12 N.N.C. § 820(E), § 820(F), and § 820(J) to Allow Use of the UUFB for Recurring Expenses (2/3)

It is now 1:20 pm,4.20.22, and the Navajo Council votes 22 in favor, zero opposed on Legislation 0209-21 to Allocate Allocating $68,025,000 in Síhasin Funds for the Navajo Nation Department of Water Resources to Complete Twelve (12) Water Connection Projects Across the Navajo Nation; and Approving the “2021 Water Connection Projects Expenditure Plan” Pursuant to 12 N.N.C §§ 2501-2508 (2/3)
Unofficial Voting Tally:
Elmer Begay Green; Kee Allen Begay Jr. Green; Paul Begay Green; Nathaniel Brown Green; Eugenia Charles-Newton Green; Amber Kanazbah Crotty Green; Herman M. Daniels Green; Mark Freeland Green; Pernell Halona Green; Jamie Henio Green; Vince James Green; Rickie Nez Green; Carl Slater Green; Raymond Smith Jr. Green; Wilson Stewart Jr. Green; Otto Tso Green; Charlaine Tso Green; Daniel Tso NoVote; Eugene Tso Green; Thomas Walter Jr. Green; Edison Wauneka Green; Edmund Yazzie Green; Jimmy Yellowhair Green.

It is now 1:20 pm, 4.20.22, and COUNCIL DELEGATE WILSON STEWART JR asks the Council to refer his Legislation 0003-22 to Bail Out Navajo Division of Economic Development with $900,000 from the Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance (“UUFB”) to the Division of Economic Development/Tourism Department for Personnel and Operating Expenses for the Remainder of FY2022; Waiving 12 N.N.C. § 820(E), § 820(F), and § 820(J) to Allow Use of the UUFB for Recurring Expenses (2/3
The Council votes 20 in favor, zero opposed to refer 0003-22 back to Naabi.
Unofficial Voting Tally:
Elmer Begay Green; Kee Allen Begay Jr. Green; Paul Begay Green; Nathaniel Brown Green; Eugenia Charles-Newton Green; Amber Kanazbah Crotty Green; Herman M. Daniels Green; Mark Freeland Green; Pernell Halona Green; Jamie Henio Green; Vince James Red; Rickie Nez Green; Carl Slater Green; Raymond Smith Jr. Green; Wilson Stewart Jr. Green; Otto Tso Red; Charlaine Tso Green; Daniel Tso NoVote; Eugene Tso Green; Thomas Walter Jr. Green; Edison Wauneka Green; Edmund Yazzie Green; Jimmy Yellowhair Green.

It is now 1:35 pm, 4.20.22, and Navajo Council now on Agenda Item (D) LEGISLATION 0016-22: Extending the Time for a Limited Waiver of Sovereign Immunity to Allow the Navajo Nation to be Sued in Federal District Court Regarding Compliance with the National Environmental Protection Act in Carrying Out the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development Grants and Authorizing the President of the Navajo Nation to be the Certifying Tribal Official to Execute Form 7015.15 through September 30, 2025 (2/3)
SPONSOR: Delegate Mark A. Freeland

It is now 1:35 pm, 4.20.22, and the Council is now on Council Agenda Item (E) LEGISLATION 0045-22: Approving $4,000,000 from the Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance (“UUFB”) for the Navajo Nation Department of Justice Water Rights Litigation Unit to Continue Litigating and Protecting the Navajo Nation’s Water Rights; Waiving 12 N.N.C. § 820(E), § 820(F), § 820(J), and § 820(L) (2/3 Vote Mandated)
SPONSOR: Delegate Thomas Walker, Jr.
CO-SPONSOR: Delegate Charlaine Tso.
SPEAK DAMON informs Delegate Mark Freeland that when he did answer the Call as Sponsor of Legislation 0016-22, the Council moved to next agenda item Legislation 0045-22, $4M for Navajo Justice dept Water Rights section.
MAKR FREELAND said he lost cell signal, and he thanks speaker.

It is now 1:54 pm, 4.20.22, and NDOJ attorney Michelle Brown say CMY 47-02 estabishes Water Rts Clms Fund in 2002 and that NDOJ water rts litigation to receive $2M a year. But we need additional funding and not just this year. This is our third or fourth request and agree that we need to address during annual budget process instead of returning annually to the Council.
We have several water rights cases in litigation, and ongoing settlement discussions. And if there are questions regarding our work, we ask for executive session. We are working with Chief Legislative Counsel Dana Bobroff on proposed amendments to the Water Rights Expenditure Plan, which limits NDOJ water unit to $2 million.
SPEAKER DAMON says technical difficulties are happening at the Council chambers in WR.
DELEGATE EUGENE TSO said we are overlooking Navajo right to collect water like Arizona is doing in the valley, to build earthen dams, to install more windmill, and other water collection activities in communities.

