Navajo Speaker Naize: No questions on Legislation, Vote

Navajo Council Speaker Johnny Naize is calling out for attendance. The members of the Council’s Naabik’iyati’ Committee were in a CAUCUS at the Quality Inn, Window Rock, which is why they were not here in the Council chamber at 9 a.m. to begin their Naabi meeting. I don’t know what time they started their Caucus but Naize also reminded the Naabi members that they could immediately vote on legislation because they had already discussed the legislation during their Caucus. Naize also told the Naabi member that there should be no questions.

This is sooo wrong because now the People will never know why their Public Servants/Elected Officials are voting a certain way on legislation that directly impacts them. And the Navajo law that requires Public Comment on proposed legislation before it goes before Council standing committees is also now meaningless.

Speaker Naize must be held accountable for the Council’s anti-People tactics and Caucuses are anti-People because if the People don’t know what their government is doing, how can they be involved. And the Council has no legal right to prevent the People from knowing what it is doing in their name, in their buildings, with their money and with their legislation!!

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