Greetings Relatives/Frens/Human, The Navajo Council has called another SPECIAL session to make another Run at Removing the Navajo Nation Controller…and this time, the Council has given themselves TWO DAYS of SPECIAL SESSIONS. During the past special session to remove Controller Pearline Kirk last week, the Council TALKED themselves past 11:59 pm and so since the Council only called for a ONE DAY SPECIAL SESSION and didn’t take any official action on their legislation before 11:59 pm to REMOVE the NAVAJO NATION CONTROLLER, the Council RAN OUT OF TIME…,which could be why the Council called for a TWO SPECIAL SESSION.
And REMEMBER folks, WE, the People, are paying for this Ridiculous Show of Muscle Flexing by the Council to continue to attempt to intimidate our NAVAJO NATION CONTROLLER. This is not the FIRST TIME that the Council has FLEXED ITS MUSCLE against the Navajo Nation Controller.
The Council bullied Controller Bobby White, Mark Grant, and Jim Parrish. And the Council even succeed in REMOVING JIM PARRISH because he had a LEGAL CONTRACT with then President Russell Begaye & Vice President Jonathan Nez that Begaye & Nez approved & signed for Parrish that only required him to work three days a week while receiving a salary of about $140,000 and thousands more in quarterly bonuses.
The council approved Parrish’s removal with a 17-5 vote. I remember Parrish. I talked with him & interviewed him. Parrish did not walk into the Controller’s Office with everything in place…Parrish came in after Mark Grant resigned after the National SCANDAL involving each of the 88-member Navajo Council were charged in the misuse/loss of more than $30 MILLION DOLLARS of the Navajo People’s Money. Several of the Delegates were convicted and Several had their charges dropped. Grant’s charges also disappeared. Grant worked at the Navajo Nation Controller from 1997 to 2018 – 18 YEARS.
Parrish started ELECTRONCIALLY POSTING NAVAJO NATION FINANCIAL INFORMATION on the Navajo Nation Office of the Controller website. Now that’s TRANSPARENCY. Parrish has a CPA. Kirk has a CPA. Grant has no CPA. I’m wondering & HOPING that if the Council removes Kirk that the Council does not put GRANT in as ACTING CONTROLLER…SMH
It was under GRANT that the Navajo Nation Navajo Gaming Enterprise, which was under then CEO Robert Winter, got a $5.3M loan to build two new casinos, one in Hogback, NM, and the other in CHINLE…Wonder what happened to CHINLE’S CASINO?! Well, Hogback got $3.3M for their Flowing Water Casino. And REMEMBER that it was the late HOGBACK Council Delegate Irvin Keeswood who found the LOOP HOLE of ALL LOOP HOLES to LEGAL GAMBLING on the Navajo Nation by sponsoring Legislation before the Council that allowed each of the Nation’s 110 Chapters to VOTE ON WHETHER THE CHAPTER WANTED A CASINO. The Council’s Legal Council informed the Cuoncil that their approval of Keeswood’s Legislation, bascially, made the Navajo Nation REFERENDUM to LEGALIZE GAMBLING MOOT.
I’ve been asking for the TWO CRIMINAL COMPLAINTS filed against Controller Pearline Kirk, and for the Navajo Nation’s CONTRACT with Agile, which is the Company that the Council is allegedly received SPECIAL TREATMENT because of their ALLEGED relationship with Controller Kirk. I’m still waiting for COPIES. I’m also still waiting for the WRITTEN & DETAILED DONATION REPORTS from the Prez Nez & VP lizer, and Navajo Nation attorney general Doreen McPaul regarding the massive DONATIONS given to the Navajo people by People/Companies/Countries/Schools at the beginning of COVID-19 in March 2020. I just Remembered OTHER WRITTEN REPORTS that I’ve requeted, including the Navajo Council’s Request for SPECIAL DUTY PAY. We, the People, have the RIGHT to know how much SPECIAL DUTY PAY went to POLITICAL APPOINTEES, such as Navajo ATTORNEY GENERAL DOREEN MC PAUL, NAVAJO DIVISION DIRECTORS, NAVAJO COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL, NAVAJO COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE SPEAKER, NAVAJO OFFICE OF PREZ & VP.
