
Here at Shiprock, NM, Chapter: Objecting to BHP Waiver of Liabilities

Greetings Relatives/Frens, Here at Shiprock, NM, chapter, waiting for community to get to legislation opposing BHP’s waiver of all past, current and future liabilities regarding the coal mine, which BHP named Navajo Mine. Navajo Transitional Energy Company, LLC, which the Navajo Council created as a tribal enterprise specifically created to purchase Navajo Mine, announced on […]

VIDEO: Navajo EPA Director-My president authorized me

Greetings Relatives/Frens, It took most of the day but I finally finished Part 4, which is Navajo Environmental Protection Agency director Stephen Etsitty speaking at the Navajo Generating Station Forum at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff on Nov. 20, 2013. The transcript of Etsitty’s presentation, plus questions from audience members, especially Hopi and Navajo community […]

VIDEO: Salt River Project: Navajo could represent Hopi

Here is Part 3 of Navajo Generating Station Forum, which was held at Northern Arizona Museum, Flagstaff, on Nov. 20, 2013. The NAM also hosted the NGS Forum and among the forum speakers was Salt River Project director for environmental management and policy Kelly Baar, who was the first speaker. In her presentation about TWG’s […]

VIDEO: Why museum hosted Navajo Generating Station Forum

Here is Part 1 and 2 of possible five or six parts of the NGS Forum at Northern Arizona Museum, Flagstaff on Nov. 20, 2013, which was hosted by NAM. Part 1 is Northern Arizona Museum President Robert G. Breunig explaining why the museum hosted a forum on NGS. Part 1 is a short video […]

Navajo Generating Station Forum becomes People’s Forum

Greetings Relatives/Frens, I’ve been on the road – again. I traveled to Flagstaff, Ariz., for a very lively and entertaining forum on Navajo Generating Station on Nov. 20, 2013. Northern Arizona Museum hosted the forum, which is part of a series on “The Future of the Colorado Plateau.” The NGS Forum was the first one. […]

US EPA talks Pollution Reduction at Navajo Generating Station

Greetings Relatives/Frens, I tried posting my latest video, “US EPA talks Pollution Reduction at NGS,” but it was too large. US EPA talks Pollution Reduction at NGS is an interivew I did with Colleen W. McKaughan, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Associate Director for the Air Division, on Nov. 12, 2013, at LeChee, Ariz., Chapter, […]

My comment to the U.S EPA on NGS BART

Greetings Relatives/Frens! I was going thru my posts from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s hearings on two options for Navajo Generating Station near Page, Ariz., to reduce its dangerous pollution and saw that this one didn’t get posted. It went into the Draft file. This post is towards the end of the Hearing at Pima […]

Insiders of Navjao Generating Station BART tell inside story

According to an Arizona Daily Sun news brief, the “inside” story of how an “historic agreement,” which is the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s accepted Best Available Retrofit Technology to reduce pollution at NGS that Salt River Project’s hand-picked Technical Working Group put together, was created will be told by the hand-picked TWG on Wednesday, Nov. […]

Navajo EPA: Support TWG

Ckitzens climate lobby, Sierra Club, Physcians for Social REsponsibility (Female, didn’t catch name) NGS emits huge amounts of pollution. Utilities buy wind cheaper than coal. only place that has more sun than we do is Aruba and Az cud get 26 percent solar. 25,000 acres of land sche 6,000 megawatt solar, 30,000 temp construction jobs. […]

It is job destruction to go with coal

TIMOTHY, TUCSON CITIZEN The ppple living near NGS are suffering for our cheap power and water. EPA support ur BART. We store this water in big resovoirs so CAP adaptable to solar. i’m retired and on social security and willing to pay higher rates cuz of true cost of coal. tonight we are not talking […]