
Droght, Feral Hores on Navajo Council Resources Committee agenda, 10 am, 7.15.20

RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE OF THE24th NAVAJO NATION COUNCILTeleconferencing RDC Regular MeetingJuly 15, 202010:00 A.M.AGENDA:TELECONFERENCE CALL NUMBER: (928)223-3944PRESIDING: Rickie Nez, ChairpersonThomas Walker, Jr., Vice-Chairperson Call Meeting to Order; Roll Call; Invocation; and Announcements;( ) Rickie Nez Location: ________( ) Wilson Stewart, Jr. Location: ________( ) Thomas Walker, Jr. Location: ________( ) Herman M. Daniels Location: ________( […]

COVID-19 temporarily halts Navajo feral horse program, 6.24.20

PRESS RELEASE – Delegates receive Department of Agriculture updates on Navajo Nation horse programs WINDOW ROCK, Ariz. — Members of the Resources and Development Committee (RDC) of the 24th Navajo Nation Council received reports June 24 from the Navajo Nation Department of Agriculture on horse programs facilitated through the Navajo Nation.The reports came at the request of […]