Navajo Council Naabik’iyati Committee approves agenda without Legislation 0080-23, Spending Moratorium, 10.12.23

Ya’at’eeh Abini Relatives/Frens/Humans, the Navajo Nation Council Naabik’iyati Committee convened Day 1 of its two-day special session, 10:13 am, 10.12.23. I’ll try to posts updates of the Naabi meetings. And Naabi is live streaming on the Navajo Nation Council YouTube page.

Call-in Number: (669) 900-6833
Meeting ID: 928 871 7160
Passcode: 86515
Livestream will be available online on YouTube:

10.12.23, 10:43am, Day 1 of Navajo Council Naabik’iyati Committee started. Naabi debating its two-day agenda. Council Delegate Carl Slater asks to have his Legislation 0080-23 removed from agenda because his colleagues have recommended good amendments to his legislation to Call for a Moratorium on Spending the UUFB, PTF, Sihasin Fund & he has not had time to add those recommendations to 0080-23. And Slater adds that there are plans to Spend a Whole lotta money next week.
Next week is the annual Navajo Council 5-day Fall Session.

11 am, 10.12.23, Naabi adopts its agenda. I’ll post Naabi’s Approved Agenda as soon as it is posted on the NNC meeting website,

11:13 am, 10.12.23, NNC Delegate Eugenia Newton calls for ten minute recess to allow Approved Agenda to be distributed to Naabi. Speaker Curley announces that Naabi in recess at 11:13 am until 11:23 am

11:40 am, 10.12.23, Naabi unanimously approves Consent Agenda with vote of 19 in favor, zero opposed.
LEGISLATION 0226-23: An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti Committee; Amending CMY-36-23, The Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Cutis Yanito’s Delegate Region (Chapters: Mexican Water, To’Łikan, Tees Nos Pos, Aneth, Red Mesa), To Include Additional Projects for This Delegate Region (2/3 vote required pursuant to resolution CAU-74-23)
SPONSOR: Honorable Curtis Yanito
LEGISLATION 0229-23: An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Approving the Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Rickie Nez’s Delegate Region (Chapters: T’iistoh Sikaad, Nenahnezad, Upper Fruitland, Tse’ Daa’ Kaan, Newcomb, San Juan) (2/3 vote required pursuant to resolution CAU-74-23)
SPONSOR: Honorable Rickie Nez
LEGISLATION 0233-23: An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Amending CJY-53-23 and CAP-20-23, the Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Nathan Notah’s Delegate Region (Chapters: Coyote Canyon, Mexican Springs, Naschitti, Tohatchi, Bahastl’a’a’), to Include Additional Projects for this Delegate Region (2/3 vote required pursuant to resolution CAU-74-23)
SPONSOR: Honorable Nathan Notah
LEGISLATION 0237-23: An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Amending CJY-55-23 and CAP-19-23 and CD-68-22, The Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Andy Nez, Ph.D.’s Delegate Region (Chapters: Crystal, Fort Defiance, Red Lake, Sawmill), to Include Additional Projects for this Delegate Region (2/3 vote required pursuant to resolution CAU-74-23)
SPONSOR: Honorable Andy Nez
LEGISLATION 0216-23: An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Concurring with the Navajo Nation President to Accept a Donation of $15,000.00 to the Navajo Nation Boys and Girls Club of Diné Youth from the Boys and Girls Clubs of America’s Native American Endowment Fund.
SPONSOR: Honorable Andy Nez
CO-SPONSOR: Honorable Shawna Ann Claw
LEGISLATION 0220-23: An Action Relating to the Resource and Development Committee and Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Supporting United States Senate Bill 1898, Navajo-Gallup Water Supply Project Plan Amendments Act of 2023
SPONSOR: Honorable Danny Simpson
CO-SPONSOR: Honorable Casey Allen Johnson
LEGISLATION 0225-23: An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Concurring with the Navajo Nation President to Accept a Donation of $2,000.00 from Williams J. Bartley and a Donation of $2,000.00 from Moze and Mary Meeker to the Office of Navajo Nation Scholarship and Financial Assistance for the Benefit of Navajo Students Pursuing Postsecondary Education
SPONSOR: Honorable Seth Damon
LEGISLATION 0228-23: An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti Committee; Supporting United States Senate Bill S.1751 and House Bill H.R. 4426, Radiation Exposure Compensation Act Amendment of 2023 SPONSOR: Honorable Amber Kanazbah Crotty
CO-SPONSOR: Honorable Carl R. Slater
LEGISLATION 0235-23: An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Supporting Advanced Appropriations and Mandatory Funding for the Indian Health Service
SPONSOR: Honorable Crystalyne Curley
CO-SPONSOR: Honorable Shaandiin Parrish
LEGISLATION 0236-23: An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Supporting United States Senate Bill 2970 and House Resolution 5822, Replacing Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples’ Day SPONSOR: Honorable Cherilyn Yazzie
LEGISLATION 0202-23: An Act Relating to the Law and Order Committee, Resources and Development Committee, Naabik’íyáti’ Committee, and the Navajo Nation Council; Amending Title 26 of the Navajo Nation Code to Allow for Virtual Attendance at Chapter Meetings
SPONSOR: Honorable Vince R. James
LEGISLATION 0203-23: An Act Relating to the Law and Order, Budget and Finance, and Naabik’íyáti Committees, and the Navajo Nation Council; Amending the Navajo Nation Procurement Act as 12 N.N.C. §301- §307 and Amending the Navajo Nation Business Opportunity Act 5 N.N.C. §201 – §215
SPONSOR: Honorable Seth Damon
CO-SPONSOR: Honorable Shaandiin Parrish
LEGISLATION 0231-23: An Action Relating to the Health, Education, and Human Services Committee, the Budget and Finance Committee, the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee, and the Navajo Nation Council: Approving $3,000,000 From the Síhasin Fund to Navajo Preparatory School for a New Student Housing Building; Approving the Related Expenditure Plan
SPONSOR: Honorable Andy Nez
CO-SPONSOR: Honorable Seth Damon
CO-SPONSOR: Honorable Rickie Nez
LEGISLATION 0232-23: An Action Relating to the Health, Education, and Human Services Committee, the Budget and Finance Committee, the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee, and the Navajo Nation Council; Approving $2,130,804 From the Síhasin Fund for Coyote Canyon Rehabilitation Center, Inc. for New Modular Building and Infrastructure; Approving the Related Expenditure Plan
SPONSOR: Honorable Nathan Notah
CO-SPONSOR: Honorable Crystalyne Curley
CO-SPONSOR: Honorable Danny Simpson
(m) (s) (v)