The Navajo Council, Nez, Lizer, & McPaul ALL seem to have FORGOTTEN that the Navajo government has a LEGAL process regarding the removal, investigation & prosecution of elected officials, political appointees, and top administrators, such as Controller Pearline Kirk, This process was used during the COUNCIL’S SLUSH FUND SCANDAL. It’s called the Navajo Nation Special Prosecutor Act. The Council asks the Attorney General, and in this case its’ McPaul, to INVESTIGATE serious WRITTEN allegations and, or WRITTEN CRIMINAL COMPLAINTS against an elected official/top administrator. And if the INVESTIGATION shows the elected official/top administrator can be LEGALLY PROSECUTED, the attorney general send it to the Navajo Judicial Branch which goes through the process of SELECTING & HIRING a SPECIAL PROSECUTOR. And once this process starts and goes from Legislative Branch/Council to Executive Branch and then to Judicial Branch, it cannot stop until there is a NAVAJO COURT DECISION.
BUT it appears that is not happening & will not happen because Navajo Attorney General McPaul, a nez-lizer political appointee, is LEADING the CHARGE against CONTROLLER PEARLINE KIRK for the Council to REMOVE her. SMH
And Kirk continues to do her job as Controller. Kirk issued a May 17, 2021, WRITTEN Memorandum that announced the 6B Rollout for Procurement is open to all Divisions/Departments to enroll. Kirk encouraged individuals and division directors to take Procurement, to learn how to enter/approve their own online orders because the Controller’s Office will be moving away from paper Purchase Requisitions.
To attend the Navajo Council two-day special session via teleconference, here is the Call-in Number: (669) 900-6833, Meeting ID: 928 871 7160, Passcode: 86515, And Please MUTE your phone. Ahe’hee
Livestream of Council sessions, meetings, etc are available online at:
NNC Facebook:
May Peace Prevail on Mother Earth!
SPECIAL SESSION VIA TELECOMMUNICATION Wednesday, May 19, 2021 – 1:00 PM (DST) & Thursday, May 20, 2021 – 10:00 AM (DST)
Navajo Nation Council Chambers, Window Rock, Navajo Nation (AZ)
Call-in Number: (669) 900-6833
Meeting ID: 928 871 7160
Passcode: 86515
PRESIDING: Honorable Seth Damon, Speaker, 24th Navajo Nation Council
(m) (s) (v) - REPORTS:
A. Report from the Office of the Controller and Agile Technology regarding the submission of COVID-19 test results to the State Health Departments and the Health Command Operations
Center and their Contact Tracing Processes; Storage and Protection of Personal Health Information and other Personal Information of Individuals Tested; Storage and Protection of
Test Samples; and Disposal of Medical Waste. Presented by Pearline Kirk, Robert Willie and Jeremy Ben, Office of the Controller and Roderick Martin, Chief Managing Partner, Agile
(m) (s) (v)
B. Report from the Navajo Nation Department of Health and the Health Command Operations Center on the Approval Process for COVID-19 Testing Presented by Dr. Jill Jim, Division Director, NDOH; David Nez, Incident Commander, HCOC
(m) (s) (v)
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C. Report from the Navajo Nation Human Research Review Board (NNHRRB) on Protocols for Collecting Human DNA or other Medical Samples on the Navajo Nation Presented by Michael
Winney, IRB Administrator, NNHRRB
(m) (s) (v)
D. Report from the Navajo Nation Attorney General and Special Investigators concerning Agile Technologies’ reporting of COVID-19 test results to the Navajo Nation and State Health Authorities, Contact Tracing, Protection/Management of Personal Data and Personal Health Information, and Protection of Test Samples.
(m) (s) (v) - OLD BUSINESS:
A. LEGISLATION 0083-21: An Action Relating to an Emergency and the Navajo Nation Council; Removing Pearline Kirk as Controller of the Navajo Nation SPONSOR: Honorable Pernell Halona
CO-SPONSOR: Honorable Edison J. Wauneka
(m) (s) (v)
05/14/2021 – No action taken on Legislation 0083-21 due to time expiring (12:00 A.M.); (M) Honorable Edmund Yazzie; (S) Honorable Raymond Smith, Jr.; (V) VOTE PENDING - NEW BUSINESS: NONE
THIS AGENDA IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE: The public is advised that the Navajo Nation Council Agenda and the Agendas of the
Standing Committees are not final until adopted by a majority vote of the Navajo Nation Council or the Standing Committee at a Navajo Nation Council or a Standing Committee meeting pursuant to 2 N.N.C. §§ 163 and 183, Navajo Nation Council Rule of Order No. 7, and Standing Committee Rule of Order No. 8.
Livestream will be available online at:
NNC Facebook: