
Resources & Development Committee passes Waiver for Coal mine buy

Vote is 2 in favor, 2 opposed so Resources & Development Committee Vice Chairperson Roscoe Smith says that this matter is very serious and needs to move forward to Naa’bik’iyati Committee and Council so vote yes. FINAL VOTE BY RDC IS 3 in favor, 2 opposed which means that Legislation 0367-13 moves forward to Budget […]

NTEC: “Clean” coal is categorized as a renewable

Navajo Council continues debating $4.1 million for Navajo Transitional Energy Company, which the Council created to negotiate purchase of BHP Billiton coal mine. DELEGATE LEONARD TSOSIE Strike section 6 from legislation. (Section 6 deals with approving NTEC to go to Navajo Nation Investment Committee for approval of $36 million line of credit) VOTE 15 in […]

Navajo Council: Are coal revenues water to grow industrial seed

Navajo Council still debating $4.1 million for Navajo Transitional Energy Company which also includes authorizing NTEC to go to Investment Committee for approval of a $36 million line of credit to buy BHP Billiton coal mine. DELEGATE DWIGHT WITHERSPOON Other concept here, coming from community that complains about deals from major energy companies and getting […]

Prez Shelly: No veto of $4.1 m. for NTEC if Energy Policy approved

PRESS CONFERENCE ON NAVAJO NATION PURCHASE OF BHP BILLITON COAL MINE STARTS AT 11:12 AM AT THE UPPER FRUITLAND CHAPTER NAVAJO COUNCIL DELEGATE LORENZO BATES We’re here to find out if the Executive Branch and Legislative Branch are still together on the purchase of the BHP coal mine, which would provide revenue stream to the […]