
Nez&Lizer: “Frequently Asked Questions for Navajo Nation Hardship Assistance,” 1.6.22

The Navajo Nation Office of the President and Vice President issued a “Frequently Asked Questions for Navajo Nation Hardship Assistance” information sheet at 5:32 p.m., 1.6.22. The OPVP stated, “Resolution CD-61-21: On December 30, 2021, Navajo Nation President Jonathan Nez and Vice President Myron Lizer signed Resolution CD-61-21 which was approved by the Navajo Nation […]

Update on Navajo Govt Hardship Assistance, Navajo Council Budget & Finance Committee meeting, 10 am, 8.3.21

Greetings Relatives/Frens/Humans, an Update on Navajo Nation HARDSHIP ASSISTANCE PROGRAM by Acting Navajo Nation Controller Elizabeth Begay is on Resources & Development Committee, 10 am, 8.3.21. To attend the BFC meeting Via Teleconference: 669 900-6833, Zoom meeting ID: 232 628 2566. Please MUTE your phones. Ahe’hee!The BFC meeting is being Live Streamed at:… PROPOSED AGENDA […]

Navajo Hardship Program Reopens for Two Groups of Applicants Only, Two Deadlines 7.31.21 & 9.30.21

PRESS RELEASE, NAVAJO NATION OFFICE OF PRESIDENT & VICE PRESIDENT – (July 11, 2021) Job fairs scheduled to hire temporary workers and summer students to assist with the second phase of the CARES Act Hardship Program WINDOW ROCK, Ariz. – The Navajo Nation Office of the Controller will host three job fairs this week to […]

93,226 more Navajos; total enrolled Navajos about 400,000, 4.21.21

PRESS RELEASE – Navajo Nation enrolled population increases to 399,494 thanks to Navajo CARES Act Hardship Assistance Program WINDOW ROCK, Ariz. — The Navajo Nation Office of the Controller reports the Navajo CARES Act Hardship Assistance Program has drastically helped to increase the total enrolled population of the Navajo Nation from 306,268 to 399,494 Navajo […]

30,000 More Navajo Hardship Checks to be issued this week, 3.9.21

CONTROLLER’S PRESS RELEASE – More than 200,000 checks for Navajo CARES Act Hardship Assistance Program mailed, text messages continue to be sent to applicants WINDOW ROCK, Ariz. — The Navajo Nation Office of the Controller reports there are 293,000 individual applicants for the Navajo CARES Act Hardship Assistance Program and more than 112,000 checks have […]

Navajo Hardship Application Portal Opens, 6 am, 11.2.20

Navajo Nation Council Press Release – NAVAJO NATION CARES FUND HARDSHIP ASSISTANCE PROGRAM ANNOUNCEMENT (10/30/2020)WINDOW ROCK, Ariz. – The Navajo Nation CARES Fund Hardship Assistance Program provides direct emergency financial support to enrolled Navajo tribal members who have experienced negative impacts resulting from the coronavirus pandemic. APPLICATION PERIODNOVEMBER 2-30, 2020 TWO WAYS TO APPLYOnlineAccess the […]

Navajo Hardship Assistance Application APPROVED, 10.15.20

Greetings Relatives/Frens/Humans! The Navajo Council Budget & Finance Committee unanimously approved the eligibility criteria, application and approval process for Hardship Assistance today, Oct. 15. The B&F Committee made three minor changes to Legislation 0251-20, which sought final approval from the Budget and Finance Committee of the Hardship assistance eligibility criteria, application, and approval process, before […]