It is now 2:20 pm, 4.20.22 and Council now on Council Agenda Item (F) LEGISLATION 0048-22: Allocating $29,216,453 in Síhasin Funds to Navajoland Nursing Home, Inc. for the Construction and Operation of a Veterans Nursing Home; Approving the “Navajo Warriors Home Expenditure Plan” Pursuant to 12 N.N.C. § 2501 – § 2508 (2/3)
SPONSOR: Honorable Carl R. Slater
CO-SPONSOR: Honorable Kee Allen Begay, Jr.
CO-SPONSOR: Honorable Paul Begay, Jr.
CO-SPONSOR: Honorable Nathaniel Brown
CO-SPONSOR: Honorable Pernell Halona
CO-SPONSOR: Honorable Vince R. James
CO-SPONSOR: Honorable Rickie Nez
CO-SPONSOR: Honorable Wilson C. Stewart, Jr.
CO-SPONSOR: Honorable Daniel E. Tso
CO-SPONSOR: Honorable Eugene Tso
CO-SPONSOR: Honorable Edison J. Wauneka

It is now 2:24 pm, 4.20.22, and COUNCIL DELEGATE CARL SLATER who is sponsoring 0048-22 for Allocating $29,216,453 in Síhasin Funds to Navajoland Nursing Home, Inc. for the Construction and Operation of a Veterans Nursing Home for our Veterans to live out their life in dignity.
As youth, I volunteered at Washington, DC, Veterans Home to help them with technology, such as cell phones, social media. It is an honor to carry on that work with this initiative for 60-bed-veterans care home, $26M total construction for Guy Gorman Nursing Home in Chinle, Arizona.
I’m also pursuing federal funding thru IHS for programs for the care of veterans. Our warriors went off to protect US and our homeland.
Slater introduces FORMER COUNCIL DELEGATE JONATHAN HALE as someone who helped him develop his legislation 0048-22.

It is 3:15 pm, 4.20.22, and the Navajo Council is voting on Legislation 0048-22 for Allocating $29,216,453 in Síhasin Funds to Navajoland Nursing Home, Inc. for the Construction and Operation of a Veterans Nursing Home for our Veterans to live out their life in dignity. The vote is 20 in Favor, zero opposed.
Unofficial Voting Tally:
Elmer Begay Green; Kee Allen Begay Jr. Green; Paul Begay Green; Nathaniel Brown Green; Eugenia Charles-Newton Green; Amber Kanazbah Crotty EXCUSED; Seth Damon Green; Herman M. Daniels Green; Mark Freeland Green; Pernell Halona Green; Jamie Henio Green; Vince James Red; Rickie Nez Green; Carl Slater Green; Raymond Smith Jr. Green; Wilson Stewart Jr. Green; Otto Tso Green; Charlaine Tso Green; Daniel Tso Green; Eugene Tso Green; Thomas Walter Jr. Green; Edison Wauneka Green; Edmund Yazzie Green; Jimmy Yellowhair Green.

It is now 3:20 pm, 4.20.22, and the Navajo Council is on Navajo Council Agenda Item (G) LEGISLATION 0050-22: Emergency – Approving $3,003,441 from the Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance (“UUFB”) for the Navajo Election Administration for its Expenses in Preparation for the 2022 Navajo Nation Elections; Waiving 12 N.N.C. § 820(E), § 820(F), § 820(J), and § 820(L) (Needs 2/3 Council vote or 16 Yes votes) SPONSOR: Delegate Wilson C. Stewart, Jr.