12:37 pm, 10.12.23, Naabi votes 19 in favor, zero opposed on C. LEGISLATION 0215-23: An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti Committee and Navajo Nation Council; Amending CJY-67-23, The Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegated Region Project Plan for Honorable George H. Tolth’s Delegated Region (Chapters: Littlewater, Pueblo Pintado, Torreon, Whitehorse Lake, Baca/Prewitt, Casamero Lake, Ojo Encino, Counselor), To Include Additional Projects for this Delegate Region (2/3 vote required pursuant to resolution CAU-74-23)
SPONSOR: Honorable George H. Tolth
I missed this vote but Naabi also voted and Approved B. LEGISLATION 0208-23: An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee and Navajo Nation Council; Amending CJY-65-23 and CMY-42-23, the Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Danny Simpson’s Delegate Region (Chapters: Becenti, Lake Valley, Nahodishgish, Standing Rock, Whiterock, Huerfano, Nageezi, Crownpoint), to Include Additional Projects for this Delegate Region (2/3 vote required pursuant to resolution CAU-74-23)
SPONSOR: Honorable Danny Simpson

12:40pm, 10.12.23, Naabi now on Agenda Item, New Business, D. LEGISLATION 0227-23: An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti Committee; Amending CAU-75-23 and CJY-57-23 and CD-67-22, the Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Amber Kanazbah Crotty’s Delegate Region (Chapters; Cove, Toadlena/Two Grey Hills, Red Valley, Tooh Haltsooi’, Tse’Alnaozt’i’i’, Beclabito, Gahiiahi/To’koi), To include Additional Projects for this Delegate Region (2/3 vote required pursuant to resolution CAU-74-23)
SPONSOR: Honorable Amber Kanazbah Crotty
CO-SPONSOR: Honorable Carl R. Slater

12:48pm, 10.12.23, Naabi votes 19 in favor, zero opposed on LEGISLATION 0227-23.

12:50pm, 10.12.23, Naabi now on E. LEGISLATION 0139-23: An Act Relating to the Health, Education and Human Services, Law and Order, Budget and Finance, and Naabik’íyáti Committees and the Navajo Nation Council; Repealing 9 N.N.C. § 2 (C) of the Dine Marriage Act of 2005, to Uniformly Recognize All Marriages Within the Navajo Nation; and Amending Other Provisions in Title 9 of the Navajo Nation Code Related to Marriage Within the Navajo Nation
SPONSOR: Honorable Seth Damon
CO-SPONSOR: Honorable Eugenia Charles-Newton

1:11pm, 10.12.23, Naabi member Danny Simpson says that Council delegates are caught in middle & we have to listen to our constituents. I’m asking Legislative Counsel for it to go to referendum in November 2024, during the Navajo Chapter Election. Good opportunity for people to decide. The people can decide. It’s time for the people to decide. The people will have to make that decision.
Chief Legislative Counsel Dana Bobroff says that legislation for referendum is very complex but as I stated to Delegate Simpson we will attempt to draft legislation for referendum but we cannot do that today.
Delegate Eugenia Newton says she agrees with Delegate Simpson and four churches are posting their comments. Newton reminds Council that the Council chose to approve the Dine’ Marriage Act without public input. And she says it is challenging to make sure that the language for a referendum is legally correct. She adds that voters still come to her to ask about the gaming referendum. She says the Council should vote and if the Council got it wrong then a referendum can be held.

