
Naabik’iyati’ Committee called to order

SPEAKER NAIZE announced that Delegate Jonathan Nez lost his brother and that is why he is absent. Nez is also asking for donations to help with funeral costs. Naize also says that the prayer that was done this morning at the Council Caucus would remain for Naabik’iytati’ Committee and Special Council Session. Naize calls Naabi into […]

Navajo Speaker Naize: No questions on Legislation, Vote

Navajo Council Speaker Johnny Naize is calling out for attendance. The members of the Council’s Naabik’iyati’ Committee were in a CAUCUS at the Quality Inn, Window Rock, which is why they were not here in the Council chamber at 9 a.m. to begin their Naabi meeting. I don’t know what time they started their Caucus […]

Navajo Council CAUCUSES are another form of Closed Door meetings

Good Morning Relatives/Frens, I’m here at the Navajo Council chamber waiting for the Naabik’iyati Committee to begin. It was scheduled to begin at 9 a.m. And after the Naabi meeting, the Council is having a special session. As I was waiting I asked Council Delegate Leonard Tsosie why the Council was having Caucuses before the […]

Navajo Nation $220 million BOND/LOAN, $400 million Infrastructure Improvement Projects for Chapters

Greetings Relatives/Frens, The Navajo Nation Council is having a Special Session TOMORROW, Nov. 26, 2013, to take action on LEGISLATION 0213-13, which is the $220 MILLION BOND/LOAN to construct revenue generating projects and capital improvements projects across the Navajo Reservation. And before the Council Special Session, the Naabik’iyati’ Committee is meetings and among their agenda […]

Shiprock Chapter votes to Oppose waiver of all liabilities for BHP

SHIPROCK CHAPTER PRESIDENT DUANE “CHILI” YAZZIE: In this purchase of BHP Navajo Coal Mine, there is also a plan to use the Navajo Nation Permanent Trust Fund to buy BHP mine. And so remember, the Navajo people, us, have to approve that first. FEMALE COMMUNITY MEMBER: We should wait for correct language before voting. But […]

DEBATE over Objecting to BHP waiver of Liabilities

Debate begins over Shiprock Chapter President Duane “Chili” Yazzie’s proposed resolution for the Shiprock Chapter to Object to the Navajo Council’s approval of a waiver of liabilities for BHP in the purchase of BHP’s coal mine. SHIPROCK COMMUNITY MEMBER, SAMMY: A lot of people probably already think that the mine is already purchase. I’m concerned […]

Insiders of Navjao Generating Station BART tell inside story

According to an Arizona Daily Sun news brief, the “inside” story of how an “historic agreement,” which is the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s accepted Best Available Retrofit Technology to reduce pollution at NGS that Salt River Project’s hand-picked Technical Working Group put together, was created will be told by the hand-picked TWG on Wednesday, Nov. […]

Navajo Prez Shelly: Is Decentralization part of his re-election

The Navajo Nation Division of Community Development is hosting public meetings, not hearings, on proposed Decentralization plans at the Navajo Reservation’s five agencies all this week. The DCD is part of the Navajo Nation Executive Branch is headed by President Ben Shelly’s political appointee, Leonard Chee, who is also a former Navajo Council delegate and […]

Bessie L. Tsosie confirmed to Navajo Government Development Commission

The Naabi Comittee has adjourned but before adjourning and after their vote on the Healthy Dine’ Nation Act, they voted 8 in favor, 5 opposed to suspend their floor rules and go to Item (I), Legislation No. 0329-13: Relating to Naabik’iyati’ and Navajo Nation Council; Confirming the Nomination of Ms. Bessie L. Tsosie to the […]

Naabi votes 12 in favor, 6 opposed on Healthy Dine’ Nation Act

Naabi’s vote of 12 in favor, 6 opposed recommends approval by Navajo Council of Healthy Dine’ Nation Act. SPEAKER NAIZE We have been on legislation for over 2 hours. Two amendment: page 5, line 30, after trail and page 4, line 28, insert Sunset clause 2018 unless extended by Council VOTE ON HEALTHY DINE’ NATION […]