
Navajo Council fails to over-ride President Shelly’s veto of Junk Food Tax, but over-rides Shelly’s veto of no tax on certain healthy foods

Greetings Relatives/Frens/Humans, I’m reporting this because I noticed that the wrong Legislation was posted regarding the Junk Food Tax. And there was Council debate that was associated with Navajo Oil and Gas Company, instead of Junk Food Tax and eliminated of sales tax of certain healthy foods. And so here is the corrected post regarding […]

Proposed Shiprock, NM, Chapter resolution Objecting to BHP waiver

Shiprock President Duane “Chili” Yazzie is reading his legislation:”Stating an Objection to the Navajo Nation Council Approval to Grant BHP Mine’s a Waiver of All Liability in the BHP Navajo Mine Purchase by the Navajo Nation.” WHEREAS: The Shiprock Chapter of the Navajo Nation acts on this resolution pursuant to the authority conferred to the […]

Naabi debating Referendum for Healthy Dine’ Nation Act

Naabi debating amendments to Healthy Dine’ Nation Act DELEGATE JONATHAN NEZ Amendment for Healthy Dine’ Nation Act to become Referendum. DELEGATE DWIGHT WITHERSPOON Concerned that amendment takes from Council. DELEGATE NELSON BEGAYE If we are going to give to people as referendum then do little differently. Amendment by Delegate Leoanrd Tsosie and other amendments place […]

Add Sunset clause to Healthy Dine’ Nation Act

Naabi wrapping up debate on Healthy Dine’ Nation Act DELEGATE LEONARD TSOSIE Amendment: Put sunset clause so if not working and creating problems for small businesses then it expires on own. None of us against healthy Navajo Nation but many factors come into this such as running business off rez. See this with fast food […]

Amend Health Dine’ Nation Act, add swimming pools

Naabi continues Healthy Dine’ Nation Act debate DELEGATE DWIGHT WITHERSPOON If truly trying to impact behavior, studies recommend charge 15 percent. And I asked Department of Justice attorney Gomez to look up info, which shows taxes on alcohol and tobacco to impact behavior. In terms of whiskey in Az, $3 gallon. NM $6.06 gallon. Beer: […]

Let people vote on Healthy Dine’ Nation Act

Naabi still debating Healthy Dine’ Nation Act. DELEGATE JONATHAN NEZ We hear you, students. Hold your head up high. We shouldn’t let this discussion on how to live a healthy lifestyle die. This discussion generalizes Navajo people in a negative way. I heard that we are lazy, etc. But there are people living healthy lifestyles […]

Stretching a dollar by buying junk food

Naabi debating Healthy Dine’ Nation Act DELEGATE LEONARD PETE What we are talking about is the health of the nation – elders, youth, infants. If I was the owner of T&R, I wud cut price of soda, junk food by 50 percent to lure people into T&R. I wud set up store right off rez […]

Elder prefer spam and potatoes

Naabi continues debating LEGISLATION 0289-13. Five students from Navajo Preparatory School briefly spoke to the Naabi Committee in support of the proposed Healthy Dine’ Nation Act, which wud create a 2 percent tax on certain unhealthy foods. The tax revenues generated by Healthy Dine’ Nation Act wud be distributed among the chapters. DELEGATE MEL BEGAY […]

What happened to Healthy Dine’ Nation Act?

At Naabiki’yati’ Committee and a HUGE debate has erupted over the agenda. Delegate Danny Simpson asked to have his two pieces of legislation added to the agenda. And then he expressed strong concerns about why his legislation was removed not properly placed on the Naabi agenda especially since it went thru the legislative process. But […]