2:10 pm, 10.12.23, NNC Naabibiyati Committee votes 13 in favor, 6 opposed on Tabling and having a Work Session on LEGISLATION 0139-23: An Act Relating to the Health, Education and Human Services, Law and Order, Budget and Finance, and Naabik’íyáti Committees and the Navajo Nation Council; Repealing 9 N.N.C. § 2 (C) of the Dine Marriage Act of 2005, to Uniformly Recognize All Marriages Within the Navajo Nation; and Amending Other Provisions in Title 9 of the Navajo Nation Code Related to Marriage Within the Navajo Nation
SPONSOR: Honorable Seth Damon
CO-SPONSOR: Honorable Eugenia Charles-Newton

Call-in Number: (669) 900-6833
Meeting ID: 928 871 7160
Passcode: 86515
Livestream will be available online on YouTube:
Window Rock, Navajo Nation (AZ)
Thursday, October 12, 2023 – 10 AM & Friday, Oct 13, 2023 – 10 AM
PRESIDING CHAIR: Honorable Crystalyne Curley, Speaker, 25th Navajo Nation Council
Hon. Shaandiin Parrish (c) Hon. Vince R. James (c) Hon. Brenda Jesus (c) Hon. Eugenia Charles-Newton (c) Hon. Carl R. Slater (vc) Hon. Germaine Simonson (vc) Hon. Casey A. Johnson (vc) Hon. Cherilyn Yazzie (vc) Hon. Lomardo Aseret Hon. Helena Nez Begay Hon. Shawna A. Claw Hon. Steven R. Arviso Hon. Norman M. Begay Hon. Dr. Andy Nez Hon. Rickie Nez Hon. Herman M. Daniels Hon. Amber Kanazbah Crotty Hon. George H. Tolth Hon. Danny Simpson Hon. Nathan Notah Hon. Seth Damon Hon. Curtis Yanito Hon. Otto Tso (C) Chair & (VC) Vice-Chair

