
$220 million Bond/Loan heads to Navajo Council special session

DELEGATE DANNY SIMPSON Let’s forward this Legislation to Special Council Session so we will have all the appropriate administrators here to answer questions. And I ask for your guidance. SPEAKER NAIZE I understand your concerns and questions and Sponsor Benally said that her agents are not here today but that they wud be at the […]

Treat local rez businesses same as NTEC

NAABI CONTINUES DEBATING $220 MILLION BOND/LOAN DELEGATE WALTER PHELPS Challenge in my area is the ability of businesses to qualify for loans. Right now NFOIA is asking for RFPs and I know that Navajo Nation is member and I’d like to submit proposals. But there is question of qualifying for loan by providing security/collateral. Recently, […]

Naabi Debate: How pay back $220 million Bond/Loan

NAABI DEBATING $220 MILLION BOND/LOAN DELEGATE RUSSELL BEGAYE This proposed Bond/Loan is historic and I recall there was a recommendation to separate two bonds such as Convience stories and any other businesses. One wud be under fix fund and variable fund, which meant having two legislation for each of the bonds. And also the waiving […]

Naabi: $220 m Bond/Loan does not require Navajo Council action

Greetings Relatives/Frens, I’m here at the Navajo Council’s Naabiki’yati’ Committee where legislative staff read LEGISLATION 0213-13, THE $220 MILLION BOND/LOAN. Sponsor Council Delegate Katherine Benally is talking about the history of LEGISLATION 0213-13. She also notes that LEGISLATION 0213-13 does not require Council action, which means the buck stops here. I posted information about the […]

Navajo Council’s Resources & Development Committee at LeChee, Ariz.

Greetings Relatives/Frens, The Navajo Council’s Resources & Development Committee is meeting in LeChee, Ariz., tomorrow, Oct. 28, and Tuesday, Oct. 29. The Oct. 28 RDC proposed agenda lists only reports from tribal parks, including an overall report from Navajo Division of Natural Resources Director Fred White. But a committee member could ask for legislation to […]

Grazing Act political death

DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE WATCHMAN My brother says dept of ag has no guts. but dept of ag recommended to Resources & Development Committee to withdraw all grazing permits and start anew. RDC has that power. But RDC said it wanted to do that through legislation and this proposed Rangeland Improvement Act is to provide justification […]