
Naabik’iyati Committee July 13 agenda includes Grand Canyon Escalade legislation

The Grand Canyon Escalade legislation has been on the agenda of the Navajo Nation Council’s Naabik’iyati Committee proposed agenda several times but each time, the sponsor of the controversial bill would ask that it be removed because the Escalade developers were unavailable. But recently, Navajo Nation Council Resources and Development Committee Vice Chairperson and Council […]

Escalade Project on Naabik’iyati Committee July 6 agenda

The Navajo Nation Council’s Naabik’iyati’ Committee is meeting Thursday, July 6, 2017, at 1 pm at the Department of Dine’ Education auditorium. The PROPOSED AGENDA OF THE NAABIK’IYATI COMMITTEE includes legislation on the Grand Canyon Escalade Project, which is LEGISLATION 0293-16: An Action Relating to Law and Order, Resources and Development, Budget and Finance, and Naabik’íyáti’ […]

National Georgraphic – Grand Canyon on the Precipice

Grand Canyon on the Precipice. Today the threats to the canyon’s future are “real and ongoing,” Uberuaga says. Despite a 2012 ban on new uranium mines on a million acres of public land around the park, the canyon’s waterways are still at risk of pollution from grandfathered mines and those on nearby state land, he […]

Navajo Council work session on RDC Subcommittee and URI, July 18, 2014.

NAVAJO COUNCIL NAABIK’IYATI COMMITTEE CONVENED AT 11:20 AM TODAY, JULY 10, 2014. DELEGATE LORENZO CURLEY July 22, Apache County Board of Supervisors meeting at Nahata Dziil Chapter to approve liquor license with George Ryan. I don’t know plan, concerning voice from Navajo Nation, but public has opportunity to speak. 10 a.m. Concern about legislation endorsing […]

National Park Service calls development plans a threat to Grand Canyon – Los Angeles Times

National Park Service calls development plans a threat to Grand Canyon – Los Angeles Times. It’s at the bottom that the conflict lies, as the Navajo contend that they have rights to property above the high-water mark of the rivers. Park officials say the Navajo are mistaken. Federal jurisdiction extends a quarter-mile on either side of the […]