
“Death Map” of where community pple died from former uranium mining/milling

Here at International Film Festival at Navajo Nation Museum in Window Rock, Ariz. Tomorrow is last day of festival, which is being live streamed at: PETCCHE GILBERT, ACOMA, MULTICULTURAL ALLIANCE FOR SAFE ENVIRONMENT The cleanup of uranium mining/milling/waste is a political issue because cities want the uranium for to meet economic needs. And so […]

Overview of Uranium Cleanup on Navajo Rez

Here at International Film Festival at Navajo Nation Museum in Window Rock, Ariz. Tomorrow is last day of festival, which is being live streamed at: STEPHEN ETSITTY, NAVAJO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY What is community? Collection of homes of related individuals, then chapters, agencies, and bodies of government: chapter officials, district agency councils. Many of […]

I plead with people not to give into uranium companies

Here at International Uranium Film Festival at Navajo Nation Museum in Window Rock, Ariz., which ends on Dec. 4, 2013. Today is the second day of films and speakers. It’s amazing! The festival is being live streamed at: NAVAJO NATION COUNCIL DELEGATE RUSSELL BEGAYE URI lobbying Navajo Council for approval to transport uranium over […]