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  4. REVIEW AND ADOPT THE JOURNALS: August 15-18, 2023; August 24, 2023; September 5,
    (m) (s) (v)
    A. Report on Hiring for ARPA projects Presented by Arbin Mitchell, Division Director, NN Division of Community Development; Debbie Nez-Manuel, Division Director, NN Division of Human Resources; Nathaniel Brown, Deputy Division Director, NN Division of Human Resources; Tomicita Woodie, Human Resource Director, NN Division of Human Resources; W. Mike Halona, Division Director, NN Division of Natural Resources; Tom Platero, Executive Director, NN Fiscal Recovery Fund Office
    (m) (s) (v)
    B. Report regarding the Impacts of a Possible Government Shutdown and the 45-day Continuing Resolution.
    Presented by Greg Mehojah, Director, Navajo Area BIA; Cheryl Curley, Tribal Operation’s Specialist, Navajo Area BIA; Marquis Yazzie, Director, Navajo Area IHS; and Emily Arviso, Navajo Regional Director, BIE.
    (m) (s) (v)
    A. LEGISLATION 0080-23: An Action Relating to the Budget and Finance Committee, The Naabik’íyáti Committee, and the Navajo Nation Council; Approving a Moratorium on all Future Allocations from the Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance (“UUFB”), the Síhasin Fund, and Permanent Fund Income
    SPONSOR: Honorable Carl R. Slater
    (m) (s) (v)
    08/24/23 – Motion to Table Legislation 0080-23 to hold a Naabik’íyáti’ Committee Work Session before the Navajo Nation Council Fall Session; Motioned by Hon. Norman M. Begay; Seconded by Hon. Steven R. Arviso; Vote: 14 in Favor, 02 Opposed (Chairwoman Curley not voting).
    10/09/23 – Naabik’íyáti’ Committee Work Session
    LEGISLATION 0226-23: An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti Committee; Amending CMY-36-23, The Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Cutis Yanito’s Delegate Region (Chapters: Mexican Water, To’Łikan, Tees Nos Pos, Aneth, Red Mesa), To Include Additional Projects for This Delegate Region (2/3 vote required pursuant to resolution CAU-74-23)
    SPONSOR: Honorable Curtis Yanito
    LEGISLATION 0229-23: An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Approving the Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Rickie Nez’s Delegate Region (Chapters: T’iistoh Sikaad, Nenahnezad, Upper Fruitland, Tse’ Daa’ Kaan, Newcomb, San Juan) (2/3 vote required pursuant to resolution CAU-74-23)
    SPONSOR: Honorable Rickie Nez
    LEGISLATION 0233-23: An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Amending CJY-53-23 and CAP-20-23, the Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Nathan Notah’s Delegate Region (Chapters: Coyote Canyon, Mexican Springs, Naschitti, Tohatchi, Bahastl’a’a’), to Include Additional Projects for this Delegate Region (2/3 vote required pursuant to resolution CAU-74-23)
    SPONSOR: Honorable Nathan Notah
    LEGISLATION 0216-23: An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Concurring with the Navajo Nation President to Accept a Donation of $15,000.00 to the Navajo Nation Boys and Girls Club of Diné Youth from the Boys and Girls Clubs of America’s Native American Endowment Fund.
    SPONSOR: Honorable Andy Nez
    CO-SPONSOR: Honorable Shawna Ann Claw
    LEGISLATION 0220-23: An Action Relating to the Resource and Development Committee and Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Supporting United States Senate Bill 1898, Navajo-Gallup Water Supply Project Plan Amendments Act of 2023
    SPONSOR: Honorable Danny Simpson
    CO-SPONSOR: Honorable Casey Allen Johnson
    LEGISLATION 0225-23: An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Concurring with the Navajo Nation President to Accept a Donation of $2,000.00 from Williams J. Bartley and a Donation of $2,000.00 from Moze and Mary Meeker to the Office of Navajo Nation Scholarship and Financial Assistance for the Benefit of Navajo Students Pursuing Postsecondary Education
    SPONSOR: Honorable Seth Damon
    LEGISLATION 0228-23: An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti Committee; Supporting United States Senate Bill S.1751 and House Bill H.R. 4426, Radiation Exposure Compensation Act Amendment of 2023
    SPONSOR: Honorable Amber Kanazbah Crotty
    CO-SPONSOR: Honorable Carl R. Slater
    LEGISLATION 0235-23: An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Supporting Advanced Appropriations and Mandatory Funding for the Indian Health Service (Eligible for Action 10/12/23)
    SPONSOR: Honorable Crystalyne Curley
    CO-SPONSOR: Honorable Shaandiin Parrish
    LEGISLATION 0236-23: An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Supporting United States Senate Bill 2970 and House Resolution 5822, Replacing Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples’ Day (Eligible for Action 10/12/23)
    SPONSOR: Honorable Cherilyn Yazzie
    (m) (s) (v)
    B. LEGISLATION 0208-23: An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee and Navajo Nation Council; Amending CJY-65-23 and CMY-42-23, the Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Danny Simpson’s Delegate Region (Chapters: Becenti, Lake Valley, Nahodishgish, Standing Rock, Whiterock, Huerfano, Nageezi, Crownpoint), to Include Additional Projects for this Delegate Region (2/3 vote required pursuant to resolution CAU-74-23)
    SPONSOR: Honorable Danny Simpson
    (m) (s) (v)
