
Naabi taking up $220 million Bond

Naa’biki’yati’ Committee convened and after adopting agenda, Delegate Edmund Yazzie asked for committee to suspend floor rules and to immediately take up Legislation 0213-13: $220 million bond. VOTE 11 in favor, 1 opposed. Naabi is about to being presentation on $220 m bond by Sponsor, Delegate Katherine Benally, who is the Resources & Development Committee […]

Navajo Council Naabi Committee convenes

Greetings Relatives/Frens! The Navajo Council’s Naa’biki’yati’ or Naabi Committee finally convened at 12:12 p.m. SPEAKER JOHNNY NAIZE Anyone have announcements? DELEGATE LORENZO BATES For those of you with a grave interest in Big Foot, the Upper Fruitland community is having a Paranormal and Big Foot Conference this weekend. DELEGATE JOSHUA BUTLER At Navajo Museum here […]

Escalade, $220 m. Bond, Permanent Trust Fund

Greeting Relatives/Frens, It appears that the Navajo Nation Council are on a fast track to get to about $32 million out of the Permanent Trust Fund. The $32 m. is the interest earned from the PTF principal, which stands at about $1.4 billion. But under Navajo law, the PTF principal can only be touched through […]