
Council tables Legislation 0462-12

NAVAJO COUNCIL TABLES LEGISLATION 0462-12. SPEAKER NAIZE If you study legislation with all amendements then we can discuss tomorrow. GROANS from Council. “I thot we were suppose to be done today?” TABLING MOTION AT 1:35 PM 15 in favor, 6 opposed

Council confused?

NAVAJO COUNCIL STILL DEBATING LEGISLATION 0462-12 DELEGATE KATHERINE BENALLY I think there is some confusion regarding how language drafted, especially for District Grazing Committee members being removed by Council. I support amendment by Delegate Jonathan Hale. And i said earlier that I support legislation but under Paragraph 7 regarding Delegate Due Process, it conflicts with […]

Legal explanation of Legislation 0462-12

NAVAJO COUNCIL CONTINUES DEBATE OVER LEGISLATION 0462-12: LEGISLATIVE ATTORNEY RON HAVEN Candidates must understand and speak Navajo or English AND not read and write Navajo. On proposed AMENDMENT TO PAGE 5, 240(a), DELEGATE REFERENCE TO COUNCIL AND CHANGE TO ELECTION ADMINISTRATION. Advise against cuz removal of officials and giving Election Office authority to deal with […]

DELEGATE CURLEY: no teeth to proposed changes to qualifications

NAVAJO COUNCIL DEBATING LEGISLATION 0462-12. DELEGATE DANNY SIMPSON Page 6, Line 13: But line 19, page 6: Removal for office of elected officials, including Prez, Vice Prez, wud never come to Council. Nothing wud ever come to Council. DELEGATE LORENZO CURLEY The intent of law is to clarifiy? But it’s getting me more confused. I […]