
$34.2M for 6 Navajo Govt Businesses, including Gambling before Navajo Council Budget Committee, 2.9.21, 3 pm

Greetngs Relatives/Frens/Humans,The Navajo Nation Council Budget & Finance Committee is meeting today, Feb. 9, 2021, at 3 p.m, via Teleconference: 669 900-6833 CALL IN NUMBER; Zoom meeting ID: 232 628 2566; Passcode: 86515 I posted the BFC proposed agenda. The BFC made two amendments to their agenda: Added Legislations 0011-21 & 0012-21. No Titles were […]

Navajo Council Budget Committee: $17.4M for Navajo Health Command Center, 3 pm, 12.22.20

Greetings Relatives/Frens/Humans, the sole proposed legislation on the B&F Committee is 0311-20, which is requesting the Navajo Nation Council to appropriate $17.4M from the Nation’s Undesignated Unreserved Fund for the Navajo Health Command Operations Center. According to Legislation 0311-20, which Navajo Council Delegate Carl Slater is sponsoring, the HCOC asked for Funding to contract “personnel” […]

Navajo Hardship Assistance Application APPROVED, 10.15.20

Greetings Relatives/Frens/Humans! The Navajo Council Budget & Finance Committee unanimously approved the eligibility criteria, application and approval process for Hardship Assistance today, Oct. 15. The B&F Committee made three minor changes to Legislation 0251-20, which sought final approval from the Budget and Finance Committee of the Hardship assistance eligibility criteria, application, and approval process, before […]

Hardship Assistance eligibility criteria on Budget Committee, 8 am, 10.15.20

PROPOSED AGENDA OF THE BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE NAVAJO NATION COUNCILOctober 15, 2020, Special Meeting, 8 a.m.Via Teleconference:TELECONFERENCE CALL NUMBER: (928)223-3955Presiding: Jamie Henio, ChairpersonRaymond Smith, Jr., Vice Chairperson Place: Via Teleconference, Window Rock, Navajo Nation (Arizona)Members Present:_ Elmer P. Begay _ Jamie Henio Nathaniel Brown _ Raymond Smith, Jr. Amber K. Crotty _ […]

Proposed Hardship Assistance eligibility criteria, application, approval process, 10.14.20

WINDOW ROCK, Ariz. – The Navajo Nation Council Health, Education and Human Services, after several hours of debate, unanimously voted to add the prioritization of individuals who are 65-years-old and older to receive the first batch of Hardship Assistance checks during the first week of December. After the Health, Education and Human Services Committee’s unanimously […]

How much CARES money has Nez-Lizer administration spent? Answer at 10 am, 10.6.20

Greetings Relatives/Frens?Humans, the Navajo Nation Council Budget & Finance Committee is scheduled to hear Updates on CARES Act fund Expenditures; any projects not showing progress in expending funds by December 30, 2020 to be reallocated to Hardship Assistance Expenditure Plan pursuant to CJY-67-20 – presented by Pearline Kirk, Controller, Office of the Controller and Dominic […]

Navajo Council Budget Committee, Day 6, Budget hearings, 9 am, 9.10.20

Greetings Relatives/Frens/Humans,May everyone have a Positive Productive day! And may our Navajo elected offcials remember that they are making Budget decisions with the money of the Navajo People/Children/Babies/Youth/Elders/Four Leggeds/Ones That Fly/Ones That Live in the Water/Ones that Crawl, Our Homeland.May PEACE prevail on Mother Earth! The Navao Nation Council Budget & Finance Committee is meeting […]

Navajo Council budget committee meeting on 2019 Navajo govt audit, 9 am, 9.2.20

The Navajo Nation Council Budget & Finance Committee has two meetings scheduled today, 9.2.20. The first meetings is at 8 am and is to adopt the Navajo Nation government’s 2019 audit. The BFC is meeting Via Teleconference:TELECONFERENCE CALL NUMBER: (928)223-3955. Please MUTE your phones. Ahe’hee! The second BFC meeting begins at 10 am, 9.2.20, and […]

Navajo Budget Committee: CARES Deadline looming, Per Capita?

Really quick Update of this morning’s two hour Budget & Finance Committee meeting: BFC members are very concerned that the Navajo Nation will not meet the CARES deadline for spending all the more than $663M. And so BFC members started talking about the possibility of using the more than $66M for per capita payments if […]

Navajo Council Budget committee & $300M for Remington, 10 am, 7.14.20

The Budget & Finance has started. Roll call – BFC Chairman Jamie Henio; BFC Vice Chairman Raymond Smith, BFC member Amber Kanazbah Crotty are present. Henio said he will wait until another BFC member joins the call. BFC member Jimmy Yellowhair announces he is on call. BFC member Nathaniel Brown and Elmer Begay also present. […]