Proposed Navajo Council legislation to amend election law regarding Navajo language fluency before Law & Order Committee

The Navajo Council’s Law and Order Committee convened its meeting. It’s now 11:17 a.m. The LOC’s proposed agenda includes Legislation 0289-14, “An action relating to Law and Order; Naabik’iyati, and the Navajo Nation Council, amending Language Fluency requirements of the Navajo Nation Election Code at Title 11, section 8(A)(4) (Office of the President/Vice President), section 8(B)(8) (Office of Council Delegate), 8(D)(1)(f), section 8(D0(2)(c) (Land Board), and section 8(D)(3)(e) (Farm Board), which is sponsored by Navajo Council Delegate Lorenzo Curley.

LOC didn’t have meeting on Nov. 10 and so that needs to be rescheduled. The next LOC meeting is on Nov. 24. The Navajo Council may have special session Nov. 26.

The LOC has adopted its agenda with Legislation 0289-14 and so the LOC will be taking action on it.

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