It is now 3:24 pm, 4.20.22, and COUNCIL DELEGATE WILSON STEWART JR says his legislation 0050-22 is for this year’s election. Rozita Kelly, election office director, can explain more.
NAVAJO ELECTION ADMINISTRATION DIRECTOR ROZITA KELLY introduces herself and says Election Board, onSept. 21 she was hired. Councl approved $600,000 for Primary Election but that is not enough. One of most critical need is Data Base, where our data is stored. We met with Dept IT and said 17 years old and ready to crash. $600,000 cannot cover new Data Base but it can
Computers are obsolete, window 2006, 2007. Most recent is 2010, one of two. We cannot even access reports. We have registras across the nation and their voting lists are all outdated. In WR, one computer can access Data Base and Fort Defiance. But we have 110 chapters with 2-4 registras and they need reports but we can’t access and reports are updated. Our computers are not compatible with new data base. We need new computers. Our telephones can’t even take messages, transfer calls. Our equipment is obsolete. And out staff need temporary assistance at their agencies when candidates begin filing. There’s going to be a lot of activity tomorrow. Asking for overtime for staff that work tirerlessly during election. The $600,000 is not enough. We are pinching pennies to see where get funds. There was $5,000 for special elections in 2022 budget but that’s all gone and dipping in to UUFB which is suppose to be for Primary Election. There is a lot of staff we need, but those are dire needs.
Genevieve White, senior accountant, says travel for Voting registras to fulfuk their duties.

It is now 3:33 pm, 4.20.22, and the Navajo Election Administration just reported that their Voter Registras have outdated computers that cannot access Data Base which holds voting registration information. She gave a List of other Needs. But now Council Delegates are questioning the Election Office about the $3 Million they are asking for in an EMERGENCY Legislation. OMG!!
And now FORMER Navajo election office director, COUNCLL DELEGATE EDISON WAUNEKA says he knows that the election office’s priority is voting machines and that most of the work is done by agency staff, who are not at the council meeting.

It now 3:42 pm, 4.20.22, and COUNCL DELEGATE EDISON WAUNEKA calls for the legislation for $3 Million in Emergency Funding for Navajo Election Administration to be Referred Back to Naabik’iyati for their May 12 meeting. The Council votes 15 in favor, 6 opposed
Unofficial Voting Tally:
Elmer Begay Green; Kee Allen Begay Jr. Red; Paul Begay Green; Nathaniel Brown NoVote; Eugenia Charles-Newton Green; Amber Kanazbah Crotty EXCUSED; Herman M. Daniels Red; Mark Freeland Green; Pernell Halona Green; Jamie Henio Green; Vince James Green; Rickie Nez Red; Carl Slater Green; Raymond Smith Jr. Green; Wilson Stewart Jr. Red; Otto Tso Green; Charlaine Tso Green; Daniel Tso Green; Eugene Tso Green; Thomas Walter Jr. Red; Edison Wauneka Green; Edmund Yazzie Red; Jimmy Yellowhair Green.

It is now 3:50, 4.20.22, and the Councll is on Council Agenda Item (H) LEGISLATION 0252-21: Allocating $1,962,149 from the Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance to the Navajo Nation Division of Natural Resources for Drought Mitigation for the Navajo Nation’s Colorado Ranches. (NOTE – There’s an Amendment to reduce amount to $1,862,149. Resources & Development Committee passed. Budget & Finance Tabled. Naabik’iyati approved.
SPONSOR: Budget & Finance Committee vice chairman Raymond Smith, Jr.
CO-SPONSOR: Resources & development committee member Mark A. Freeland

It is now 3:50, 4.20.22, and the Councll is on Council Agenda Item (H) LEGISLATION 0252-21: Allocating $1,962,149 or about $2 Million from the Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance to the Navajo Nation Division of Natural Resources for Drought Mitigation for the Navajo Nation’s Colorado Ranches. (NOTE – There’s an Amendment to reduce amount to $1,862,149. Resources & Development Committee passed. Budget & Finance Tabled. Naabik’iyati approved.
SPONSOR: Budget & Finance Committee vice chairman Raymond Smith, Jr.
CO-SPONSOR: Resources & development committee member Mark A. Freeland

It is now 4 pm, 4.20.22, and NAVAJO FISH & WILDLIFE DIRECTOR GLORIA TOM reports that Navajo Nation bought ranches in 2017, 2018 and management given to Navajo Fish & Wildlife cuz we have big game and bison up there. Since Fish and Wildlife took over and property bought as is so equipment, vehicles, etc turned over to dept without upgrades. Year three now with ranches and experiencing equipment problems and climate change drought. Funding to deal with impacts we are feeling with long term drought we are all subject to. Sam Deswood employed three years and he developed ranch and wildlife management program which is reason for funding.
DESWOOD says parts no longer exist for some equipment. Boyer Ranch with 274 mama cows and almost finished calving. Rotation grazing. Bison Ranch 314 mam cows and birthing and finished end of May.Boyer has 700 acres ag land. Water to irrigate off Hudson and get allocated water rights. July 17 is allocated water and share with ranch near us. Three of five years in drought. No water or hay production in 2020. 2021 some rain and produced some hay but equipment needed repairs. Also provide veterinary services, upgrade windmills.

