Delegates Lorenzo Curley and Leonard Tsosie exchanged heated word over proposed $220 million Bond/Loan during Council session in Window Rock on Nov. 26, 2013, but when recess is called, the heated words are all water under the bridge. Photo by Marley Shebala
Delegate Leonard Tsosie raises questions about whether $220 million Bond/Loan legislation came before Council properly because according to Naabik’iyati’ Committee report, there were no amendments made to $220 million Bond/Loan which means that Delegate Bates’ amendment to amend his earlier amendment that he said he made during the Naabi Committee meeting and that Naabi approved doesn’t exist.
After several questions and clarification from Sponsor, Delegate Katherine Benally, and Speaker Naize, it was understood and remembered that the $220 million Bond/Loan went before the Naabi Committee several times. And so Speaker Naize asks for five minute break to clarify and correct the Naabi Report so avoid any confusion if a dispute should arise over the Council actions regarding the $220 million Bond/Loan.