    C. LEGISLATION 0215-23: An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti Committee and Navajo Nation Council; Amending CJY-67-23, The Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegated Region Project Plan for Honorable George H. Tolth’s Delegated Region (Chapters: Littlewater, Pueblo Pintado, Torreon, Whitehorse Lake, Baca/Prewitt, Casamero Lake, Ojo Encino, Counselor), To Include Additional Projects for this Delegate Region (2/3 vote required pursuant to resolution CAU-74-23)
    SPONSOR: Honorable George H. Tolth
    (m) (s) (v)
    D. LEGISLATION 0227-23: An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti Committee; Amending CAU-75-23 and CJY-57-23 and CD-67-22, the Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Amber Kanazbah Crotty’s Delegate Region (Chapters; Cove, Toadlena/Two Grey Hills, Red Valley, Tooh Haltsooi’, Tse’Alnaozt’i’i’, Beclabito, Gahiiahi/To’koi), To include Additional Projects for this Delegate Region (2/3 vote required pursuant to resolution CAU-74-23)
    SPONSOR: Honorable Amber Kanazbah Crotty
    CO-SPONSOR: Honorable Carl R. Slater
    (m) (s) (v)
    E. LEGISLATION 0237-23: An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Amending CJY-55-23 and CAP-19-23 and CD-68-22, The Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Andy Nez, Ph.D.’s Delegate Region (Chapters: Crystal, Fort Defiance, Red Lake, Sawmill), to Include Additional Projects for this Delegate Region (2/3 vote required pursuant to resolution CAU-74-23) (Eligible for Action 10/12/23)
    SPONSOR: Honorable Andy Nez
    (m) (s) (v)
    F. LEGISLATION 0202-23: An Act Relating to the Law and Order Committee, Resources and Development Committee, Naabik’íyáti’ Committee, and the Navajo Nation Council; Amending Title 26 of the Navajo Nation Code to Allow for Virtual Attendance at Chapter Meetings
    SPONSOR: Honorable Vince R. James
    (m) (s) (v)
    G. LEGISLATION 0203-23: An Act Relating to the Law and Order, Budget and Finance, and Naabik’íyáti Committees, and the Navajo Nation Council; Amending the Navajo Nation Procurement Act as 12 N.N.C. §301- §307 and Amending the Navajo Nation Business Opportunity Act 5 N.N.C. §201 – §215
    SPONSOR: Honorable Seth Damon
    CO-SPONSOR: Honorable Shaandiin Parrish
    (m) (s) (v)
    H. LEGISLATION 0231-23: An Action Relating to the Health, Education, and Human Services Committee, the Budget and Finance Committee, the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee, and the Navajo Nation Council: Approving $3,000,000 From the Síhasin Fund to Navajo Preparatory School for a New Student Housing Building; Approving the Related Expenditure Plan
    SPONSOR: Honorable Andy Nez
    (m) (s) (v)
    I. LEGISLATION 0232-23: An Action Relating to the Health, Education, and Human Services Committee, the Budget and Finance Committee, the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee, and the Navajo Nation Council; Approving $2,130,804 From the Síhasin Fund for Coyote Canyon Rehabilitation Center, Inc. for New Modular Building and Infrastructure; Approving the Related Expenditure Plan
    SPONSOR: Honorable Nathan Notah
    CO-SPONSOR: Honorable Crystalyne Curley
    CO-SPONSOR: Honorable Danny Simpson
    (m) (s) (v)
    J. LEGISLATION 0139-23: An Act Relating to the Health, Education and Human Services, Law and Order, Budget and Finance, and Naabik’íyáti Committees and the Navajo Nation Council; Repealing 9 N.N.C. § 2 (C) of the Dine Marriage Act of 2005, to Uniformly Recognize All Marriages Within the Navajo Nation; and Amending Other Provisions in Title 9 of the Navajo Nation Code Related to Marriage Within the Navajo
    SPONSOR: Honorable Seth Damon
    CO-SPONSOR: Honorable Eugenia Charles-Newton
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    K. LEGISLATION 0212-23: An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Appointing the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee Representatives to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee Title II Reform Subcommittee
    SPONSOR: Honorable Curtis Yanito
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    L. LEGISLATION 0217-23: An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Confirming the Appointment of Derrick Watchman to the Navajo Nation Gaming Enterprises Board of Directors for a FourYear Term
    SPONSOR: Honorable Otto Tso
    CO-SPONSOR: Honorable Brenda Jesus
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    M. LEGISLATION 0222-23: An Action Relating to Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Confirming the Appointment of Mr. Marcus Denetdale to Serve on the Navajo Housing Authority Board of Commissioners to Fill the 6 N.N.C. § 606 (B) Position of the “Construction Management or Engineering or Business Management or Equivalent Field Experience with Background in Indian Housing or Federal Housing”
    SPONSOR: Honorable Crystalyne Curley
    CO-SPONSOR: Honorable Brenda Jesus
    (m) (s) (v)
    AGENDA SUBJECT TO CHANGE: The public is advised that the Navajo Nation Council Agenda and the Agendas of the Standing Committees are not final until adopted by a majority vote of the Navajo Nation Council or the Standing Committee at a Navajo Nation Council or a Standing Committee meeting pursuant to 2 N.N.C. §§163 and 183, Navajo Nation Council Rule of Order No. 7, and Standing Committee Rule of Order No. 8.
    Livestream will be available online at: YouTube:

