Here Navajo Council in Window Rock, Arz.
During signing ceremony, Speaker LoRenzo Bates announced that one of goals/priority of Three Branches is to settle Little Colorado River water rights.
Bates also said that the Council and President Russell Begaye will be visiting the former Bennett Freeze Area.
DELEGATE AMBER CROTTY talked about her request for legal opinion from tribal justice department about impact of US supreme court decision on the marriage of gay pple. she also talked about a legal challenge that has been filed by Arizona against the indian child welfare act. And she talked about how female warriors/veterans are disrespected when they filed for their military benefits. they are asked for their husband’s social security number, she said.
DELEGATE LEONARD TSOSIE asked for five minutes reports from the Horseback riders – opposition to referendum, supporters of referendum, representative of Council horseback riders.
Various council delegates are continuing to recognize community members and dignitaries, including veterans, local elected officials, horseback riders, new president of Northern Az University, etc.