Greetings Relatives Relatives/Frens/Humans, and the Navajo Council’s Budget & Finance Committee was set to hear a Report on Navajo Tribal Utility Authority’s Disconnection of Utilities and Assistance Programs for Those in Need & the ARPA Hardship Assistance Program. But Budget & Finance Committee vice chairman Raymond Smith Jr. and Budget & Finance Committee member Jimmy Yellowhair motioned for BFC to act on Legislation before hearing Reports, which means the BFC has to Act on All legislation on their Agenda before Hearing Reports, which have an Enormous Impact on the Dine’ People. The other Reports moved to the End of the BFC agenda is the Hiring of a Permanent Controller, Navajo Nation Colorado Ranch Enterprise, and Navajo Traditional Apprenticeship Program, and Monument Valley Tribal Park funding.
10:37 am, 11.15.22 BFC vice chairman Raymond Smith Jr. and BFC member Jimmy Yellowhair motion for BFC to act on Legislation before hearing Reports
Raymond Smith Jr Green; Jimmy Yellowhair Green; Elmer P. Begay NoVote; Amber Kanazbah Crotty NoVote; Nathaniel Brown Green.
10:49 am, 11.15.22, BFC vice chairman Raymond Smith Jr makes a Second Amendment to the BFC agenda, which is to put all Legislation that has the Naabik’iyati Committee has the Final Authority on a Consent Agenda. Many of the proposed Consent Agenda legislation deal with the Spending of Shihasin Funds.
10:58 am, 11.15.22, BFC vice chaiman Raymond Smith Jr. and BFC member Jimmy Yellowhair motion to put ten legislation on their agenda on a Consent Agenda. The Ten Legislation for Consent Agenda are 0196-22; 0198-22; 0190-22; 0075-22; 0182-22; 0194-22; 0187-22; 0157-22; 0176-22, and 0180-22.
Unofficial Voting Tally of 3 in favor, zero opposed on Amendment 3 to the BFC agenda.
Raymond Smith Green; Jimmy Yellowhair Green; Elmer P. Begay NoVote; Amber Kanazbah Crotty NoVote; Nathaniel Brown Green.
11:05 am, 11.15.22, BFC chairman Raymond Smith & BFC member Jimmy Yellowhair motion to Add Legislation 0193-22, which requires Navajo Council final action, on Consent Agenda. When Smith & Yellowhair made their Motion for Consent Agenda, Smith said the Legislation on Consent Agenda would only be legislation that had Naabik’iyati Committee as Final Authority.
LEGISLATION 0198-22 seeks Navajo Council approval of $3,468,000 from the Síhasin Fund for a Multipurpose Building at the Aneth Chapter and Approving the Related Expenditure Plan
Sponsored by Charlaine Tso, Council Delegate
UNOFFICIAL Voting Tally of 3 in favor, zero opposed vote on Amendment 4.
Raymond Smith Green; Jimmy Yellowhair Green; Elmer P. Begay NoVote; Amber Kanazbah Crotty NoVote; Nathaniel Brown Green.
11:12 am, 11.15.22, BFC legislative advisor Peggy Nakai reading Titles of 10 legislation on Consent Agenda. The following Legislation are on Consent Agenda:
. Legislation No. 0193-22: An Act Relating to Law and Order, Budget and Finance, and Naabik’íyáti’ Committees, and Navajo Nation Council; Amending 12 N.N.C. § 820(N) to Change the Lapse of Certain Appropriations Sponsored by Otto Tso and Eugenia Charles-Newton, Council Delegates
Legislation No. 0196-22: An Action Relating to Resources and Development, Budget and Finance, and Naabik’íyáti’ Committees; Approving and Authorizing a Renewel Contract Between the Navajo Nation and the United States Department of the Interior Under 25 U.S.C. § 5301 et seq. (P.L. 93-638, as amended), for a Five (5) Year Term for the Period Beginning January 1, 2023 and Ending December 31, 2027 for the Water Development Program; Approving and Authorizing he Fiscal Year Annual Funding Agreement and Scope of Work for the Period of the Contract Term Sponsored by Thomas Walker and Wilson C. Stewart, Jr., Council Delegates
Legislation No. 0198-22: An Act Relating to the Resources and Development, Budget and Finance, and Naabik’íyáti’ Committees, and to the Navajo Nation Council; Approving $3,468,000 from the Síhasin Fund for a Multipurpose Building at the Aneth Chapter and Approving the Related Expenditure Plan Sponsored by Charlaine Tso, Council Delegate
. Legislation No. 0075-22: An Act Relating to the Budget and Finance, Resources and Development, Health, Education and Human Services, and Naabik’íyáti’ Committees, and to the Navajo Nation Council; Allocating $10,000,000 from the Síhasin Fund to Establish a New Outdoor Recreation Fund for the Navajo Nation Sponsored by Carl R. Slater, Council Delegate
