
Big Mountain residents under House Arrest

PRESS RELEASE: Breaking: Big Mountain Residents Under “House Arrest” as Livestock Confiscated Big Mountain, Ariz. (6-7-16) — Members of the Louise Benally’s family at Big Mountain are currently being detained inside their home while armed police forcibly take their livestock. Navajo Nation officials failed to notify Hopi Tribe about previous arrangements to move the livestock […]

Hopi government and U.S. Interior Department renew War on Navajo families

On Tuesday, Oct 22, 2014 the US Bureau of Indian Affairs launched a campaign intended to be the final solution to the long-standing Hopi-Navajo Land Dispute. The BIA and Hopi police have established barricades on roads leading to the Hopi Partition Land, and neither outsiders or residents are allowed to enter or leave. That according […]

Amending the “Final Settlement” of the forced relocation of Navajos and Hopis

Greetings Relatives/Frens/Humans, I’ve been hearing serious concerns about U.S. Congressional legislation, House Bill 5039. The title of HB 5039 is “To Make Technical Amendments to Public Law 93-531, and for Other Purposes.” P.L. 93-531 is the federal settlement of the so-called Navajo-Hopi-US Land Dispute. I say so-called because the history of the Navajo-Hopi-US Land Dispute […]

Any leasing of Navajo natural resources requires compliance with Navajo Energy Policy

HERE AT NAVAJO COUNCIL SPRING SESSION DAY 1. BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS MADE THEIR REPORT AND NOW COUNCIL DELEGATES COMMENTING ON AND ASKING QUESTIONS ON BIA REPORT. DELEGATE KATHERINE BENALLY resources and development committee is concerned about BIA approving fiber optic right-of-way going through Navajo land. That BIA action is illegal. And any leasing needs […]

VIDEO: Navajo EPA Director-My president authorized me

Greetings Relatives/Frens, It took most of the day but I finally finished Part 4, which is Navajo Environmental Protection Agency director Stephen Etsitty speaking at the Navajo Generating Station Forum at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff on Nov. 20, 2013. The transcript of Etsitty’s presentation, plus questions from audience members, especially Hopi and Navajo community […]

VIDEO: Salt River Project: Navajo could represent Hopi

Here is Part 3 of Navajo Generating Station Forum, which was held at Northern Arizona Museum, Flagstaff, on Nov. 20, 2013. The NAM also hosted the NGS Forum and among the forum speakers was Salt River Project director for environmental management and policy Kelly Baar, who was the first speaker. In her presentation about TWG’s […]

Navajo Generating Station Forum becomes People’s Forum

Greetings Relatives/Frens, I’ve been on the road – again. I traveled to Flagstaff, Ariz., for a very lively and entertaining forum on Navajo Generating Station on Nov. 20, 2013. Northern Arizona Museum hosted the forum, which is part of a series on “The Future of the Colorado Plateau.” The NGS Forum was the first one. […]

My comment to the U.S EPA on NGS BART

Greetings Relatives/Frens! I was going thru my posts from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s hearings on two options for Navajo Generating Station near Page, Ariz., to reduce its dangerous pollution and saw that this one didn’t get posted. It went into the Draft file. This post is towards the end of the Hearing at Pima […]

Navajo EPA: Support TWG

Ckitzens climate lobby, Sierra Club, Physcians for Social REsponsibility (Female, didn’t catch name) NGS emits huge amounts of pollution. Utilities buy wind cheaper than coal. only place that has more sun than we do is Aruba and Az cud get 26 percent solar. 25,000 acres of land sche 6,000 megawatt solar, 30,000 temp construction jobs. […]

It is job destruction to go with coal

TIMOTHY, TUCSON CITIZEN The ppple living near NGS are suffering for our cheap power and water. EPA support ur BART. We store this water in big resovoirs so CAP adaptable to solar. i’m retired and on social security and willing to pay higher rates cuz of true cost of coal. tonight we are not talking […]