
Home for veterans on the Navajo Reservation

  Here at Navajo Council Budget and Finance Committee meeting, where the first order of business – after invocation by B&F member Delegate Nelson BeGaye, recognition of guests and announcements – was for the Committee to delete the two reports from President Ben Shelly regarding the Decentralization of the Navajo government and Feral Horses Roundups. […]

Delegate Tsosie: Withhold 5 percent of pay if no work

Navajo Council now on LEGISLATION 0337-13: amending resolution CS-47-13 2014 Navajo Government Budget by adding conditions of appropriations. Sponsor is Budget and Finance Committee Chairperson LoRenzo Bates. This legislation involves directives from the Council to remove endangered species from Navajo endangered species list. DELEGATE LORENZO BATES Conditions of Appropriations are ones approved by Council and […]

No Navajo Nation matching funds create Audit problems for tribal jails

Greetings Relatives/Frens/Humans, I’m here at the Navajo Council’s Budget & Finance Committee, which officially started about 11:48 when a quorum was reached. But the B&F members who were present before 11:49 am and got started by listening to a report on an audit, which was a “Special Review of US Dept of Justice grant to […]

$400.8 million worth of Navajo Reservation chapter projects

Speaker Johnny Naize informed Council Delegates in a Feb. 11 memo that he’s approved a Special Session on Feb. 21 to address LEGISLATION 0118-13: Recommending and Approving the Chapter’s Infrastructure Improvement Priority Projects for fiscal years 2013 to 2018, which the Council requested during their Winter Session last month. “The directive was to allow the […]

Decentralization: Experienced Navajo attorneys ready to return home

Here at joint meeting of Budget and Finance Committee and Resources and Development Committee where Committees continue debating Decentralization Project Report by Division of Community Development Director Leonard Chee. DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL DANA BOBROFF Whether getting attorneys out to local government is done under Decentralization or Regionalization, Navajo Department of Justice has been working towards […]

Decentralization: Chapter government structure outlived

Here at joint meeting of Budget and Finance Committee and Resources and Development Committee where Committees continue debating Decentralization Project Report by Division of Community Development Director Leonard Chee. DELEGATE LORENZO CURLEY, B&F COMMITTEE MEMBER I’m reading in report that this is an extension of Local Governance Services Centers which means central government will still […]

Decentralization is step back

Here at joint meeting of Budget and Finance Committee and Resources and Development Committee where debate continues on Decentralization Project report from Division of Community Development Director Leonard Chee. DELEGATE LEONARD TSOSIE, RDC COMMITTEE MEMBER Started in 1990 with government reform but I see us all at nursing homes and newspapers headlines, “Navajo Council still […]

Decentralization: hiring of attorneys and accountants benefit chapters

Here at joint meeting of Budget and Finance Committee and Resources and Development Committee and the debate continues on a Decentralization Report by Navajo Division of Community Development Director Leonard Chee. It’s now 4:40 pm and the Council chamber is finally temperate warm It was freezing when I arrived about 1 p.m. DELEGATE WITHERSPOON I […]

Decentralization not done deal

Here at joint meeting of Budget and Finance Committee and Resources and Development Committee which continues to debate report on Decentralization from Division of Community Development Director Leonard Chee. DELEGATE ELMER BEGAY, RDC COMMITTEE MEMBER I read this Decentralization Report and it still has DCD holding some local government powers. And I don’t agree with […]

Decentralization: Some chapters afraid

Here at joint meting of Budget & Finance Committee and Resources & Development Committee which continues to debate Decentralization Report from Navajo Nation Division of Community Development Director Leonard Chee. DELEGATE MEL BEGAY, B&F COMMITTEE MEMBER We spend about $40 million on Local Governance Service Centers and yet the number of certified chapters remains at […]