
Approved 25th Navajo Council Fall Session Agenda, Reports, Added Legislation,10.22.24

APPROVED AGENDA OF 25th NAVAJO NATION COUNCIL FALL SESSION, Oct 21 – 25, 2024, 10 AMNavajo Nation Council Chambers, Window Rock, Navajo Nation (AZ)Livestream will be available online on YouTube: Zoom Meeting: Number: (669) 900-6833Meeting ID: 928 871 7160Passcode: 86515PRESIDING: Honorable Crystalyne Curley, Speaker, 25th Navajo Council PROPOSED AGENDA OF THE 25th NAVAJO […]

Navajo Council calls Day-Long Work Session on Spending American Rescue Plan funds, 10 am, 3.29.21

Greetings Relatives/Frens/Humans,Once again Prez Nez & VP Lizer think they have the Best Plan to spend the Navajo Nation’s allocation of the 2021 American Rescue Plan, which is the second federal COVID-19 relief aid dollars. And so Nez-Lizer informed the Navajo Council in a March 25 letter to work with their Chief of Staff Paulsen […]

COVID19 pushes Navajo Judicial Branch to reduce staff, 3.17.20

PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, March 17, 2020 JUDICIAL BRANCH ALLOWING CERTAIN EMPLOYEES TO WORK FROM HOME OR TAKE ADMINISTRATIVE LEAVE Chief Justice JoAnn Jayne issued an administrative order today allowing certain Judicial Branch employees to telecommute, or work from home, and for others to take administrative leave if they cannot work from home. The […]