
Two Horseback Rides headed to Navajo Council Summer Session

Greetings Relatives/Frens/Humans, I received this notice about a Four Directions Horseback Trailride that is starting today, July 14, and will end at the Navajo Council chambers in Window Rock, Ariz., on July 21, which is The first day of the five-day Navajo Council Summer Session. It should be very interesting because the Navajo Council and […]

Navajo Nation Grazing Act or Rangeland Improvement Act?

NAVAJO NATION COUNCIL’S RESOURCES & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE CONVENES IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER, WINDOW ROCK, ARZ. RDC VICE CHAIRPERSON ROSCOE SMITH ASKS IF COMMITTEE MEMBERS HAVE ANNOUCEMENTS: DELEGATE LEONARD TSOSIE Many of the chapters, housing and other public facilities were constructed in flood plains. Ned report on flooding. Mention that RDC was government entity that demanded […]