Legislation No. 0182-22: An Act Relating to the Resources and Development, Budget and Finance, and Naabik’íyáti’ Committees, and to the Navajo Nation Council; Approving $970,000 from the Síhasin Fund for the Demolition and Cleanup for Four Former Business Sites Under the Chinle RBDO, and Approving the Related Expenditure Plan Sponsored by Carl Slater, Council Delegate
Legislation No. 0194-22: An Action Relating to Resources and Development, Budget and Finance, and Naabik’íyáti’ Committees; Approving and Authorizing a Renewel Contract Between the Navajo Nation and the United States Department of the Interior Under 25 U.S.C. § 5301 et seq. (P.L. 93-638, as amended), for a Five (5) Year Term for the Indian Child Welfare Act Program; Beginning January 1, 2023 and Ending December 31, 2027; Approving and Authorizing the Fiscal Year Annual Funding Agreement and Scope of Work for the Period of the Contract Term Sponsored by Carl Slater, and Otto Tso, Council Delegates
Legislation No. 0187-22: An Act Relating to the Resources and Development, Budget and Finance, and Naabik’íyáti’ Committees, and the Navajo Nation Council; Approving $783,500 from the Síhasin Fund for the San Juan River Dineh Water Users, Inc. to Complete the Shiprock Lateral Water Conversion – Phase I Salinity Control –Project; Approving the Related Expenditure Plan Sponsored by Amber K. Crotty, Council Delegate
Legislation No. 0157-22: An Action Relating to Law and Order, Health Education and Human Services, Resources and Development, Budget and Finance and Naabik’íyáti’ Committee and Navajo Nation Council; Amending CAP-35-18, Síhasin Fund Powerline and Chapter Projects Expenditure Plan, to Extend Project Completion Deadlines for an Additional Twenty-Four Months Sponsored by Raymond Smith, Jr., Pernell Halona, and Wilson C. Stewart, Jr., Council Delegates
Legislation No. 0176-22: An Action Relating to the Resources and Development, Budget and Finance, and Naabik’íyáti’ Committees, and to the Navajo Nation Council; Allocating $10,159,542 from the Síhasin Fund to Replace the Ramah Navajo School Board Drinking Water System; Approving the Related Expenditure Plan Sponsored by Jamie Henio, Council Delegate
. Legislation No. 0180-22: An Action Relating to Resources and Development, Law and Order, Budget and Finance, and Naabikiyati Committees and the Navajo Nation Council; Authorizing the Attorney General to Advance Fixed Cost Litigation Account Funds to Support the Legal Fees Attributable to the Individual Federal Torts Claims Act Cases Filed by Approximately 300 Individual Tribal Members for Money Damages Caused by the Gold King Mine Spill; Waiving 2 N.N.C.§§1961 (B) AND 1964(B) Sponsored by Raymond Smith, Jr. and Wilson C. Stewart, Jr., Council Delegates
UNOFFICIAL voting tally on Approval of Consent Agenda with 3 in favor, zero opposed.
Raymond Smith Jr. Green; Jimmy Yellowhair Green; Elmer P. Begay NoVote; Amber Kanazbah Crotty NoVote; Nathaniel Brown Green.
11:33 am, 11.15.22, BFC votes 2 in favor, 1 opposed on Legislation 0181-22: An Act Relating to the Resources and Development, and Budget and Finance Committees; Approving a Change to CAP-35-18 for Naschitti Chapter by Moving the Chapter’s “Cemetery Expansion Project: from Funding Year 1 to Funding Year 3, with No Change in the Original Funding Amount of $50,000
UNOFFICIAL voting tally on approving 0181-22 was 2 in favor, 1 opposed. BFC vice chairman Raymond Smith Jr. who was the one opposing vote, asked to have his Vote changed to Green, a Yes Vote, after he saw that all the votes Supported 0181-22. And so the new Vote is 3 in favor, zero opposed.
11:35 pm, 11.15.22, BFC now on Legislation 0171-22: An Act Relating to the Resources and Development Committee and the Budget and Finance Committee; Accepting the Auditor General’s Audit of the Black Mesa Chapter and Approving the Chapter’s Proposed Corrective Action Plan. Sponsored by BFC member Jimmy Yellowhair
BFC chairman Jamie Henio calls for Black Mesa Chapter Officials. When there is No Answer, BFC member Jimmy Yellowhair asks for 0171-22 to be moved to next BFC agenda to Dec. 26 BFC meeting. But motioning parties withdraw their support & so 0171-22 automatically moves to next BFC meeting.