Ahe’hee for Keeping an Eye on Navajo Government and May Peace Prevail on Mother Earth!

10.12.23, 10:43am, Day 1 of Navajo Council Naabik’iyati Committee started. Naabi debating its two-day agenda. Council Delegate Carl Slater asks to have his Legislation 0080-23 removed from agenda because his colleagues have recommended good amendments to his legislation to Call for a Moratorium on Spending the UUFB, PTF, Sihasin Fund & he has not had time to add those recommendations to 0080-23. And Slater adds that there are plans to Spend a Whole lotta money next week.
Next week is the annual Navajo Council 5-day Fall Session.

11 am, 10.12.23, Naabi adopts its agenda. I’ll post Naabi’s Approved Agenda as soon as it is posted on the NNC meeting website,

11:13 am, 10.12.23, NNC Delegate Eugenia Newton calls for ten minute recess to allow Approved Agenda to be distributed to Naabi. Speaker Curley announces that Naabi in recess at 11:13 am until 11:23 am

11:40 am, 10.12.23, Naabi unanimously approves Consent Agenda with vote of 19 in favor, zero opposed.
LEGISLATION 0226-23: An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti Committee; Amending CMY-36-23, The Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Cutis Yanito’s Delegate Region (Chapters: Mexican Water, To’Łikan, Tees Nos Pos, Aneth, Red Mesa), To Include Additional Projects for This Delegate Region (2/3 vote required pursuant to resolution CAU-74-23)
SPONSOR: Honorable Curtis Yanito
LEGISLATION 0229-23: An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Approving the Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Rickie Nez’s Delegate Region (Chapters: T’iistoh Sikaad, Nenahnezad, Upper Fruitland, Tse’ Daa’ Kaan, Newcomb, San Juan) (2/3 vote required pursuant to resolution CAU-74-23)
SPONSOR: Honorable Rickie Nez
LEGISLATION 0233-23: An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Amending CJY-53-23 and CAP-20-23, the Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Nathan Notah’s Delegate Region (Chapters: Coyote Canyon, Mexican Springs, Naschitti, Tohatchi, Bahastl’a’a’), to Include Additional Projects for this Delegate Region (2/3 vote required pursuant to resolution CAU-74-23)
SPONSOR: Honorable Nathan Notah
LEGISLATION 0237-23: An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Amending CJY-55-23 and CAP-19-23 and CD-68-22, The Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Andy Nez, Ph.D.’s Delegate Region (Chapters: Crystal, Fort Defiance, Red Lake, Sawmill), to Include Additional Projects for this Delegate Region (2/3 vote required pursuant to resolution CAU-74-23)
SPONSOR: Honorable Andy Nez
LEGISLATION 0216-23: An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Concurring with the Navajo Nation President to Accept a Donation of $15,000.00 to the Navajo Nation Boys and Girls Club of Diné Youth from the Boys and Girls Clubs of America’s Native American Endowment Fund.
SPONSOR: Honorable Andy Nez
CO-SPONSOR: Honorable Shawna Ann Claw
LEGISLATION 0220-23: An Action Relating to the Resource and Development Committee and Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Supporting United States Senate Bill 1898, Navajo-Gallup Water Supply Project Plan Amendments Act of 2023
SPONSOR: Honorable Danny Simpson
CO-SPONSOR: Honorable Casey Allen Johnson
LEGISLATION 0225-23: An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Concurring with the Navajo Nation President to Accept a Donation of $2,000.00 from Williams J. Bartley and a Donation of $2,000.00 from Moze and Mary Meeker to the Office of Navajo Nation Scholarship and Financial Assistance for the Benefit of Navajo Students Pursuing Postsecondary Education
SPONSOR: Honorable Seth Damon
LEGISLATION 0228-23: An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti Committee; Supporting United States Senate Bill S.1751 and House Bill H.R. 4426, Radiation Exposure Compensation Act Amendment of 2023 SPONSOR: Honorable Amber Kanazbah Crotty
CO-SPONSOR: Honorable Carl R. Slater
LEGISLATION 0235-23: An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Supporting Advanced Appropriations and Mandatory Funding for the Indian Health Service
SPONSOR: Honorable Crystalyne Curley
CO-SPONSOR: Honorable Shaandiin Parrish
LEGISLATION 0236-23: An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Supporting United States Senate Bill 2970 and House Resolution 5822, Replacing Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples’ Day SPONSOR: Honorable Cherilyn Yazzie
LEGISLATION 0202-23: An Act Relating to the Law and Order Committee, Resources and Development Committee, Naabik’íyáti’ Committee, and the Navajo Nation Council; Amending Title 26 of the Navajo Nation Code to Allow for Virtual Attendance at Chapter Meetings
SPONSOR: Honorable Vince R. James
LEGISLATION 0203-23: An Act Relating to the Law and Order, Budget and Finance, and Naabik’íyáti Committees, and the Navajo Nation Council; Amending the Navajo Nation Procurement Act as 12 N.N.C. §301- §307 and Amending the Navajo Nation Business Opportunity Act 5 N.N.C. §201 – §215
SPONSOR: Honorable Seth Damon
CO-SPONSOR: Honorable Shaandiin Parrish
LEGISLATION 0231-23: An Action Relating to the Health, Education, and Human Services Committee, the Budget and Finance Committee, the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee, and the Navajo Nation Council: Approving $3,000,000 From the Síhasin Fund to Navajo Preparatory School for a New Student Housing Building; Approving the Related Expenditure Plan
SPONSOR: Honorable Andy Nez
CO-SPONSOR: Honorable Seth Damon
CO-SPONSOR: Honorable Rickie Nez
LEGISLATION 0232-23: An Action Relating to the Health, Education, and Human Services Committee, the Budget and Finance Committee, the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee, and the Navajo Nation Council; Approving $2,130,804 From the Síhasin Fund for Coyote Canyon Rehabilitation Center, Inc. for New Modular Building and Infrastructure; Approving the Related Expenditure Plan
SPONSOR: Honorable Nathan Notah
CO-SPONSOR: Honorable Crystalyne Curley
CO-SPONSOR: Honorable Danny Simpson
(m) (s) (v)

Call-in Number: (669) 900-6833
Meeting ID: 928 871 7160
Passcode: 86515
Livestream will be available online at: YouTube
Window Rock, Navajo Nation (AZ)
Thursday, October 12, 2023 – 10AM & Friday, October 13, 2023 – 10 AM

PRESIDING CHAIR: Honorable Crystalyne Curley, Speaker, 25th Navajo Nation Council, Hon. Crystalyne Curley, Speaker


Hon. Shaandiin Parrish (c) Hon. Vince R. James (c) Hon. Brenda Jesus (c) Hon. Eugenia Charles-Newton (c) Hon. Carl R. Slater (vc) Hon. Germaine Simonson (vc) Hon. Casey A. Johnson (vc) Hon. Cherilyn Yazzie (vc) Hon. Lomardo Aseret Hon. Helena Nez Begay Hon. Shawna A. Claw Hon. Steven R. Arviso Hon. Norman M. Begay Hon. Dr. Andy Nez Hon. Rickie Nez Hon. Herman M. Daniels Hon. Amber Kanazbah Crotty Hon. George H. Tolth Hon. Danny Simpson Hon. Nathan Notah Hon. Seth Damon Hon. Curtis Yanito Hon. Otto Tso (C) Chair & (VC) Vice-Chair

