President Shelly and Vice President Jim State of Nation address

Navajo Council finished adopting Winter Session agenda and now the Council goes to reports. The first report is the State of Nation Address which President Shelly usually presents. But Vice President Rex Lee Jim is making report. CLICK ON State of Nation Address to read State of Nation Address.

Navajo Nation is now in the red. When Shelly-Jim entered office, the nation was in the red.
Infrastructure Development, Healthy Lives, Job creation, Open Accountable Government are among five pillars of government for the people by Shelly-Jim.
INfrastructure Development: Navajo Division of Transportation has used entire $10 million in federal dollars for planning and roads. Torreon Project, $3.4 million and over seven miles of road, dangerous especially for school buses, was finished under Shelly-Jim. Facilities on New Lands are complete.
Mariano Lake water project underway. Cudeii HOme for Women and Children also under construction.
2013 Crystal chapter given certification. Leupp parking lot and other projects, Cameron building, Mexican Water senior center.
Division of Human Resources opened door for college educated graduates.
Electric car corporation looking for business site.
Division of Public Safety was able to draw down $50 million in federal grants for investment into new tribal justice centers.
Domestic violence rates alarming for native women.
Tax Office received

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