It is now 4:04 pm, 4.20.22, and DELEGATE CHARLES-NEWTON ask about profits and why Nation invested in land. No revenue returning & spending more on ranches. In Dec. 2021, OMB lists five concerns and one is funding already given to ranches. I want to know how Ranch request went from $ 167,000 to $1.9M?
DELEGATE PERNELL HALONA asked if private individuals running cattle on. We bought land and knew equipment outdated. So were there were any reductions.
DELEGATE CARL SLAER says the Budget & Finance Tabled this request for 60 for Public Information Meetings. What happened with that directive. And I also have the same questions as Delegate Charles Newton.
FISH & WILDLIFE DIRECTOR GLORIA TOM says Delegate Halona’s question about leasing out ranch is that it’ not done.
RANCH MANAGER DESWOOD says enterprise operates on revenues it generates and set annual budget. And any profits, if had any, would be used for maintenance. We did not know about Economic Development Fund. In 2020, ranches generated $751,402. In 2020, it was 723,793 in 2021. Current budget balance is $505,000. And asking for $1.8 million.

It is now 4:20 pm, 4.20.22, and COUNCIL DELEGATE DANIEL TSO asks calving rate between this year and last year for cattle and bison. Have u done pregnancy testing on bison. What was average price per pound.
In ranch management, during drought reduce animals. Did u?
What are impacts of drought on hay?
Ask please ask attorney Mariana Kahn to obtain Council legislation purchasing Colorado Ranches.

It is now 4:25 pm, 4.20.22, and COUNCIL DELEGATE EDMUND YAZZIE asking for Funding for Navajo Ranchers. Hay is $21 a bale. Livestock owners with horses, cattle, sheep are also having a hard time due to drought. Could this legislation be Tabled for 60 days so Fish & Wildlife can develop a Budget for the Navajo Ranchers.
The Council and Fish & Wildlife needs to meet in 60 days if we can get a Special Council meeting for the cows.
Delegate Carl Slater Seconded the Tabling Motion but Speaker didn’t hear and so Delegate Charles-Newton is recognized as Second.. Slater also asks Yazzie and Charles Newton for discussion to include establishment of Colorado Ranches as a Navajo Govt enterprise to generate its own revenues for its annual budget and not return to council for funding. And for Fish & Wildlife to develop and submit a Supplement Funding Budget for Navajo Ranches.

It is now 4:35 pm, 4.20.22, and SPEAKER SETH DAMON announces that the Directives on the Tabling Motion on legislation for about $1.8M for two Colorado Ranches need to be Clarified and so he is calling a recess until 4:50 pm to work on the directives.