11:40 am, 10.12.23, Naabi voting on Consent Agenda, which is Item A

    (m) Hon. Vince R. James (s) Hon. Curtis Yanito (v) 19-00 (cnv)
  4. REVIEW AND ADOPT THE JOURNALS: August 15-18, 2023; August 24, 2023; September 5,
    (m) (s) (v)
    LEGISLATION 0226-23: An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti Committee; Amending CMY-36-23, The Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Cutis Yanito’s Delegate Region (Chapters: Mexican Water, To’Łikan, Tees Nos Pos, Aneth, Red Mesa), To Include Additional Projects for This Delegate Region (2/3 vote required pursuant to resolution CAU-74-23)
    SPONSOR: Honorable Curtis Yanito
    LEGISLATION 0229-23: An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Approving the Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Rickie Nez’s Delegate Region (Chapters: T’iistoh Sikaad, Nenahnezad, Upper Fruitland, Tse’ Daa’ Kaan, Newcomb, San Juan) (2/3 vote required pursuant to resolution CAU-74-23)
    SPONSOR: Honorable Rickie Nez
    LEGISLATION 0233-23: An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Amending CJY-53-23 and CAP-20-23, the Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Nathan Notah’s Delegate Region (Chapters: Coyote Canyon, Mexican Springs, Naschitti, Tohatchi, Bahastl’a’a’), to Include Additional Projects for this Delegate Region (2/3 vote required pursuant to resolution CAU-74-23)
    SPONSOR: Honorable Nathan Notah
    LEGISLATION 0237-23: An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Amending CJY-55-23 and CAP-19-23 and CD-68-22, The Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Andy Nez, Ph.D.’s Delegate Region (Chapters: Crystal, Fort Defiance, Red Lake, Sawmill), to Include Additional Projects for this Delegate Region (2/3 vote required pursuant to resolution CAU-74-23)
    SPONSOR: Honorable Andy Nez
    LEGISLATION 0216-23: An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Concurring with the Navajo Nation President to Accept a Donation of $15,000.00 to the Navajo Nation Boys and Girls Club of Diné Youth from the Boys and Girls Clubs of America’s Native American Endowment Fund.
    SPONSOR: Honorable Andy Nez
    CO-SPONSOR: Honorable Shawna Ann Claw
    LEGISLATION 0220-23: An Action Relating to the Resource and Development Committee and Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Supporting United States Senate Bill 1898, Navajo-Gallup Water Supply Project Plan Amendments Act of 2023
    SPONSOR: Honorable Danny Simpson
    CO-SPONSOR: Honorable Casey Allen Johnson
    LEGISLATION 0225-23: An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Concurring with the Navajo Nation President to Accept a Donation of $2,000.00 from Williams J. Bartley and a Donation of $2,000.00 from Moze and Mary Meeker to the Office of Navajo Nation Scholarship and Financial Assistance for the Benefit of Navajo Students Pursuing Postsecondary Education
    SPONSOR: Honorable Seth Damon
    LEGISLATION 0228-23: An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti Committee; Supporting United States Senate Bill S.1751 and House Bill H.R. 4426, Radiation Exposure Compensation Act Amendment of 2023 SPONSOR: Honorable Amber Kanazbah Crotty
    CO-SPONSOR: Honorable Carl R. Slater
    LEGISLATION 0235-23: An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Supporting Advanced Appropriations and Mandatory Funding for the Indian Health Service
    SPONSOR: Honorable Crystalyne Curley
    CO-SPONSOR: Honorable Shaandiin Parrish
    LEGISLATION 0236-23: An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Supporting United States Senate Bill 2970 and House Resolution 5822, Replacing Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples’ Day SPONSOR: Honorable Cherilyn Yazzie
    LEGISLATION 0202-23: An Act Relating to the Law and Order Committee, Resources and Development Committee, Naabik’íyáti’ Committee, and the Navajo Nation Council; Amending Title 26 of the Navajo Nation Code to Allow for Virtual Attendance at Chapter Meetings
    SPONSOR: Honorable Vince R. James
    LEGISLATION 0203-23: An Act Relating to the Law and Order, Budget and Finance, and Naabik’íyáti Committees, and the Navajo Nation Council; Amending the Navajo Nation Procurement Act as 12 N.N.C. §301- §307 and Amending the Navajo Nation Business Opportunity Act 5 N.N.C. §201 – §215
    SPONSOR: Honorable Seth Damon
    CO-SPONSOR: Honorable Shaandiin Parrish
    LEGISLATION 0231-23: An Action Relating to the Health, Education, and Human Services Committee, the Budget and Finance Committee, the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee, and the Navajo Nation Council: Approving $3,000,000 From the Síhasin Fund to Navajo Preparatory School for a New Student Housing Building; Approving the Related Expenditure Plan
    SPONSOR: Honorable Andy Nez
    CO-SPONSOR: Honorable Seth Damon
    CO-SPONSOR: Honorable Rickie Nez
    LEGISLATION 0232-23: An Action Relating to the Health, Education, and Human Services Committee, the Budget and Finance Committee, the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee, and the Navajo Nation Council; Approving $2,130,804 From the Síhasin Fund for Coyote Canyon Rehabilitation Center, Inc. for New Modular Building and Infrastructure; Approving the Related Expenditure Plan
