
Dilkon, Ariz., Chapter Meeting, 9 am, 12.12.23

Ya’at’eeh Relatives/Frens/Humans, this is just a reminder that the Dilkon, Ariz., Chapter is having its monthly chapter meeting at in the Dilkon Administion Building starting at 9 am (DST) on Dec. 12, 2023. There are three chapter resolutions that will go before the Dilkon Chapter members and they are: 1. Supporting & Approving seven Dilkon […]

Changing Miss Navajo plan of operation, Nursing Homes Ombudsman on Navajo Health & Human Services Committee agenda, 10 am, 2.10.21

Ya’at’eeh Abini Relatives/Frens/Humans, the amending of the Miss Navajo Nation plan of operation is scheduled to go before the Navajo Nation Council Health, Education & Human Services Committee as a Report, as well as a Report on an Navajo Nation Ombudsman position for Nursing Homes by the Navajo Nation Department of Health. The HEHS Committee […]