Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever update

Navajo Nation Veterinary & Livestock Program Director Glenda Davis and Health Program Manager Philene Herrera reporting on Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever to Naabi on Sept. 26, 2013. Photo by Marley Shebala

Navajo Nation Veterinary & Livestock Program Director Glenda Davis and Health Program Manager Philene Herrera reporting on Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever to Naabi on Sept. 26, 2013. Photo by Marley Shebala

The Navajo Nation Council Naa’biki’yati’ Committee finally started at 3:15 pm.

Committee is now reviewing & adopting journals for Aug. 12 and 30, 2013. VOTE 12 in favor, 0 opposed

Now hearing report from Navajo Veterinary Program on Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever for emergency funding to educate Navajo pple.

Here is LINK to Davis’ RMSF report:

completed 12 mtgs, two yrs of action plans, moved thru emergency proclamation, Oct. 4 received final report from U.S. Center for Disease Control.

Partnered with Navajo Housing Authority.

Individuals very very sick when come to hospital. Over a hundred of pple being treated for RMSF but no clear indication that RMSF because individuals don’t return for followup visit.

We are providing education.

Hale wrote letter that pple need to be aware April to October and recommended that Naabi be well informed and for Naabi members to share information with communities.

Why are we doing this? She shows slide, then education outreach services.

Mortality: we met with Glenda and she informed us about RMSF. We have material for ages 0 to 18 years old cuz they play with pets, dogs and it’s an infected dog tick that carries RMSF.

What do we look for in RMSF? We show engorged tick after feasting of blood and for humans that means rash appears on palms of feet, hands and eventually cover the body after being bitten. We let know that people at risk are children and pregnanat women.

Started campaign with proclamation that Glenda was able to obtain. And now with all the rain and flooding, we have to worry about mosquitoes carrying West Nile Virus and ticks carrying RMSF.

Also culturally, we share stories about First Dog and teach about respect and that are critical to our safety and livelihood.

She has educated over 1,280 individuals across the Navajo Reservation.

Recommendation 4 encourages use of tick products on dogs, in homes and general education of public. We received donations from CDC and dogs received $35 30-day anti-tick dog collars.

NHA very good partner in 2012, used housing sites as field sites to draw blood from dogs. Family notified that dog infected and return to homes to do assessment/inspect outside and inside homes for anti-tick treatment.

We needed to get a handle on roaming dog problem and dogs out there needed to be healthy and tick free. Greatly appreciate mobile unit for us to go out into communities to conduct vaccinations,

In 2013, the Navajo Animal Control Program did the following:
11,117 dogs and cats removed from reservation.
2,875 dogs & cats vaccinated for rabies
2,543 dogs and cats animal licenses provided
They educated one on one more than 17,000
610 citations for violations were issued
430 bites investigated
255 livestock damage cases

2013 has record numbers, except for bite cases and livestock damage.
Impoundments increased by 2,100 animals
Rabies vaccinations increased by 1,300
Aniaml licenses increased by 2,000 licenses sold
Citations increased by 200

Each chapter visit, we were there for two days. Had to be in communities where lodging for staff and laundromat for mobile unit medical towels, etc.

Mobile unit went to 32 chapters where conducted 1,586 vaccinations for dogs, 352 vaccinations for cats and spayed 268 dogs, neutered 193 dogs, spayed 102 cats and neutered 99 cats, which resulted in a reduction of 7,376 puppies a year.

The Navajo Nation Animal Control Program will zero out its RMSF emergency funding by 9-30-13.

“If we are not funded then we will have to park the mobile unit,” Davis said.

We would like more funding for second blood draw that are being treated for RMSF. Epicenter supports this and willing to collect data and present back to reservation.

We have resolutions for animal sweeps from Fort Defiance Agency Council, passed on Jan. 12, 2013, and District 17 resolution, passed on Jan. 10, 2013.

“RMSF is still within the Navajo Nation,” Davis said.

Commend this group for doing all they can with little budget and reach across the vast reservation.

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever is certainly here on reservation. But would like information about Lyme disease and comes from tick. They get treated with medication but doctors tell them they won’t have normal life, suffer from depression, etc. I would ask that you include Lyme disease in education. Lot could be prevented if just have insect repellent on. Kids are being impacted.

Anyone of us sitting here could be impacted by RMSF and Lyme disease. It is a serious issue. It’s devastating to get both diseases.

Have you applied for federal funding for mobile unit? Is is all tribal general funds for mobile unit?

I’d like copy of resolutions so can have my chapter pass similar one for animal sweeps.

When you came before us, your report was really scary: ticks are coming, it’s the end of the world. I wanted ot see how money spent. What you presented was normal budget report and saw carryover. you are saying need for second draw of blood.

i saw nothing about reaching out to rural area. this is in Navajo Housing Authority areas. I think when we consider something to be emergency, report should be on how addressed emergency.

the other thing too is and unfortunately we presented supplemental funding to buy mobile unit and now you’re saying it’s going to be parked. “It’s actually a waste,” Tsosie said. “We spent a lot of money on unit.”

And I already told you that I wanted vet in mobile unit to assist with cattle.

How can you say NHA units good partner when you found largest tick infestation was at NHA units.

This report is addressing situation, get hold of it and manage it rather than let it be. As far as dollars tied and expended. I agree. Every appropriation should return to this committee with how money spent.

Changes for veterinary program to have veterinarians but need more. Only have two now. And we should address over dog and cat population because it is in our backyard.

And for veterinary & livestock program to issue citations would probably involve additional staff and that would require additional funding.

But this issue is about sickness from insects/ticks and preparing for it. There is also sickness from birds to animals which is called Bird Flu. But then again government won’t fund to address and so thank you colleagues for supplemental funding.

And federal government facing shut down which would impact Indian Health Services hospitals.

And I advise Veterinary & Livestock Program to take criticism and next time come back here that you have detailed expenditures.

10 in favor, 1 opposed

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