    SPONSOR: Honorable Nathan Notah
    CO-SPONSOR: Honorable Crystalyne Curley
    CO-SPONSOR: Honorable Danny Simpson
    (m) (s) (v)
    B. LEGISLATION 0208-23: An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee and Navajo Nation Council; Amending CJY-65-23 and CMY-42-23, the Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Danny Simpson’s Delegate Region (Chapters: Becenti, Lake Valley, Nahodishgish, Standing Rock, Whiterock, Huerfano, Nageezi, Crownpoint), to Include Additional Projects for this Delegate Region (2/3 vote required pursuant to resolution CAU-74-23)
    SPONSOR: Honorable Danny Simpson
    (m) (s) (v)
    C. LEGISLATION 0215-23: An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti Committee and Navajo Nation Council; Amending CJY-67-23, The Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegated Region Project Plan for Honorable George H. Tolth’s Delegated Region (Chapters: Littlewater, Pueblo Pintado, Torreon, Whitehorse Lake, Baca/Prewitt, Casamero Lake, Ojo Encino, Counselor), To Include Additional Projects for this Delegate Region (2/3 vote required pursuant to resolution CAU-74-23)
    SPONSOR: Honorable George H. Tolth
    (m) (s) (v)
    D. LEGISLATION 0227-23: An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti Committee; Amending CAU-75-23 and CJY-57-23 and CD-67-22, the Navajo Nation Fiscal Recovery Fund Delegate Region Project Plan for Honorable Amber Kanazbah Crotty’s Delegate Region (Chapters; Cove, Toadlena/Two Grey Hills, Red Valley, Tooh Haltsooi’, Tse’Alnaozt’i’i’, Beclabito, Gahiiahi/To’koi), To include Additional Projects for this Delegate Region (2/3 vote required pursuant to resolution CAU-74-23)
    SPONSOR: Honorable Amber Kanazbah Crotty
    CO-SPONSOR: Honorable Carl R. Slater
    (m) (s) (v)
    E. LEGISLATION 0139-23: An Act Relating to the Health, Education and Human Services, Law and Order, Budget and Finance, and Naabik’íyáti Committees and the Navajo Nation Council; Repealing 9 N.N.C. § 2 (C) of the Dine Marriage Act of 2005, to Uniformly Recognize All Marriages Within the Navajo Nation; and Amending Other Provisions in Title 9 of the Navajo Nation Code Related to Marriage Within the Navajo
    SPONSOR: Honorable Seth Damon
    CO-SPONSOR: Honorable Eugenia Charles-Newton
    (m) (s) (v)
    F. LEGISLATION 0212-23: An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Appointing the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee Representatives to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee Title II Reform Subcommittee SPONSOR: Honorable Curtis Yanito
    (m) (s) (v)
    G. LEGISLATION 0217-23: An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Confirming the Appointment of Derrick Watchman to the Navajo Nation Gaming Enterprises Board of Directors for a FourYear Term
    SPONSOR: Honorable Otto Tso
    CO-SPONSOR: Honorable Brenda Jesus
    (m) (s) (v)
    H. LEGISLATION 0222-23: An Action Relating to Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Confirming the Appointment of Mr. Marcus Denetdale to Serve on the Navajo Housing Authority Board of Commissioners to Fill the 6 N.N.C. § 606 (B) Position of the “Construction Management or Engineering or Business Management or Equivalent Field Experience with Background in Indian Housing or Federal Housing”
    SPONSOR: Honorable Crystalyne Curley
    CO-SPONSOR: Honorable Brenda Jesus
    (m) (s) (v)
    I. LEGISLATION 0230-23: An Action Relating to the Budget & Finance Committee, the Resources and Development Committee and the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee; Amending Exhibit A to Resolution NO. CJA01-21 to Change the Sawmill Chapter’s 1-Ton Truck Purchase to Other Equipment
    SPONSOR: Honorable Andy Nez
    (m) (s) (v)
    A. Report on Hiring for ARPA projects
    Presented by Arbin Mitchell, Division Director, NN Division of Community Development; Debbie Nez-Manuel, Division Director, NN Division of Human Resources; Nathaniel Brown, Deputy Division Director, NN Division of Human Resources; Tomicita Woodie, Human Resource Director, NN Division of Human Resources; W. Mike Halona, Division Director, NN Division of Natural Resources; Tom Platero, Executive Director, NN Fiscal Recovery Fund Office
    (m) (s) (v)
    B. Report regarding the Impacts of a Possible Government Shutdown and the 45-day Continuing Resolution.
    Presented by Greg Mehojah, Director, Navajo Area BIA; Cheryl Curley, Tribal Operation’s Specialist, Navajo Area BIA; Marquis Yazzie, Director, Navajo Area IHS; and Emily Arviso, Navajo Regional Director, BIE.
    (m) (s) (v)
    AGENDA SUBJECT TO CHANGE: The public is advised that the Navajo Nation Council Agenda and the Agendas of the Standing Committees are not final until adopted by a majority vote of the Navajo Nation Council or the Standing Committee at a Navajo Nation Council or a Standing Committee meeting pursuant to 2 N.N.C. §§163 and 183, Navajo Nation Council Rule of Order No. 7, and Standing Committee Rule of Order No. 8.
    Livestream will be available online at: YouTube:

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