Greetings Relatives/Frens/Humans, the Navajo Nation Council Resources & Development Committee is having Another leadership meeting, and this one is with the Navajo Nation Shopping Center, Inc., another one of the Navajo Nation’s enterprises/businesses, starting at 9 a.m. today, July 27, via telecommunications: Call In Number: 1-669-900-6833, Meeting ID#: 732-628-2566; Passcode: 86515. Please MUTE your phones. Ahe’hee!
Council, council committee meetings, and now Leadership Meetings are available Livestream online at:
NNC Facebook:
The RDC met with the Navajo Nation Water Rights Commission yesterday, 7.26.21, where RDC chairman rickie nez announced Another RDC Drought Tour that would follow the rain run-off/water flow from the rez and into the San Juan River. Nez has decided that His Drought Plan to Stop the rain run-off/water flow by Constructing a Reservoir is The Drought Plan, which is why rickie nez invited the NN Water Rights Commission, & Navajo Water Resources Dept on the tour. According to yesterday’s RDC leadership meeting, there May Be a Report on the RDC’s Drought Tour in the NN Eastern & Western Agencies. I looked through the Council’s press releases for info about the RDC Drought Tour in the eastern and western agencies, but there was Zero info.
I’m posting & attaching the RDC Leadership Meeting Agendas for today, 7.27.21, and Monday, 7.26.21. I checked my email to see if Manuel Rico, Navajo Council legislative services director, sent out documents by presenters, such as the Navajo Water Rights Commission, that were submitted to the RDC regarding their Leadership meeting Monday, 7.26.21. It is now 7:30 am, Tuesday, 7.27.21, and I don’t see an email from Rico or the Council’s public information office regarding the RDC leadership meeting with the Navajo Water Rights Commission. I’ll be requesting for All documents presented to the RDC regarding their meeting with Water Rights Commission Monday, 7.26.21. I’ll also request Copies from the Water Rights Commission.
Here’s the RDC leadership meeting agenda for today, 7.27.21:
PRESIDING: Rickie Nez, Chairperson, Thomas Walker, Jr., Vice-Chairperson
Via Telecommunications – Call In Number: 1-669-900-6833, Meeting ID #: 732-628-2566, Passcode: 86515
- Welcome; Roll Call; Invocation; and Introduction;
- Purpose of the Meeting: To discuss with Navajo Nation Shopping Center CEO and
NNSCI Board of Directors. - Presentation:
• Retail Development Challenges
• Retail Development Solutions
• Business Environmental Overview - Questions/Recommendations/Follow-up
- Conclusion of meeting and adjournment
Here’s the RDC leadership 7.26.21 meeting agenda.
RESOURCES AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Leadership meeting with NN Water Rights Commission, DWR and NNDOJ, July 26, 2021, 9:00 a.m., TELECONFERENCE
LEADERSHIP MEETING AGENDA, PRESIDING: Rickie Nez, Chairperson, Thomas Walker, Jr., Vice-Chairperson
Via Telecommunications – Call In Number: 1-669-900-6833, Meeting ID #: 732-628-2566, Passcode: 86515
- Welcome; Roll Call; Invocation; and Introduction;
- Purpose of the Meeting: A follow up meeting requested for WRC, DWR and NNDOJ
to provide an update on a variety of water rights related matters. - Presentation:
Update Report on the WRC’s Plan of Operation Presenter: Joelynn Ashley,
Madam-Chair, WRC
Update Report – Litigation Update (Executive Session Required) Presenter:
Michelle Brown-Yazzie, NNDOJ Water Rights Unit
Update Report – Expenditure Plan ($50 Million) for the NN Department of Water
Resources Presenter: Natanya Garnenez, DWR
Update Report – Navajo Gallup Water Supply Project P.L. 111-11 Presenter:
Jason John, Director, DWR
Drought Tour Follow-up and Future Discussion with RDC Presenter: Joelynn
Ashley, Madam-Chair, WRC - Questions/Recommendations/Follow-up
- Conclusion of meeting and adjournment
The FOLLOWING are Posts that I made on my FB page,, as I listened to RDC 7.26.21 leadership meeting with Navajo Water Rights Commission, the Navajo Water Resources Dept., Navajo Justice Dept, & others. I try to also Post the Time & Date on my FB Posts:
It is now 2:50 pm, 7.26.21. Resources & development committee chairman rickie nez announced that the RDC, water rights commission, navajo dept of justice, water resources, etc,, are taking a Lunch break & returning at 2:10 pm for Closed Door Meeting. There was no Vote on whether to have a CLOSED DOOR MEETING or not because the rdc is having a LEADERSHI P MEETING…I guess rdc definition of leaders making a decision or debating or whatever they do behind CLOSED DOORS is being a Leader…Certainly not a Dine’ LEADER. A Dine’ leaders would not LOCK & CLOSE A DOOR to Talk without being RESPECTFUL & INFORMING THE DINE’ about why a locked, closed door meeting is necessary. And once Dine’ leaders come out of such a meeting, they would SHARE. By the way, rickie nez wants another DROUGHT TOUR with the rdc & this one will include the water rights commission & justice dept. GOOD GRIEF
It is now 12:57 pm, 7.26.21. Rickie Nez, RDC chairman, “we have truly learned so much from fish and wildlife staff and water & resources. when it rains on Navajo, it belongs to us. when it rains in nazlini, it goes in wash towards chinle, to many farms lake, back to dennehotso and rock point and converges and flows back into san juan river. after hearing this, i was upset that navajo has no discussion to dam up water for people’s use. having to see how water just flows into san juan river does not do justice for us. time to start planning and have meeting in dennehotso where water goes back into san juan river and same for nazlini. need to start planning for plan for navajo nation resevoir. the tour is when we learned. day of disucssion would be excellent beginning to plan for future of navajo nation water.” Rickie nez asked water commission chariwoman for her suggestions. OMG, SMH, WTH!!!! instead of asking poltiical appointees of nez/lizer/council, ASK Nicole Horseherder MARSHALL JOHNSON & ALL THE DINE’ WHO HAVE BEEN STANDING UP & SPEAKNG UP FOR WATER SINCE FOREVER & DON’T NEED TO BE EDUCATED BECAUSE THEY CARE ENOUGH ABOUT WATER TO EDUCATE THEMSELVES AND NOT GET A STIPEND TO GET EDUCATED WITH A DRUOGHT TOUR!!!! and it just makes me SMH when i hear the water right commission chariwoaman say she looks forward to working with leadership and she talking to RDC/politicians. The HISTORY of the Navajo WATER rights commission just needs to be RE-READ!!!! quit re-inventing the wheel council/ne/lizer/jason john/water commission.
