
Navajo Council Health, Education, Human Services Comm special mtg, Human Resources Div., 6.5.23, Twin Arrows Resort & Casino

Greetings Relatives/Frens/Humans, I hope everyone is having a Most Wonderful Day. Just FYI, the Navajo Council Health, Education & Human Services Committee is have a Special Meeting at the Navajo government’s Twin Arrows Resort & Casino, which is about 15 miles east of Flagstaff, Ariz., and just off the interstate, on the north side. And […]

Navajo Council Speaker Curley picks standing Committee members, 1.27.23

Greetings Relatives/Frens/Humans, Navajo Nation Council Speaker Crystalyne Curley appointed the members of the Navajo Council’s four standing committees Friday, Jan. 27, 2023. Curley’s proposed selection of committee members is in Legislation 0005-23, which she dropped in the legislative process late Friday night to begin its mandated electronic posting on the Navajo Council website for public […]

Reports on Impact of COVID-19 Mutated Variant Strands on Navajo scheduled for Navajo Council Health, Education & Human Services Committee, 10 am, 8.27.21

PROPOSED AGENDA HEALTH, EDUCATION AND HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE 24th NAVAJO NATION COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING, August 27, 2021, 10 AMPRESIDING : Honorable Daniel E. Tso, ChairpersonHonorable Carl R. Slater, Vice-ChairpersonPLACE : Via Telecommunications: Call-In Number: 1-669-900-6833, MTG ID: 770 134 7869,Passcode: 86515, Window Rock, Ariz. Livestream will be available online at:VIMEO: Facebook: And […]

University of NM housing for Dine’ Students on Navajo Council Health, Education & Human Services Committee agenda, 10 am, 7.27.21

Greetings Relatives/Frens/Humans, the Navajo Council’s Health, Education & Human Services Committee is FINALLY addressing our Unsheltered Dine’ Students attending the University of NM in Albuquerque, after prez nez & vice prez lizer decided NOT TO RENEW & RE-FUND the UNM Rainforest Dorm, which was for Dine’ undergraduate & graduate students. Nez&lizer made a HUGE PUBLIC […]

Headstart Audits may require Closed Door Health, Education & Human Services Committee meeting, 10 am, 6.9.21

PROPOSED AGENDA HEALTH, EDUCATION AND HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE 24th NAVAJO NATION COUNCIL REGULAR MEETINGJune 9, 2021 10:00 AMPRESIDING : Honorable Daniel E. Tso, ChairpersonHonorable Carl R. Slater, Vice-ChairpersonPLACE : Via Telecommunications:Call-In Number: 1-669-900-6833 MTG ID: 979-985-0956Passcode: 86515Window Rock, Navajo Nation (AZ) [ ] Paul Begay, Jr. [ ] Charlaine Tso[ ] Pernell Halona [ ] […]

Delay Reopening of Schools legislation before Health, Education & Human Services Committee, 1 pm, 3.24.21

Greetings Relatives/Frens/Humans,The Navajo Nation Council Health, Education & Human Services Committee is scheduled to meet at the Shiprock Associate Schools Inc. (SASI), Shiprock, NMVia Telecommunications today, Wednesday, 3.24.21, starting at 10 am. There are two bills on the HEHS proposed agenda that deal with Delaying the Reopening of Schools. To attend the HEHS meeting via […]

What’s happening with Navajo govt Buildings? Health, Education & Human Services Committee, 10 am, 3.10.21

AGENDAHEALTH, EDUCATION AND HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE24th NAVAJO NATION COUNCIL Regular MeetingMarch 10, 2021 10:00 a.m.PRESIDING : Honorable Daniel E. Tso, ChairpersonHonorable Carl Roessel Slater, Vice-ChairpersonPLACE : Via Telecommunications –Call In Number: 1-669-900-6833 Mtg. ID: 979-985-0956Window Rock, Navajo Nation (Arizona) □ Paul Begay, Jr. □ Charlaine Tso□ Carl Roessel Slater □ Daniel E. Tso□ Pernell Halona […]