
Navajo govt business contaminates small rural Navajo community with cancer-causing chemicals, 11:50 am, 10.18.22

Greetings Relatives/Frens/Humans, and it is 11:50 am, 10.18.22, and the Navajo Council is debating LEGISLATION 0110-22, which seeks Council allocation of $5 million from the Navajo Nation Síhasin Fund for the Assessment and Remediation of the Former Navajo Forest Products Industry in Navajo, NM; Approving the Related Expenditure Plan Pursuant to 12 N.N.C. § 2501 […]

Legal challenges filed against U.S. Environmental Protection Agency over Navajo Generating Station

The Hopi Tribe, Navajo grass-roots organizations, and clean air and national park advocates filed legal challenges to the U.S. Environmental Protection’s decision to allow Navajo Generating Station to “continue polluting for the next three decades.” That according to Oct. 7, 2014 press releases from Black Mesa Water Coalition of Flagstaff, Ariz., To’Nizhoni Ani (Beautiful Water […]

Meeting of Dine’ Minds

Here at Navajo Nation Museum where “Meeting of Dine’ Minds is presenting People’s Public Forum for Restoring Communication and Understanding Within Our Nation. I’m really happy that several Navajo Nation Council delegates showed up to answer questions from people attending this forum. The delegates that were on this morning’s panel were Delegates Leonard Tsosie, Russell […]

Navajo Council DISCRIMINATES against Independent Media

Greetings Relatives/Frens/Humans, I’ve run into a bump on the road, folks and so I’m not sure how long I’ll be blogging, taking photos, and video taping. I came into the Navajo Council chambers this morning to blog about the Council work session on Delegate LoRenzo Bates’ Legislation 0367-13, which relates to the tribal government take […]

Tune into KTNN radio at 6 pm and Contact US EPA about Navajo Generating Station

TONIGHT at 6 pm on KTNN 660 AM Radio, Marshall Johnson of To’ Nizhoni Ani (Beautiful Water Speaks) will discuss U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Air Act provision to regulate Nitrogen Oxide/NOx emissions by implementing the Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART) for Navajo Generating Station (NGS) in five years. NGS has negatively impacted the Navajo […]

US EPA talks Pollution Reduction at Navajo Generating Station

Greetings Relatives/Frens, I tried posting my latest video, “US EPA talks Pollution Reduction at NGS,” but it was too large. US EPA talks Pollution Reduction at NGS is an interivew I did with Colleen W. McKaughan, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Associate Director for the Air Division, on Nov. 12, 2013, at LeChee, Ariz., Chapter, […]

Insiders of Navjao Generating Station BART tell inside story

According to an Arizona Daily Sun news brief, the “inside” story of how an “historic agreement,” which is the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s accepted Best Available Retrofit Technology to reduce pollution at NGS that Salt River Project’s hand-picked Technical Working Group put together, was created will be told by the hand-picked TWG on Wednesday, Nov. […]

NGS supporters shud move next to NGS

DOUG BLAN christina church and religou gruop responding to climate change. remember standing edge of Grand Canyon at 12 yrs. Anxious share Grand Canyon and awed by silence of Grand Canyon of 6 million. Gushed about canyon colors, carved by wind and water and Crator with artistic flair. Doubting sons said yeah right, we’ll beleive […]

NGS emissions definitely impacts health

EPA HEARING ON NGS BART, phoenix DR, THURSTON This is very much a health issue when talking BART. Medical researchers like myself shows adverse health impacts – asthma, pre mature deaths. Took modeling and how much wud go down, 75 percent emission reductions if apply EPA BART. What benefits? For Az, avoided 500 asthma attacks, […]

Az Rep Peterson: EPA don’t repeat Trail of Tears

WARREN PETERSON, STATE REP. Modern day of Trail of Tears. 1830s sent west on pain. EPA no decern benefit and ruin lives of hundreds of Navajos and thousands of Az pple. Lose 140 million jobs. First earth moving permit which was dust control and one page and thot ridiculous. Implementation complete waste of time and […]