
Navajo health advocates carrying smoke-free initiative petition

PRESS RELEASE – NAVAJO HEALTH ADVOCATES MOVING FORWARD WITH SMOKE-FREE INITIATIVE PETITION DRIVE Teesto, Arizona– “For the past 10 years we have been advocating for our leaders to pass a smoke-free policy that would protect our people from secondhand smoke exposure. We know secondhand smoke exposure causes heart disease, cancer, asthma and other diseases. Yet […]

Reduce signatures for Referendum to get at Permanent Trust Fund

NAVAJO COUNCIL TAKES UP ANOTHER LEGISLATION DEALING WITH INITIATIVE/REFERENDUM. THIS ONE WOULD REDUCE PERCENTAGE NEEDED FOR SIGNATURES TO FILE INITITIVE/REFERENDUM. DELEGATE TSOSIE Alrady loering chaper quorum and just rewarding bad practices. We shud encourage participation instead of reducing percentage. for those chapters with 1,000, there should 500 people voting on legislation. now election law changes […]