
My comment to the U.S EPA on NGS BART

Greetings Relatives/Frens! I was going thru my posts from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s hearings on two options for Navajo Generating Station near Page, Ariz., to reduce its dangerous pollution and saw that this one didn’t get posted. It went into the Draft file. This post is towards the end of the Hearing at Pima […]

Navajo EPA: Support TWG

Ckitzens climate lobby, Sierra Club, Physcians for Social REsponsibility (Female, didn’t catch name) NGS emits huge amounts of pollution. Utilities buy wind cheaper than coal. only place that has more sun than we do is Aruba and Az cud get 26 percent solar. 25,000 acres of land sche 6,000 megawatt solar, 30,000 temp construction jobs. […]

It is job destruction to go with coal

TIMOTHY, TUCSON CITIZEN The ppple living near NGS are suffering for our cheap power and water. EPA support ur BART. We store this water in big resovoirs so CAP adaptable to solar. i’m retired and on social security and willing to pay higher rates cuz of true cost of coal. tonight we are not talking […]

NGS supporters shud move next to NGS

DOUG BLAN christina church and religou gruop responding to climate change. remember standing edge of Grand Canyon at 12 yrs. Anxious share Grand Canyon and awed by silence of Grand Canyon of 6 million. Gushed about canyon colors, carved by wind and water and Crator with artistic flair. Doubting sons said yeah right, we’ll beleive […]

NGS emissions definitely impacts health

EPA HEARING ON NGS BART, phoenix DR, THURSTON This is very much a health issue when talking BART. Medical researchers like myself shows adverse health impacts – asthma, pre mature deaths. Took modeling and how much wud go down, 75 percent emission reductions if apply EPA BART. What benefits? For Az, avoided 500 asthma attacks, […]

Az Rep Peterson: EPA don’t repeat Trail of Tears

WARREN PETERSON, STATE REP. Modern day of Trail of Tears. 1830s sent west on pain. EPA no decern benefit and ruin lives of hundreds of Navajos and thousands of Az pple. Lose 140 million jobs. First earth moving permit which was dust control and one page and thot ridiculous. Implementation complete waste of time and […]

Navajo Nation Attorney General Tsosie supports TWG BART

Greetings Relatives/Frens, I tried posting my video on Attorney General Harrison Tsosie telling U.S. Environmental Proection Agency that he supports the Technical Working Group’s Best Available Retrofit Technology for Navajo Generating Station to reduce pollution to improve visibility. But the video was too large and so I posted it on UTube. Here is the UTube […]

Speaker Naize feels sorry for Four Corners Power Plant

The press conference here at the Navajo Nation Upper Fruitland Chapter is over. The press conference was called by Navajo Nation Council Delegate LoRenzo Bates to reassure BHP mine workers that the Legislative Branch and Executive Branch are both working towards the purchase of the BHP coal mine, a coal supply agreement between BhP coal […]