Legislation No. 0500-12: Relating to Resources and Development,
Naabik’iyati’ Committees: Amending Resolution CAP-15-10 to Extend the
period of a Limited Waiver of Sovereign Immunity Allowing the Navajo Nation to be Sued in Federal District Court for Compliance with National
Environmental Protection Act in order to carry out HUD Grants and
Authorizing the President of the Navajo Nation to be the Certifying Tribal
Official to Execute Form 7015.15 through September 30, 2017
(Sponsors: Honorable Russell Begaye, Honorable Roscoe Smith)
Legislation No. 0290-13: Relating to Law and Order, Resources and
Development, Budget and Finance, Health, Education and Human Services,
and Naabik’iyati’; Amending 25 N.N.C. §§605 ET SEQ. Approving the
Elimination of the Sales Tax on Fresh Fruits, Fresh Vegetables, Water,
Nuts, Seeds and Nut Butters (HEHS 10/30/13)
(Sponsors: Honorable Danny Simpson, Honorable Jonathan L. Hale)
Point out one study, Journal of Nutrition, study on reservation-food intervention and put healthy foods in stores. thru community media people were reached and it improved healthy food choices, health cooking methods. You have summary and associated with obesity. So can see from trial that people make healthy choices.
POWERPOINT – pictures of past times. We want to take action together. We are here to compliment your roles to support healthy nation/people. Navajo Human Rights Commission supports right of the people to have healthy food choices. There are so many low quality food, it’s cheap. We are suppose to eat to be energized but eating processed food cuz cheap and looking at more sickness and illnesses on rez. 99 percent of rez is considered food desert cuz no healthy foods to choose so no options. Spam $2.49 and $6.19 for small bag of fresh fruits. We know that food is medicine. We deserve healthier options. We can beat diabetes with healthy foods. With no sales tax on water, seeds, nuts, we can improve health and wellness and decrease rates of diabetes. We have listed kinds of water out there. Your vote determines destiny of Navajo Nation. We look forward to healthier generations. We plead with you to vote yes on this legislation.
appreciate information: amendment wud be added “retail water”. My amendment is to address no sales tax on retail water in grocery stores and not chapter houses cuz sales tax pays for water that is hauled. VOTE ON AMENDMENT: 10 IN FAVOR, 1 OPPOSED at Noon
MAIN VOTE: 7 in favor, 6 opposed