It is now 12:41 pm, 7.26.21. Navajo Water Commission chairwoman tells Navajo Council Resources & Development committee that it’s Time to Go Behind Closed Doors…
The RCD is having a “Leadership” meeting with the Navajo Water Rights commission to amend its Plan of Operation.
Leadership Meetings are what this Council created. Leadership meetings are Not Required to have an Agenda, which means that the committee or council having a leadership meeting is not required to let The Dine’ know why they are meeting and who they are meeting with. And no decisions are required at leadership meetings. But the delegates who attend leadership meeting receive a stipend.
It is now 12:25 pm, 7.26.21. Who is the Navajo Water Rights Commission chairperson? She Thanked Resources & Development Committee chairman Rickie Nez for the RDC Drought Tour…WTH SMH OMG She clearly does not Keep Up To Date on what is happening with the DROUGHT! She didn’t know that Rickie Nez/RDC were PUBLICLY PRESSURED into a DROUGHT TOUR, which started from WINDOW ROCK and headed West. The Navajo Govt/COUNCIL/nez/lizer have been TALKING DOURHT since the FIRST HEAT WAVE which was the week of June 13, 2021. nez&lizer announced in a press release that they’re helping with the drought but gave no DETAILS of what type of Drought Assistance that they are providing and where and when. Sounds like a Replay of their COVID-19 Relief Aid. The only Time anyone OUTSIDE of nez/lizer knew where nez/lizer would be Handing Out our EMERGENCY PANDEMIC DONATIONS was after it happened & nez&lizer/political appointees plastered their faces on press releases announcing how wonderful they were for personally going out & handing out our donations to us INSTEAD oF DEVELOPING a 2019-2020 NAVAJO NATION EMERGENCY COMPREHENSIVE COVID-19 RESPONSE PLAN that could be used to STRENTHEN the projects that were funded by CARES dollars with ARPA funds. A plan would Help Us all See where there were AREAS of SEVERE Outbreaks, why, and what response helped the most INSTEAD of Funding Projects that didn’t get Done. Projects that Worked in Controlling COVID & providing Relief Aid should be the First Priority. So WHERE is THE nez/lizer/council EMERGENCY COMPREHENSIVE COVID-19 RESPONSE PLAN?! Where is the nez/lizer/councl EMERGENCY DROUGHT PLAN?! There are NONE, ZERO, DOESN’T EXIST…so What have nez/lizer/council been doing? And how much of our PUBLIC FUNDs have been Spent on the RDC DRUGHT TOUR, the months of Hearings on How to Spend the $2.5 BILLION in ARPA MONEY?!
It is now 11:36 pm, 7.26.21. Navajo water dept director Jason John reporting on $50 Million given to Navajo govt for Navajo Gallup Water Project. John says water management branch staff need building which was condemned by NOSHA just before COVID-19 pandemic. He says the Water Dept has an Expenditure Plan for the $50 Million which the BIA has but the Navajo Nation can obtain with an Expenditure Plan. Yup, Water Dept needs more money even though the Council approved “$58,225,000 to complete design and construction of the first phase of the Western Water Pipeline that will make the Navajo Nation non-dependent on the City of Page,” the council stated in a July 23, 2021, press release.
The Council added, “Western Navajo Pipeline Project will connect water to communities of the western regions of the Navajo Nation. Since the closure of the Navajo Generating Station (NGS) the pipeline project provides a unique opportunity to repurpose the Lake Powell NGS Intake with modifications to change from industrial to municipal water use for Navajo residents.”
The council explained, “Lake Powell NGS intake will provide water to the proposed LeChee Water Treatment Plant, and Pipeline & Booster Pump Station. These infrastructure projects are the driving catalyst of economic vitality, sustainability, and increased job creation. These improvements will provide solutions for current and near-term domestic, municipal, commercial and livestock water demands of the growing community of LeChee, and the Antelope Canyon Development area.”
Acting Controller Elizabeth Begay reported to Council last week that Water Projects approved & funded by the Council in 2015 & 2016 have not been Constructed.
I’ll be requesting for a copy of the Jason John’s proposed Expenditure Plan for $50 Million received from Navajo Gallup Pipeline Project that Navajo govt can get with Expenditure Plan.