Here at Navajo Council’s Resources & Development Committee’s work session on Title 26, which is the Navajo law for Local Government. And I finally got a copy of the Proposed Amendments/Revisions to Title 26. AND I found an electronic copy of Proposed Amendments/Revisions to Title 26 ONLINE. HERE IS THE WEB ADDRESS:
The RDC/Resources & Development Committee wants to have a joint meeting with the Council’s Budget & Finance Committee to discuss financial requirements regarding the spending of Navajo public funds by LEA Certified Chapters. LEA is the acronym for Local Empowerment Act. And one of the requirements for a chapter to be LEA Certified is to adopt and have the ability to use a Five-Management Financial System, which clearly lays out the legal use of chapter funds. Right now about 55 percent or over half of the Navajo Nation’s 110 chapters have audits that show that chapter officials are misusing public funds but the Council continues to fund them. Chapter officials/employees who are found guilty of misusing/stealing chapter funds are ordered to repay the money but they don’t. And after five years, which is the time that an elected official is prohibited from running for public office if they are found guilty of misusing/stealing public funds, that official can run for public office even if he or she still has not paid back the money he or she misused/stole.