This is June 23, 2021, Press Release “Navajo Nation’s Colorado Ranches Submit Budget Proposal Requests to Budget & Finance and Resources & Development Committees”
PHOTO CAPTION: Budget & Finance and Resources & Development Committee members of the Navajo Nation Council receive budget proposal requests June 18, 2021 at Wolf Springs Ranch, Colo.
Wolf Springs Ranch, Colo. (6.23.21) — Last week, the Budget & Finance (BFC) and Resource & Development (RDC) Committees of the 24th Navajo Nation Council held a two-day joint work session to receive Navajo Nation Department of Fish and Wildlife’s (NNDFW) $1.7 million budget proposal request to cover operations at the Wolf Springs and Boyer Ranch in Colorado.
“We should not only take care of the ranches but advance its ranch operations to expand the possibilities for economic development,” said Jimmy Yellowhair (Black Mesa, Forest Lake, Hardrock, Piñon, Whippoorwill). “We need to plan for the development and processes of timeline and how to reach those milestones.”
The Wolf Springs and Boyer Ranch are currently established as Navajo Nation Enterprises under the Division of Natural Resources (DNR). Both are located approximately 60 miles west of Pueblo, CO and have a combined 28,855 acres.
Samuel Diswood, Wildlife Manager of NNDFW and General Manager for Wolf Springs Ranch and Boyer Ranch, alongside Gloria Tom, NNDFW Director, provided a report in July 2016 outlining the purchase history of both ranches and the 2018 Fund Management Plan.
Diswood reported both ranches generated $862,874.13 in revenue for 2019 and $751,402.50 in 2020. Although the 2021 revenue is projected to be $723,793.39, he indicated it may not be enough to address the additional costs caused by the ongoing drought conditions and COVID-19.
“With no production of hay within the last year, along with crop and forage shortages, most of the budget went into purchasing forage and hay for the livestock and bison. This in turn short ranged the cost for equipment,” added Diswood. “Drought, water shortages, lack of rainfall and impacts of COVID-19 led to low market costs ­– resulting in anything that would have went to market, such as processing the animals, was at least a year behind due to the pandemic.”
NNDFW staff reported they are working on a drought management plan with the ranch programs from the State of Colorado to assist in forage and livestock feed for the lost revenue and for future drought conditions that might affect the ranches’ operation.
NNDFW are also currently working with Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) to research efficient needs for forage recovery and land under the Cover Crop Program (CCP). The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) also provided some assistance for electronic ID program from both bison and cattle to help with sales and revenue.
Dr. Rudy R. Shebala, DNR Executive Director stated his support for the requested $1.7 million through legislation for the ranches. Shebala stated the request was also included in this year’s comprehensive budget and within the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds.
“This legislation request is out of emergency for the Wolf Springs and Boyer Ranch Enterprise expenses, which include but are not limited to heavy equipment and equipment that came with the ranch are at least over 20 years old and tractors that need new transmission and engine repairs,” added Shebala.
Before accepting the report, Council Delegate Mark Freeland (Becenti, Lake Valley, Náhodishgish, Standing Rock, Whiterock, Huerfano, Nageezi, Crownpoint) included a directive to DNR to make the proposed emergency budget a priority and to request an updated report within 15 days regarding the status of the legislation progress to the BFC and RDC.
“You really have to be here at Wolf Springs Ranch to appreciate all of what it has to offer,” said BFC Chairman Jamie Henio (Alamo, Ramah, Tóhajiilee). “You really don’t get an idea until you see it for yourself, the magnificence of the pristineness and heritage it brings to our people.”

It is now 5:06 pm, 4.20.22, and the Navajo Council is voting to refer Legislation Allocating $1,962,149 from the Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance to the Navajo Nation Division of Natural Resources for Drought Mitigation for the Navajo Nation’s Colorado Ranches, back to Naabik’iyati Committee. The vote is 5 in favor, 16 opposed to Refer to Naabik’iyati.
Unofficial Voting Tally:
Elmer Begay Red; Kee Allen Begay Jr. Red; Paul Begay Green; Nathaniel Brown NoVote; Eugenia Charles-Newton Red; Amber Kanazbah Crotty EXCUSED; Herman M. Daniels Red; Mark Freeland Red; Pernell Halona Red; Jamie Henio Red; Vince James Red; Rickie Nez Red; Carl Slater Red; Raymond Smith Jr. Red; Wilson Stewart Jr. Red; Otto Tso Green; Charlaine Tso Red; Daniel Tso Green; Eugene Tso Green; Thomas Walter Jr. Red; Edison Wauneka Red; Edmund Yazzie Green; Jimmy Yellowhair Red.

It is now 5:18 pm, 4.20.22, and BUDGET & FINANCE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN JAMIE HENO recommends that Funding for Navajo Ranchers be separate from Legislation 0252-21 because Navajo Dept of Agriculture has funding for Navajo Ranchers and the Navajo Ranchers have had access to Outside Funding. The Focus of 0252-21 is the Navajo govt two ranches in Colorado that are suffering from drought. The ranches have bison which is an investment for the Navajo govt.

It is now 5:20 pm, 4.20.22, and COUNCIL DELEGATE CARL SLATER makes amendment to Refer 0252-21 to Naabik’iyati and return to Council no longer than 60 days for Navajo Division of Natural Resoures to develop operation into enterprise and seek funding from other sources to become standup business and to create supplemental funding budget for Navajo Rancers. Delegate Vince James Seconds Slater’s motion. The Council votes 7 in favor, 13 opposed.
Unofficial Voting Tally:
Elmer Begay Green; Kee Allen Begay Jr. Red; Paul Begay Green; Nathaniel Brown EXCUSED; Eugenia Charles-Newton Green; Amber Kanazbah Crotty EXCUSED; Herman M. Daniels Jr. Red; Mark Freeland Red; Pernell Halona Red; Jamie Henio Red; Vince James Green; Rickie Nez Red; Carl Slater Green; Raymond Smith Jr. Red; Wilson Stewart Jr. Red; Otto Tso Red; Charlaine Tso NoVote; Daniel Tso Green; Eugene Tso Green; Thomas Walter Jr. Red; Edison Wauneka Red; Edmund Yazzie Red; Jimmy Yellowhair Red.

