
Navajo Council approved spring session agenda & legislation, documents, reports, etc, 4.19.22

APPROVED AGENDA OF THE 24th NAVAJO NATION COUNCILSPRING SESSION, April 18 – 22, 2022, 10 AMWindow Rock, Navajo Nation (AZ)VIA TELECONFERENCECall-in Number: (669) 900-6833Meeting ID: 928 871 7160Passcode: 86515 PRESIDING: Honorable Seth Damon, Speaker, 24th Navajo Nation Council CALL SESSION TO ORDER; ROLL CALL; INVOCATION RECOGNIZE GUESTS AND VISITING OFFICIALS TO THE NAVAJO NATION REVIEW […]

Navajo Council’s 2nd try Removing Controller, 5.19.21, 1 pm

Greetings Relatives/Frens/Human, The Navajo Council has called another SPECIAL session to make another Run at Removing the Navajo Nation Controller…and this time, the Council has given themselves TWO DAYS of SPECIAL SESSIONS. During the past special session to remove Controller Pearline Kirk last week, the Council TALKED themselves past 11:59 pm and so since the […]