It is now 5:50 pm, 4.20.22, and RESOURCES & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEMBER MARK FREELAND appreciates all the support for Colorado Ranches. There were more than 700 cattle and 900 heads of bison and so land overgrazed until Division of Natural Resources Fish & Wildlife got involved with range management.
If people want more info, then maybe Fish & Wildlife can have Open House. The animals belong to the Navajo people. I supported purchase back then under Russell Begaye-Jonathan Nez when I was a consultant to Begaye-Nez. We need hay as supplement during winter.
Once you see for yourself, you will know why we need to protect it and take care of it.

It is now 6:12 pm, 4.20.22, and COUNCIL DELEGATES CARL SLATER & EUGENIA CHARLES-NEWTON both said that Funding the Colorado Ranches is a $1.9 Million Bail Out.
COUNCIL DELEGATE DANILE TSO says that the ranch lands were overgrazed and it’s going to take years to rehabilitate the land. All we are hearing is old equipment, etc. RDC took drought tour and those same factors that they saw on drought tour here on Navajo Nation was on Colorado Ranches. But RDC did not call for Emergency Funding for ranches on Navajo Nation.

It is now 6:10 pm, 4.20.22, and COUNCIL DELEGATE VINCE JAMES is questioning a list of purchases for bulls, ATVs, tractors, backhoes, and purchases for equipment which is identified as Capital Outlay when this legislation says $1.9M for drought mitigation and not Capital Outlay.

It is now 6:15 pm,4.20.22, and COUNCIL DELEGATE DANIEL TSO asked if the Title of Legislation shud be amended to Funding to Improve Ranches, instead of Druoght Mitigation, which is based on Ranch Manager Deswood’s report that much of the budget items for $1.9M came from the recommendations of Resources & Development Committee & Budget and Finance Committee when they visited the Colorado Ranches.
CHIEF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL DANA BOBROFF says that new title would be a better representation of what the Legislation seeks to accomplish.
COUNCIL DELEGATE JIMMY YELOWHAIR asks for a Cease Debate, which Council Delegate Otto Tso Seconds.
COUNCIL DELEGATE DANIEL TSO says he texted Bobroff his Amendment to Change Title of 0252-21 from $1.9 Million for Drought Relief to $1.9M for Maintenance of Colorado Ranches.
SPEAKER DAMON says Council has been Debating 0252-21 for two hours.

It is now 6:40, 4.20.22, and Council voting to Cease Debate on $1.9M for Colorado Ranches. The vote was 18 in favor, 2 opposed.
Unofficial Voting Tally:
Elmer Begay Green; Kee Allen Begay Jr. Green; Paul Begay Green; Nathaniel Brown EXCUSED; Eugenia Charles-Newton Red; Amber Kanazbah Crotty EXCUSED; Herman M. Daniels Jr. Green; Mark Freeland Green; Pernell Halona Green; Jamie Henio Green; Vince James Green; Rickie Nez Green; Carl Slater Green; Raymond Smith Jr. Green; Wilson Stewart Jr. Green Otto Tso Green; Charlaine Tso NoVote; Daniel Tso Green; Eugene Tso Green; Thomas Walter Jr. Green; Edison Wauneka Green; Edmund Yazzie Green; Jimmy Yellowhair Green.

It is 6:45 pm, 4.20.22, and the Council votes 15 in favor, 5 opposed on $1.9M for Colorado Ranches.
Unofficial Voting Tally:
Elmer Begay Green; Kee Allen Begay Jr. Green; Paul Begay Green; Nathaniel Brown EXCUSED; Eugenia Charles-Newton Red; Amber Kanazbah Crotty EXCUSED; Herman M. Daniels Jr. Green; Mark Freeland Green; Pernell Halona Green; Jamie Henio Green; Vince James Red; Rickie Nez Green; Carl Slater Red; Raymond Smith Jr. Green; Wilson Stewart Jr. Green; Otto Tso Green; Charlaine Tso NoVote; Daniel Tso Red; Eugene Tso Red; Thomas Walter Jr. Green; Edison Wauneka Green; Edmund Yazzie Green; Jimmy Yellowhair Green.
The Council Recesses & Convenes their Spring Session at at 10 am, 4.21.22

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